Comments on: Preparing a mind for logic Sat, 22 Oct 2016 08:53:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lord Windemere Sat, 22 Oct 2016 08:53:05 +0000 True. Some people just look up equations to use without understanding what they mean. For example, the production rate of estrogen has been calculated thus:

Production rate = plasma concentration x MCR

Where the Metabolic Clearance Rate is determined by infusing subjects with high dose estrogen for hours. Using this method, the estimated estrogen production rate in men is ~140 ug/day. This seem high to me, and I think that production rate for a hormone should be measured thus:

production rate = elimination rate

And I spent hours compiling data and converting units to arrive at a figure of ~25 ug/day. This is for both elimination routes and has been corroborated by more than three studies.

During my search, I found an interesting little comment hidden deep in an article from the 70’s that said: “infusion rate equals plasma concentration times metabolic clearance rate [estrone].” The equation for this is:

Infusion rate = plasma concentration x MCR

This is identical to the production rate equation!!! Duh. They aren’t calculating the production rate at all, but merely restating the infusion rate!

They want us to think that the concentration of estrogen in dairy products can’t effect our hormones, so they overestimate the endogenous daily production rate with an unphysiologically sound and illogical method.

One liter of modern cow’s milk [pregnant cow] has about 1 ug of estrogens. There are studies from Japan that show that this can effect our plasma and urinary estrogen levels. Normal men have a plasma concentration of about 20 nanograms per liter.

The concentration of pregnant cow’s milk can be 50 times higher than a male’s plasma concentration.

By: mrcamillon Wed, 19 Oct 2016 21:38:10 +0000 The education in America is lame. When my youngest daughter told me she could not understand multiplication. I told her 3×3 is the same as 3+3+3. They are both 9. I was told with out any terms I could not teach my child math in such away. This is what is wrong with an education in America. Everyone does learn the same way. A good teacher will give you a solution for a problem that is the same. Like 2+2 is the same as 3+1.

By: MA in MO Wed, 19 Oct 2016 20:25:21 +0000 This is so true — “This introduces the student to firmly grounded procedures, which he practices over and over” — however now they start students in the first grade trying to teach them subjective material, is / or, this or maybe this, and students simply cannot comprehend the material. They do not have a foundation to base decisions on and they definitely do not have the maturity or experience to ascertain the best decision or course of action. May the Lord have mercy.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Wed, 19 Oct 2016 19:05:36 +0000 Thank you for posting the importance of logic in education. Unfortunately, you also have to be a detective to figure out what information is being withheld by government and its research agencies. It is, for example, easy to obtain quantitative information from federal research agencies on the percent (%) change over a typical solar cycle in:

a.) TSI (total solar irradiance)
b.) The cosmic ray flux on Earth
c.) The O/Fe ratio in the photosphere
d.) The 20Ne/22Ne ratio in the solar wind

Why are federal research agencies so willing to provide quantitative information on (a), but not on (b), (c) and (d)?

The answer may be found in an aborted 2004 UC-Berkley study of more than 1,000 solar-type stars during periods of inactivity, like the Maunder minimum from 1645 until 1714:

The study was aborted when they discovered the stars are “rich in metals like iron and nickel,” “They are not in a temporary maunder Minimum, but a permanent one. They’re dead,” Marcy said.

By: El Coleccionista Hipnótico Wed, 19 Oct 2016 18:42:45 +0000 Logic is necessary to understand and comprehend the world. Nice post
