Comments on: My work with private clients: shapes of the expanded mind Thu, 27 Oct 2016 03:56:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sabell Thu, 27 Oct 2016 03:56:50 +0000 I always thought that was a weird statement as well Joy, the “here and now” thing. How can we not be here now? Of course we are. Our thoughts body is automatically in the here and now, so why all the fuss about ‘focusing’ on it? Thoughts can go where they may, so why should we lock ourselves into a loop of where we already are? And now I’m saying ‘we’… because it lumps people together and locks them into a ‘we’ “here and now” indefinitely awaiting instructions… Silly group mindlessness. I’m always happiest, most passionate and full of creative flow when I imagine things into being, which inevitably always happens in a forward, future movement.

By: From Québec Wed, 26 Oct 2016 21:24:07 +0000 Trump believes in individual power, imagination and creativity to fix things and create a new future. He is a true visionary.

You must listen to his speech today, Jon. He thinks just like you.

Start listening at: 1.36.06

Donald J. Trump & Ivanka Trump Grand Opening Of The Trump International Hotel 10/26/2016 HD

By: Joy Tue, 25 Oct 2016 20:51:44 +0000 “The mind, at its peak, is ALWAYS ABOUT THE FUTURE.”

Jon, I have been chewing on this sentence since I first read your post this morning. It took me several hours to finally pinpoint what was disturbing me. Since I began engaging in so much work with Imagination, without realizing it was so, I was projecting myself into anything BUT the present “here and now.” Yes, I am projecting from where I am standing in the here and now, but that is not “where” Imagination is happening or going…not by any means! Then it hit me, and I am mad as hell!

How much of my life have I spent in following so-called paths to enlightenment or raising consciousness that demanded I must ALWAYS remain in the “here and now”…be rooted in it? In this moment, something I thought was substantial in my life is now cracking and falling away, exposing something raw and unseen before, and shaking my world to its roots…yet one more time.

Could it be…could it possibly be…that this was yet one more way that the Matrix not only kept me blind and chasing my own tail, but far worse, that it was how I co-conspired to keep Imagination locked in a cage?! Most certainly, this must be a part of the grand conspiracy to keep us small, limited, and contained!

