Comments on: Power Outside The Matrix: inserting your space and time into physical reality Tue, 01 Nov 2016 09:34:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: choodly Tue, 01 Nov 2016 09:34:09 +0000 Dear Jon,

I would like to express my uttermost gratitude for giving me and all your other readers the opportunity to see that there are other realities. That we ourselves have it in ourselves to bring these realities to life and to expression. That that in itself is the liberation every human being needs to be able to live a life in abundance.

I have listened to Exit from the Matrix and Power Outside the Matrix both one time so far and started listening both for the second time not too long ago. This time i can really get in in to the exercises. Its a pleasure listening to you giving these lessons and exercises and i cannot really give a value to it money wise, but its worth way more than the $ 125 i have paid for it.

Once more, thank you so much Jon

Kind regards


By: Lea Sun, 30 Oct 2016 21:32:55 +0000 Jon Rappoport.

I look forward to all of your intelligent, important and factual essays and the intelligent responses from your many readers.
While the world endures the presidential candidates “debates”, (no more than scripted shit slinging), North Americans have to worry about whether wearing a clown costume , scary or not, will have them visited by law enforcement.

Another very real and scary prospect, is the word police up here in Canada.
Mr. Rappoport, I implore you to check this out as it may affect your ability to communicate with some Canadians.

Professor Jordan Peterson is standing up for free speech.
Bill-C-16 has the potential make hate crimes via language use all the more possible due to demands by certain interest groups who insist upon being referred to as “Them”, “Zim” and “Zir” just a few of the 40 plus pronoun examples up for possible mandated use.
Many students have rallied against Dr. Peterson, a tenured professor and psychologist at the University of Toronto, going so far as to try to silence him on campus during his speech for free speech with the use of white noise.
He does however, have many supporters.

Thanks for all the important news.
It takes a person with clear vision to write about the truth.
Thank you.
Lea Rosier
