Comments on: Biggest Election Fraud In History Discovered In The United States Sun, 17 Dec 2017 17:44:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dale Ruff Sun, 17 Dec 2017 17:44:01 +0000 In addition, the Constitution (written by slave owners to ensure their control of the new nation) institutionalizes rigged elections, whereby the Electoral College (538 party hacks) can overturn the majority vote of the people and install the loser as President. 700 attempts to repeal or change (to make representative of the vote) this slave-era tool of the slave-owning class (10 of first 12 Presidents owned slaves) but the 2/3 barrier prevents it since one or the other party benefits from it. In this new century, of 3 Presidents, 2 lost the popular vote (consent of the governed, and equality of votes, being the requirements of legitimate rule, according to our founding document, the Declaration of Independence) but gained power.

History shows that those who gain power after losing the public vote lead their nations to disaster, from Hitler and Mussolini to Bush II and now Trump. Jefferson wrote that when Majority Rule is ignored, the result is “military despotism,” as those who rule without consent cannot lead with the tailwind of popular support but can only rule with lies, threats, and violence/wars.

So for all the dirty tricks used to rig elections (the most effective of which is allowing private money to buy elections), the root rigging is established by the Constitution, for the express purpose of building a firewall against democratic rule. The result: first, a slave-owning oligarchy ruled; then when slavery was abolished, the banks and dominant corporations took control. Today, we are ruled by a plutocracy, which in its modern form is what Mussolini called corporatocracy, or corporate fascism, as when the corporations either control or sit in the seats of state power. I am just expanding our your insight.

By: Leslie Johnson Sun, 17 Dec 2017 13:14:57 +0000 I don’t now why we are still ‘outraged’ that “Russia hacked our elections”. We hack our own elections. That became clear in Florida in 2000…cuz it was necessary to have Bush in the WH so the 9/11 fiasco could go through to fruition and we would have a (bogus) reason to go to war. System called Crosscheck, google it, was used to strike legal voters off the voting lists. It’s still being used. Our country officially sucks, sorry to say.

By: Dale Ruff Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:30:13 +0000 Paul Craig Roberts and and others reading about election fraud, which is mainly connected to Republicans, and calling it voter fraud and claiming that the claim that there is no voter fraud (all but zero) is a Hillary story. No, it is a Bush story, since his 5 yr effort to find voter fraud found 85 cases in 5 years (over a hundred million votes).

Other studies found the same results.

Voter fraud, NO! Those making such claims are lying. Election fraud, Yes….this nothing to do with voters or impersonation.

“Inviting Bush supporters to a fund-raiser, the host wrote, ”I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.” No surprise there. But Walden O’Dell — who says that he wasn’t talking about his business operations — happens to be the chief executive of Diebold Inc., whose touch-screen voting machines are in increasingly widespread use across the United States.

For example, Georgia — where Republicans scored spectacular upset victories in the 2002 midterm elections — relies exclusively on Diebold machines. To be clear, though there were many anomalies in that 2002 vote, there is no evidence that the machines miscounted. But there is also no evidence that the machines counted correctly. You see, Diebold machines leave no paper trail.” Diebold has changed its name, as companies that are guilty of misbehavior often do. For example, Standard Oil, which sold oil in WWII to US military and Nazis, changed, after the Santa Barbara oil spill and Valdez, to Exxon.

As Thoreau wrote in Walden: ““I say, beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes.”

Voter suppression laws in over 20 Republicans states also are a form of top down election fraud, with purge lists that deny voting rights, making voter very difficult and expensive, etc.

And last of all, the greatest rigging of all is the Electoral College, once justified to pass the Constitution (small pop states have 4 times the voting power as large), and of the last 3 Presidents, two had the fewest votes and won by the way the Electoral College misrepresents the voting public, by giving some votes (which are Republican in rural/conservative states) the will of the People.

I hate HRC but I hate lies even more. She won the popular vote, despite Republican efforts to suppress the vote, but the People were denied their consent (the basis of legitimacy and impossible with minority rule) through a devise designed to keep the slave owners who wrote the Constitution (95%) in power in the new central government.

This is the systemic fraud which is embedded in the Constitution. The Electoral College is to de democracy what chattels were to the slave owners, but the idiots who are claiming that HRC rigged the election through voter fraud are mum on how they actually won, through Republican voter suppression and the denial of the majority vote through the Electoral College.

Hillary of course did commit fraud but it was against the guy that all polls showed crushing Trump in a landslide, the 75 yr old Jewish democratic socialist from Vermont. Karma. Now the Trump supports, seeing has hired the old Bush war team and put Wall St in charge, as Bush did, will meet their karma, as Trump betrays every promise he has made to pander to the people that in 1999 he called “morons (ie those who are not rich) and makes fools of intellectual frauds like Paul Craig Roberts who prates about voter fraud, tho there is all but none.

By: Rainouart Mon, 14 Nov 2016 02:58:26 +0000 SamAdamsGhost, Rush Limbaugh also received that visit. If you have been paying any attention to his day-to-day election coverage, voting fraud is conspicuous by its absence. (He may have mentioned it in passing once or twice when Trump brought it up, but that was just to comment on Trump, not on fraud.) Even when callers bring the issue up in detail, he ignores that particular point or else switches out another explanation without explain why he switched explanations. It’s a lot like Michael Savage being threatened with blackout when he started talking about Hitler-y’s health. Ever since then he hasn’t mentioned it.

By: SamAdamsGhost Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:33:31 +0000 I understand the point you’re making. Though I would say those with a true sense of self, (rather than false ego infation), do not have the need to impress others or go along with them uncritically. – – We’ve all around a loud mouth braggart/show off . They don’ have strong egos, – but are extremely insecure. Such people are easily manipulated.

By: Richard Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:17:38 +0000 Anyone trained to manipulate and control people will tell you that more often than not the stronger your ego the easier it is for someone to predict and control your behavior.

By: Taxi Steve Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:27:45 +0000

By: lobdillj Sun, 06 Nov 2016 15:34:07 +0000 The kind of boss that would demand proof of an employee’s vote is hardly the kind of person who would worry about breaking the law.

By: Marko Sun, 06 Nov 2016 12:27:07 +0000 That boss would be breaking the law in demanding to know how the person voted. I see no reason why a person shouldn’t be able to confirm that their vote was recorded as cast , as long as it could be done anonymously and on a secure platform.

Google knows how virtually everyone in the country votes right now. We’ve already sacrificed any real privacy about our vote , along with nearly every other aspect of our lives.

By: terryl2014 Sun, 06 Nov 2016 10:09:20 +0000 The only trustworthy voting system is paper ballots with a simple checkbox beside each candidate in which you draw an “X” from corner to corner beside the chosen name(s).

The ballots are then folded and placed in a ballot box in front of scrutineers for the various parties and at the end of the day counted by the returning officer and verified by the scrutineers chosen by the parties. In Canada a counterfoil tab is torn off each ballot before being placed in the locked metal ballot box. The number of ballots in the box should match the number of counterfoils. Spoiled or dubious ballots are set aside to be considered later in case of a close vote. All ballots are saved for potential recount if the result is within 10 percent.

Some countries like Russia take this one step father by using a transparent plexiglass ballot box so everybody can see it is empty at the beginning of voting, and watch each folded ballot being dropped into the box to make sure only one ballot was dropped. The ballot boxes are about a metre (3 feet) high so the falling ballot is clearly visible as a single ballot. Webcams are posted in the polling stations and looking at the ballot boxes so anyone can monitor their local polling station from their computer. The ballot boxes are laid down on a table under webcams at the end of the day and the ballots pulled out, opened, and counted under the webcams by the poll clerk and checked by the scrutineers.

This is the way the regional government in Crimea held their referendum to succeed from Ukraine and re-unify with Russia, and also the way the regional governments in the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces in eastern Ukraine held their succession and Independence votes, all with live webcams and international observers. I was able to watch the voting and count in various polling stations from Canada via the internet.

All voting machines are at best questionable, and electronic voting easily falsified. Which is probably exactly what Congress and the Senate had in mind when they approved it.
