Comments on: The surpassing power of imagination Tue, 25 Oct 2016 15:37:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan OConnor Tue, 25 Oct 2016 15:37:57 +0000 Thank you Cynthia for this revealing info…much appreciated…great article Jon…many thanks.

By: TheBloggingLeprechaun Mon, 24 Oct 2016 20:37:47 +0000 Fantastic read.

By: Sabell Mon, 24 Oct 2016 04:34:34 +0000 Thank you for the reminder Jon! My favourite exerpts: With imagination, one can solve a problem. More importantly, one can skip ahead of the problem and render it null and void.  What do you want to imagine?  You can steer that boat anywhere you want to. You can build worlds.


By: Cynthia Brush-Pires Sun, 23 Oct 2016 02:11:13 +0000 This message is for Jon Rappoport

Hi Jon,

My daughter was Vaccine damaged by the MMR.
We are indeed living in a matrix. I am a dowser. I am also a clearer. Everything is stored in our field. With the work I developed, I clear virus codes, codes of detrimental bacteria, detrimental holograms, miasms and their corresponding illness patterns (which are located in the meridian channels), detrimental chromosome programming, etc.A person with Lyme’s Disease always has codes of Detrimental bacteria of the Spirochetes group in their field. It is difficult to get rid of a disease when you have directives for it.

I do this clearing work by using a systematic intention technique which I had privately published in a book for practitioners that I have sold by word of mouth. I (or anyone) can access information from the morphogenetic field of a person. I have presented a number of times for the American Society of Dowsers at their National conventions.

Imagination is foreign to me. I always wished I had an imagination. I used to be bothered by not being to make up stories or do original pieces of art (but I can duplicate what is in front of me perfectly in drawing or painting) I don’t now, however. I know that to do the work that I do it just takes observation and detective work.

I look forward to exploring your imagination exercises. I would like to manifest having a center to work on children. You see like my daughter who was vaccine damaged by the MMR, many children end up with codes of sub-viral agents such as viriods, satellites, spongiform and encephalopathies (Prions) in their DNA and Regressive Autism Miasms. The Russian scientists have proven that our DNA can be altered by language. I can send you the research.

In elementary school, my daughter was diagnosed as mentally impaired! Now she is in her first year in college. In high school, they retested her as we requested and while she has still a learning disability, she received high honors and scholarships. This was due not only to clearing work, my husband’s healing work, and a closely monitored diet, she understood the violation of what happened to her and she has worked hard to overcome it.

There is a way to help these children who have been damaged. I lack the imagination to manifest the monetary abundance for a center. I am hopeful we can gain insight from your exercises to make this happen.

BTW, if you are coming down with symptoms of a cold, you will generally have Virus Codes from the Group IV (+)ssRNA Virus family. If you clear the codes, the symptoms go away. So if nothing else, this technique clears the common cold!

I have seen you on various alternative media discussions. You are always right on target. I will order your book when I am able.
Many blessings in all that you do. ~Cynthia
