Comments on: Globalism: the monster in the Presidential campaign Sat, 29 Oct 2016 13:00:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: johnbarleycorn12 Sat, 29 Oct 2016 13:00:39 +0000 Right on the mark.

By: n3angus Sun, 23 Oct 2016 15:25:58 +0000 FBI Director Comey has got to go he is blatantly covering up for Hillary Clinton​ !!!!!! Here is the PROOF !!!!!!!

Here is Hillary saying at the 2 : 37 mark she has “A lot of Experience handling Classified Information “ , and FBI Director Comey based his Reason for not Indicting Hillary solely on Her lack of understanding what she was doing to have intentionally committed a crime by using the unsecured Server !!!!!!!!!

And then there is this …..
Well, well, well — once again we find that if anyone is connected to the Kremlin and Russia, it’s Clinton and her cronies.

By: jjsanto1962 Sun, 23 Oct 2016 10:10:44 +0000 Politics is a religion. It infantilizes the follower so that he/she cannot develop the capacity to become self responsible, to think for one’s self.
The elitists created political institutions ( it was not a farmer or laborer ) so they know well the effect on the “rabble” it holds.
You are right in your assertions. Soros, Clinton, Sanders, Trump are all scum.

By: bob klinck Sun, 23 Oct 2016 07:12:08 +0000 Knowledge without action is like faith without works: i.e., futile. Exaggerated competition is what is causing the overseas relocation of the industrial base of developed countries. Industrial efficiency is wonderful, except that it reduces the flow of buying power to the community in the form of wages. The only way to counter this effect and allow domestic production to be bought is to provide a supplementary flow of income to the citizenry, preferably in the form of a regular, universal dividend. This is a better solution than distributing income by conducting an unending series of wars.

By: David Sun, 23 Oct 2016 01:55:31 +0000 NESARA NOW! This is GREAT NEWS and it’s quietly getting done to completion! ????????????

By: Dickard Sat, 22 Oct 2016 12:20:44 +0000 Attention Trump sycophants. Soros=scum, Hitlery=scum, Bernie =scum, Trump=scum…
almost every president since 1919 = Freemasonic, double talking, Zionist, sellout scum.

This whole presidential election is lots of talk that will yield the same result, the dismantling of the U.S. . It’s planned, and barring a miracle, this country will fall apart. Enjoy the waste of time continuing the new idiocracy.

By: Dickard Sat, 22 Oct 2016 12:07:01 +0000 You presume much. I don’t have a political party, nor do I vote for Zionist scum (all candidates). I’m opting out because by voting for one of these losers is essentially a vote for Globalism. Your hero is controlled opposition…or the greatest anerican hero. Enjoy the show.

By: Dickard Sat, 22 Oct 2016 12:00:34 +0000 System failure, Zionists at every turn(Hitlery, Donnie,Bernie,etc.)good luck with that freemasonic orange face painting (orange=33)turd. Remember all that talk of CHANGE with Barry? I will not vote for this inclination of turd and douche. Also no need to correct me on “democracy”, we all know it’s not applicable to call this anything but mind controlled, sheep filled soft slavery, that sadly most seem to enjoy.

By: Brad Smith Sat, 22 Oct 2016 02:08:51 +0000 Hillary is exactly the wrong person at the wrong time (for them). She is too openly corrupt. If Trump doesn’t win it will be a lost opportunity to salvage what is left of the country (might be too late anyway). If Hillary gets in and we are not blown to hell with her recklessness, she will likely be the last of the globalists anyway. She is too openly corrupt and the internet is too open to hide this. Economically we are history. The center cannot hold and it’s coming to an end sooner with her than anyone else. What form the upcoming collapse will take is anyone’s guess, will she take us down with her? That’s the biggest question if you ask me.

My advice; buckle up tight, we are in for one wild ride.

By: The Third Eye Awakens Fri, 21 Oct 2016 19:02:56 +0000 Terri
you are the words of wisdom in this whole Mess! I want you guys to see this world and what you never hear about.
Yes Clinton represents the Rothschilds and Transhumanism.
Those same Trillion and Billionaires that are trying to live forever!

Terri you correct it is an abomination on the Divine Feminist. Something we have fallen so far from over the last 10,000 years.

I don’t care what you guys know or think you know about the world and who is running it over the US. But you need to know one thing!

That is The plan to flood African Rats in the US and Europe and push Sharia Law!

And it is Trump that will stop this! It is Trump that will get rid of these Rats. Everything else, doesn’t matter till the Rats are cleaned out.

These aren’t Muslims of Iran these are Male 30 something Rats brought into cull the European Blood line.

George Soros under the Rothschilds is behind most of the money being poured into this Horrible Plan! It’s as if the Destruction of Rome happening all over again. Destruction of the Mystery School Secrets and The Divine Arts.

Good Ladies and Sirs.
