Comments on: Happiness rising: out of a world of conflict and noise Wed, 19 Oct 2016 00:41:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Oliver K. Manuel Wed, 19 Oct 2016 00:41:00 +0000 Thanks, Jon, for using your talents to benefit society.

Happiness rises out of a world of conflict and noise because world leaders have no control over human destiny.

By: Joy Tue, 18 Oct 2016 16:58:53 +0000 Jon, thank you!!! Daily now, I enter into a dialog with myself about the first-priority importance of re-awakening my imagination in a silence and stillness that steps away from the cacophony of the world-gone-mad around me. At the moment, I am still commuting on a train and working a meaningless job in the bleakness of urban-downtown, and I quietly observe the effects of profound and miserable Matrix-sleep in crowds of beings moving about in their daze. Ironic as it seems, given my name, I have to convince myself daily that not only do I have the right to pursue Joy, but even more, I have a responsibility to be Joy! Thanks to your many gifts, I finally have the means to open that door!

By: NK Tue, 18 Oct 2016 15:23:00 +0000 Down the rabbit hole again
Nice to see all the familiar faces
Physics Phil sketching the photon-fractal-universe
Behind him,
Cougars and tigers pacing their restless, beautiful, silken, can I pet them?
Knots, levers, spoons and forks mark the clock-works
Let’s open the biggest, iron, kartwheel door
My new best friend kneels by a fire and lights a candle
Whispering to a marmoset
Lift up, away from the artillery,
Blow through the vents
Don’t look back, climb the stairs to the atrium
braided bloodlines, hurling into the heartmeal
dip a foot, go ahead, though the valve
Wake Up

By: wulfgarwarlord Tue, 18 Oct 2016 15:08:21 +0000 Hi jon:I read your blogs daily.I really wish you would look at the flat earth facts presented by Eric dubay on youtube.this presentation (s) totally shows that NASA is a fake and there for exposing the matrix of the free masons and the jesuits.these secret societies and many more are being exposed at a geometric rate,as humanity wakes up.thanks for every truth you follow.
