Comments on: Matrix logic and Real logic Fri, 04 Nov 2016 17:55:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Fri, 04 Nov 2016 17:55:04 +0000 A society crumbles when the very soul and integrity of its citizens ceases to exist. There is not a government in creation which will satisfy a citizenry devoid of virtue or critical thought. When a society chooses moral relativism over truth, it devolves and eventually self destructs. History has proven this time and time again.

Samuel Adams said: “Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. He therefore is the truest friend of the liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue.”

Patrick Henry stated that: “A vitiated [impure] state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom.”

By: Lulu Sun, 30 Oct 2016 03:24:54 +0000 From the time I was in love with Spok, watching the first stat trek episodes back in the early 70ties I just knew that logic was the key to practical resolve. There is no question nor debate necessary concerning logic as all actions and outcomes are metaphysically and reactionary logical results.
There has never been anyone really special from the array of inventors, philosophers and revolutionary philanthropists that were the heroes and icons of intelligence that did not stand on their own or could prove their logic to be correct. There are no multiple outcomes when it comes to physical logical process as it should only allow for the most effective, least time consuming and priority orientated results. The individual usually chosen for such tasks has never been a group thinker. There is no real argument for the group think theories as these would only apply in a world of disarray where the team effort would secure the survival of the species. I have never lost an argument in my live as I cannot even think anything that is not logically interpreted. In fact I have looked down on most people as they are no longer special, they seem like a bunch of indoctrinated sheep. The worth of a person depends logically speaking on his IQ and his independence as this provides direct proof of his genealogy and good breeding, after all I am really proud of my all so intellectual forefathers, a lot of them really stuck out of the crowd regarding their intellectual abilities, this is what good memories and pride are all about. As the human species differs vastly in looks and characteristics it would be going against the grain of nature to make us all the same, the answers here are quite logical and are not up for debate. I have been fighting for logical thinking all my life and therefor was able to literally predict all outcomes of scenarios through logical
( sequential ) dot connecting, this is only possible by remaining outside the box. Even though I have worked in the formal medical industry I was able to really change things around me including keeping a certain popularity by simply proving that I had mathematically speaking always the better solution. It takes a bit of effort standing on your own feet but it was never a problem for me as I do not need the approval of anyone once I am convinced as really 99% of people are just not qualified to make decisions. Just look at the total absence of class and intelligence in our leaders today, they cannot even give a free speech. Do you rally think that this is not proof of the absence of originality and intelligence? There are only very few people born leaders and to become one you have to dismiss most of what the world has to offer as these perks are not really important, are they? The aim here is that the more you know the less you need. It is anyway high time to move away from consumerism with its planned obsolescence, this is what made them rich and the controllers of our world in the first place. Don’t let them ! Read the old philosophers, now there is a start, I did that in my teenage years.

By: Kathy Sat, 29 Oct 2016 09:28:55 +0000 This was in a 10th graders class room lesson book, this was the question:
Imagine that you work for a human microchip company. The president has given you an oppurtunity to make a televised
speech to the nation. What would you say to persuade people to get a microchip?

By: Blake Conley Thu, 27 Oct 2016 17:03:06 +0000 Jon, I saw an amazing documentary yesterday (just recently released on DVD) entitled “Under the Sun”. I found it to be simultaneously fascinating & horrifying. The Russian who directed it was given permission to film in North Korea – but, guides/handlers decided on the trajectory of the story they wanted him to film (supposedly of a family encountering actual/normal life circumstances but, in fact, it was all scripted and an utter fraud). What the not-so-tech-savvy North Koreans did not know is that it is possible to film WITHOUT the red light on. As such, the director managed to obtain a lot of footage illuminating the fraudulence – not only of the scenarios/people he was filming – but of the society at large. One witnesses (while squirming) enforced conformity, the ubiquitous obligatory rote participation of leader worship, an incredible dumbing-down of seemingly an entire populace (although they do have concentration camps and mass executions, so some residual individuals must not be playing along with the Program) and a general ambiance of unspoken despair.
It is all very sad to watch – especially in light of the degree to which American society has already capitulated to its own possible version of such a hive-society.

By: Patricia Thu, 27 Oct 2016 16:46:59 +0000 The Borg will be overcome and we will not assimilate!

By: Greg C. Thu, 27 Oct 2016 14:25:51 +0000 I teach piano, and I have noticed that when my students return to school in the fall, they regress – they don’t know what they want to do. What would you like to play first today? “I don’t know.” How about such-and-such? “I guess.” They are as vague as a cloud. In the summer, they have no problem making decisions. But when school is open, they can’t make any decisions without being around their group. They don’t know where to focus – on their hands, the page, they keys – they are off in limbo. Much of the time spent in lessons is getting them to focus where they need to.

Of course, the best students are home-schooled, hands down. They have their own ideas. They know what they like and are aware of what they are doing. They notice things all by themselves. They are not passive learners.

By: Prescott Thu, 27 Oct 2016 12:45:05 +0000 As a student instructor for an introductory finance course, I’m on the front lines of the war on rational thought. It’s getting bad, real bad, and the Common Core Kids are still gestating in the pipeline.

What you don’t touch on here is the attention span factor. The constant technological stimulation is even worse than the poisonous ideals that have been propagated in their minds. Now, the average attention span is 8.25 seconds, less than a goldfishes’ 9 second attention span.

Hyper-exposure to screens, information, and media is bringing in a “Brave New World” type of mindset, where not only are the ideas wrong, but people barely have the capability to create a coherent train of thought. The majority of students I see today are mindlessly scrolling through news feeds, media zombies who only consume more and more.

Thankfully, I’ve been able to realize how my attention span has been destroyed. Jon’s ability to delve so deeply into these topics and conduct a thorough analysis really inspires me. My worldview and knowledge are based on a lot of assumptions, generalizations, and prejudices that I really can’t give specific details about because I’m too scattered to read articles, instead jumping from tab to tab consuming bite-sized tidbits of data.

A week ago I downgraded from my smart phone and cut off all screens after 8 p.m. It’s helped a lot, and at least I’m getting better, hopefully my peers will catch on eventually.

As long as you’re getting better, you’re not getting worse.

By: n3angus Thu, 27 Oct 2016 06:12:06 +0000 ************ATTENTION SHARE THIS FAR AND WIDE *************

Why General John Allen is Being Promoted In Commercials For Hillary Clinton…

Posted on October 26, 2016 by sundance

If you had any idea the scope of the people who don’t want this information out it would blow your mind. We have shared this information before, however if you have family in a battleground state where the John Allen commercial is being run on TV share this information.
