Comments on: Will Hillary’s body double be the next President? (fiction) Sun, 30 May 2021 17:51:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bleep Bloop Sun, 30 May 2021 17:51:53 +0000 Here’s the Hillary deal.

Ms. Rodham grew up daughter of Hugh.

Hugh was a ganster in the Chicago Capone mob.

Saul Alinski was a gansta in the Capone Gang too – and a Commie.

Hill cottoned to Saul.

Then she got Marxized at Wellesley College.

She & Saul fully twisted her
yet impressionable mind
in Commie doctrine and –

Poof: she gawn.

Fer good.

Then she started dalliance with
Commie Bill Clinton at Yale.

Then the Stevens Bros. had Larry Nichols vet Bill for public office.

Why? So they could control him.

Larry confirmed Willy was a sociopath, sexual predator,
so Jack & Witt Stevens said,

‘Boom. Thay id is,

Slick is our boy.’

Hill was along for the ride,
literally wearing her Communist Party Membership ID card
around her neck on a dog tag chain, with John Lennon shades,
at the Little Rock Society parties.

Now you can’t make this stuff up.

Dare ya ta try.

Pree soon the Stevens realize
it’s a ‘two-fer’ with Slick & Hill –

They both without an eternal clue.

Then Ol’ Hill works a racket
through the Rose Law Firm
to make applications for grants
to the Arkansas Development
Finance Authority (ADFA).

Hill then gets pregnant after dalliance with Rose Law parter
Web Hubbell – (he’s a big offensive lineman, and Bill’s plumbing is deformed to one side and unable
to reach the inner vitals,
or even really work.)

So you have Chelsea.

Thus, she gawn, from the git go.

Hill then gets all Stevie Nicksish
and literally jets off every month
to go out ta LA for a witch’s coven.

Hill’s witch name is Drusilla.



Bill gets wild with the underage
teen girls in the Guv’nah’s
guest cottage with the cocaine,
booze, his Bro Roger, and
Dan Lassiter – who brokers
the ADFA loans to the Cronies,
never to be repaid.

“Course the $50,000 fee goes to
Hill for the paperwork and the Clinton’s get their cut on all
kinda deals across the fruited
plains & reservations.

So you have the Native American’s
Remains Repatriation Act (NARRA).

That seals the Indian Federal Dole

This is one fashion in which the Bush/Stevens ‘guns for drugs racket’

‘The Enterprise’,

is laundering it’s tens of billions
in cash receipts.

Ollie North took care of much of it.

He becomes NRA President.

Hill naturally wants her cut.

So Larry Nichols writes the
“’86 Plan” – in 1986.

Bill will serve two terms as
US President, then Hill two terms,
during which time, Slick will be
US Ambassador to UN.

Within six months Slick becomes
UN Secretary General and there it is

– the Most Powerful Couple
in the World.

One World, Banker controlled
Collective Achieved.

Meanwhile, Hill works her own rackets with a crew of Marxized
lesbians, including her bedmate
Kristine Marcy who stood up
the Senior Executive Service (SES)
for Commie Prez Jimmy Carter.


Boom – end of Federal bureaucracy.

‘Course, you know the rest…
pay for play US Sec. State,
Benghazi lambs led to slaughter,
Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Saudi and other rackets,
including international money laundering through Cananada
Clinton-Guistra Foundation
(there’s your Russian Oligarches),
selling Loral Missile Guidance &
Los Alamos Cray super computers,
with hard drives still intact
to the Chi Coms, while over
the years a list of about 90 dead
people stack up, including their
own US Sec. Commerce Ron Brown
with a neat .45 cal hole punched into the top of his head, persecution of Slick’s sexual victims (them what yet had their upper lips remaining) & all the rest.

That Hill…I tell ya she a
piece of work, up in heeyah.


Word on the street is,
she already been excised like
McCain & Deddy Bush – through
Military Tribunal down GITMO way.

Could be, we might could be

surprise surprise surprised,

come July August, but don’t be
holdin’ ur breath er sumthin’.



Carry on.


By: marblenecltr Sun, 06 Nov 2016 13:18:37 +0000 Hooray for Hollywood!

By: poppylavender Tue, 25 Oct 2016 15:00:24 +0000 Great post.. will share..

By: J Galt Tue, 25 Oct 2016 09:32:45 +0000 Amazing!

And as the film states if that’s available to the Proles then “They” will have access to ten times better.

By: Gigi Mon, 24 Oct 2016 18:58:11 +0000 Hillary body doubles are not out of the question at all…See below..
Hillary “Rubberhead” Clinton – The Key to Her Ever-Changing Appearance?

By: eddie Mon, 24 Oct 2016 16:36:25 +0000 bueno, thats good in spanish. well said if we dont want immigrants coming over we should not destroy their economy.thank you.

By: SSdavis Mon, 24 Oct 2016 15:49:16 +0000 There she goes again. Our Lady of Soros , the Matron Saint of the jesuit/CFR/ UN/Vatican New World Odor isn’t pretty enough to reveal her frog face to the multitudes. Swamp soldiers who respond to their blinking APP maps directing them to collect their $20 at the protest program of the day are pollywogs with social network skills.

By: Greg C. Mon, 24 Oct 2016 14:13:58 +0000 Makes you think, how is it that Hillary and her supporters are “all in” to the point of never questioning anything about her, unlike the double in your story? The double may look like Hillary, but she has one fatal flaw: she still has a conscience. That would eventually give her away. The frozen smug expression would melt from the heat of the truth.

By: J Galt Mon, 24 Oct 2016 10:33:52 +0000 Poor Dorothy….err Hillary…

Who’d have thought that ISIS would be able to penetrate such tight security!

No doubt the fiends had Russian help.

Wasn’t it great that Michelle was able to step into the breach?

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 24 Oct 2016 04:36:19 +0000 Beautifully constructed, Jon.

However, I would have liked to have seen it go the other way, truer to reality, where “real” Clinton might seem a blessing after her “Manchurian candidate” is prepared.

She does gain a couple of mentions in my latest article, which also gives you a [link] plug. Some might consider my information “fiction” as it is so different to anything that might be encountered elsewhere, but the fantasy world we live in has made truth almost unrecognisable.

A man of your supreme cognisance Jon, I feel sure will “see it”…

