Comments on: Official reality is psychotic; you are not. Tue, 25 Oct 2016 02:36:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sabell Tue, 25 Oct 2016 02:36:02 +0000 I’ve often cringed when the ‘new age’ moguls I like to call muggles, start speaking of ‘we’ as if “‘we’ the all”, have the same thoughts on things, and the ‘new age’ alternatively, unwittingly or wittingly, scheme, plot, or collaborate to program ‘us’ all to be a ‘we’ that believes, thinks, and acts with the same company-mind – a New Alternative (grabbing a current term, controlling and bastardizing it into a box’d concept). I absolutely odeio/hate this particular ‘we’. In speaking this ‘we’, it silences and forces the individual to conform to an idea that is completely corralled, suffocating and false.

The ‘we’ that is agreed upon for social activities and for coming together as a group to create something fun, interesting, beautiful, and/or necessary (such as food storage, and general preparations that are necessary for a thriving community) together; that ‘we’ is fine and well understood to be a productive part of working together as a whole, as a tribe – working together in community, in communion. This is a healthy ‘we’. The individual is supported and thrives within this kind of ‘we’ that nurtures and encourages creative time alone as well as creative time ‘with’, bringing the individual’s talents in for the ‘we’ to appreciate – the inner child in all of us who is alive and is naturally compelled to learn and share discoveries and dreams.

The ‘we’ that “ass-umes” (for ’tis no better than fart-fumed air to ass-ume) all to be the same, or “should’s” all to be of the same mind, is the ‘we’ that is more ‘misery loves company’, a pit to fall into. It is not productive and is against the flow of creativity, imagination, health, balance, and the ability for the individual to thrive. When the individual is ignored and blended into a ‘we’, stagnation and d-Con-struction is imminent leaving the rat in the race thirsting for much more than this – “Is there not more than this?” while slowly dying/d-Con-structing/anti-coagulating/separating/bleeding out from that kind of ‘we’ society; inevitably cycling back into an individual breaking out of the ‘we’ hive mind – a death of sorts = the metaphorical ‘d-Con’ – a ‘con’ in constructing a ‘we’ society; a possible irony; yet, still a breakdown as the iron that pleads, “Y can’t I be an I?” rusts off in the pooled to stagnate ‘we’-water pond becoming its own ? of “What’s truly true?” igniting curiosity and individual thought. This forced/co-erced into compliance ‘we’ seems never to truly function. This ‘we’ eventually dies off as its fallacies crumble to exposure.

When there is an agenda of corralling the mind into a pool of thoughts, that is where I say F**k Off!!! I am not a fook’n sheeple (to use the common adage in the current running through ‘our’ society’s culling). I do believe the 1’s, the individuals who stand out, are being separated from the herd mentality naturally, and what seems to be sometimes ‘forced’ – possibly a societal program; but, I do believe it is a natural occurrence to standing out apart from the mind control that is so comfortably accepted by the herd. The individual mind naturally stands out, yet is a necessary part that must be appreciated. If there are no more 1’s, the binary resolves to zero, nothing, no 1. In that case, I am not too concerned since “I” won’t exist in that zero society… and the tangents break off and speak to themselves creating multiple scenarios and situations as the 1/the I’s open more and more doors to different realities and so on and so forth creating eternal possibilities…

By: Sabell Tue, 25 Oct 2016 00:52:48 +0000 Hi Sunshine, If this were my dream – it would seem the dream was in a way trying to provoke anxiety, maybe in an attempt to bring attention to the “we” thing, to bring about contemplation on the matter of “we”. Exactly! Who is this We? I’ve always cringed at the mere mention of it since I believe strongly in individuality, creativity, praising that in others, and imagination is crucial to building new realities outside of this “we” box.

By: Ivan K. Sun, 23 Oct 2016 17:33:17 +0000 Collero: “Most people today believe that an individual is a person with an independent and distinct identification. This, however, is a myth.”

Jon Rappoport: Really? The historical record shows that a great struggle had been waged, over many centuries, for the liberation of the individual from the WE, the mass, the monolithic group. ……

The historical record tends to function like a Rorschach test. In my view of the record, such a struggle is always waged. It doesn’t negate the fact that people are also very social creatures, very dependent on external influence for our development as individuals.

The records of mind control show that the inherent powers of the individual to resist external influence fail to meet the expectations.

And, it’s fairly obvious how the notion of the individual as superior over the collective creates a dangerous kind of complacence. It is, for that reason, a tool of manipulators. And it’s promoted by the mass media: how individualistic we are, how clever we are, look at today’s liberties, look at the foolishness of past times.

Collero: “… an individual is a person with an independent and distinct identification. This, however, is a myth.”

Jon Rappoport: “Really?”

I think the answer is ‘Yes,’ and here’s why I think so:
“Myth” has basically two meanings:

1. ‘fiction’, implying non-existence and falsehood

It is true in this sense, because human beings raised without presence of other humans develop as feral children, rather than Tarzans.

2. a poetry of a kind that is deeply tied to our inner lives, gives us the power of inspiration, enabling us to grow and develop

No. 2 was ignored by Collero.

By: Terri Sun, 23 Oct 2016 04:16:59 +0000 Greg, Life is a grand, mysterious puzzle, isn’t it. So many people are afraid to delve into it. Osho who teaches zen, is also one of my favorite people. Even though he left this world, courtesy of the cia, i still feel his spirit, and his lectures and foundation still teach and guide so many people around the world. He speaks a lot about the importance of the individual and was considered a threat to governments all over the world just for speaking about things!

You are right,humans dont know better, they are indoctrinated into a system before they can question or fight back, so i have learned to have compassion instead of anger and choose to be grateful that i have taken this opportunity to be free and done the work so my children wont have to go thru this and they can be free and happy. We have such a challenge to not only reject and let go of what we were taught but to then practice something totally new. My heart has guided me and shown me how. Once you come out the other side and feel this freedom, you cant put words to it and everything changes for the better. “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” – Friederich Nietzsche

I had to do alot of EFT, which i still do and ho’oponopono to heal and release the old programming. Be proud you dont fit in! I think J Krishnamurti sums it up well “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Ayn Rand has alot of good things to say, and she says “Men have been taught that it is a virtue to agree with others. But the creator is the man who disagrees. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to swim with the current. But the creator is the man who goes against the current. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to stand together. But the creator is the man who stands alone.”
Blessings, peace and joy 🙂

By: Greg C. Sat, 22 Oct 2016 14:00:45 +0000 Thanks Terri. For me, Gatto represents a huge piece of the puzzle of why people are the way they are. (Reading Rappoport was essential to fitting in this piece.) Gatto explains after all these years, why I felt so sickened by college that I dropped out, and sickened by working as a human resource, where the bosses played the same old game that goes on in schools – divide and conquer, alienate and control. Now I see more clearly than ever, that if you can’t fit in to this society, that’s a sign that something is still alive in you. Again, thanks for the links.

By: artemisix Sat, 22 Oct 2016 13:30:24 +0000 Laurel canyon peeps was very mediocre music……..unless bowie or T rex or a real innovator was there. Maybe Hendrix? The Eagles were mediocre…the doors, more marketing than innovation…..

By: artemisix Sat, 22 Oct 2016 13:26:58 +0000 The Jesus and Titus theory? I would like to look that up, are they two separate theories or just one?

By: artemisix Sat, 22 Oct 2016 13:23:47 +0000 Ha! well writ!

By: jtremaine Sat, 22 Oct 2016 07:17:29 +0000 What me worry ?

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 22 Oct 2016 05:10:48 +0000 Great stuff, Jon

Every word “resonates” with me. However, I do see the psychosis of humanity too….

“People that claim they are “open-minded” simply do not tell the truth. Belief systems are formed in the earliest developmental stages of life and, when set; each rehearsed dogma needs a battle to be disbelieved. Our core beliefs are usually so strong they will remain valid even when believers are convinced otherwise. “Oh, they told me UFO’s were real but I knew that wasn’t true” is your typical reverse validation. Deep down, if the message doesn’t fit it won’t fit no matter what. Therefore, I have one paragraph to capture the imaginations of an audience……”

