Comments on: The globalization of media: a failing strike force Tue, 24 Jan 2017 06:05:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Trump Declares War on the Ruling Elite Tue, 24 Jan 2017 06:05:08 +0000

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 01 Nov 2016 04:12:53 +0000 There is a “problem in general”, Jon, which was caused by the whole corporate Media mess.

People are parasites. The pulmonary (partly), endocrine and limbic systems are evidence of our reptilian (Ciakar) heritage and, rather interestingly, our bodies can make a choice of devoting blood supply to “fight/flight” or “logic” (cerebral cortex – legacy of Atlantis/Lemeria and so on).

Look at the propaganda-of-sorts constantly reverberating through your comments section. Loaded rhetoric, rarely “fair”, that skews arguments in favour of the “proactive” (our case).

The danger I see with the “mainstream” is at the peripherals. It is not what the broadcaster says, but implies that counts to “intelligent” people. Therefore some of Assange’s, Ed Snowdon’s, dare I say, even Alex Jones’ “suggestions” are ‘borrowed’ regularly from time to time, I’m sure. People then join the dots and say….”oh, the mainstream isn’t so bad”. Everything’s there if “you read between the lines”, which could not be further from the truth, because Assange, Ed Snowdon, and dare I say, even Alex Jones displace information too.

Bumbling fools will always bumble, but when the bright and best do that too, WE’RE DONE!!!!!


By: From Québec Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:46:45 +0000 This is the kind of MSM information that I would like to see on the TV. screen:

In this 3 minute video, Trump talks about Huma Abedin, and Anthony Weiner.

Trump is a straight shooter and very funny

Trump on Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton; 8-28-2015

By: lordwindemere Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:38:38 +0000 Thanks Kurt.

Great article. I haven’t really given this paradigm much thought; but i have seen evidence of profiling online. Look at the YouTube video recommendations; they are personalized. They want you to watch certain videos, and will lay them gently at your doorstep. Some of them are misinformation.

Amazon will profile you in an innocuous capitalistic way. Not really troublesome. They show advertisements for things you are likely to be interested in.

PS I just read a cool Jon Rappoport acticle about his interview with Ellis Medavoy; an HIV propagandist. Very interesting stuff!

By: Kurt Tue, 01 Nov 2016 00:47:31 +0000 Great article. The problem is that many (most?) alternative news outlets have been infiltrated by the same globalists that dominate mainstream media. When I see expensive operations with dozens of monitors, high tech equipment, many employees, huge servers, etc. a red flag comes up (Alex Jones, RT Network, Vice TV, The Lip TV, etc.). What is the source of funding for these huge operations? Be careful out there.

By: Peter Moline Mon, 31 Oct 2016 21:16:41 +0000 Watching the MSM collapse is such fun. How about we give the alt news people a raise in status if not in money and re-brand it ‘Ta,tata, ta’ The Independent News!!! Much better, after all it is no longer the alt news it has become the main stream independent news. Make it happen.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 31 Oct 2016 20:27:14 +0000 Nothing brings all the little internet bubbles together, like being in a big sink together doing the dirty laundry.

…when a fire starts you work at it until you put it out.
You go home tire and burnt, black-faced and smelling like smoke.

And then the next day you find, there are now ten fires to put out, and only eight in the day. You work overtime and put all the fires out. You go home and collapse, exhausted.

And then the next, the goddam fire has spread and now there is a thousand fires blazing and still only eight hours to put them out. You hire some help, some people to help you put out the fires.

And then the next day…the internet has evolved, and now everybody’s starting fires, as soon as you put them out. An low and behold, there is still only eight hours in the day… Lol.

“Internet Info Wars” coming to a PC or gadget near you, starring everybody and nobody.

God bless Pierre Teilhard de Chardin , the modern Gallileo, the patron saint of the Internet and the Noosphere. What great ideas that little fellow had; and the church tried to shame him…

All together now…


Who’s sorry now
Who’s sorry now
Who’s heart is aching for breaking each vow
Who’s sad and blue
Who’s crying too
Just like I cried over you

Right to the end
Just like a friend
I tried to warn you somehow
You had your way
Now you must pay
I’m glad that you’re sorry now

“Cosmogenesis” and “The Phenomenon of Man” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

By: Patricia Mon, 31 Oct 2016 17:24:34 +0000 It is a proven fact that porn desensitizes; the more extreme the porn becomes, the more extreme porn the viewer requires. The media uses this same con and control to manipulate the readers. The question is, how independently do the readers assess the “news of the day” i.e., how many taxed-to-death readers have the inclination to dig deeper, root for the truth?

A lover of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s writing and not wanting to be another Zelda, I decided to become a journalism student. I wrote a parody of marriage which still tends to make me smile. My teacher, who could robotically fill three chalk boards with rhetoric as he marched, marked my published parody with words to this effect: this person is currently undergoing divorce proceedings. At the time I was mortified (lot younger then) as if he was trying to rubber stamp my article as worthless and prejudiced. It wasn’t, it was harsh but humorous and my window to the world that I wanted to share.

Anyone born with a love of the written word has a sharing nature, might be shy, but has a generous nature. The obtuse obfuscation that proliferates today is thanks to editors and owners who have no guts, who are con artists. I’m hoping alt media might start to flourish after this horrific election and we give Donald Trump the opportunity to say, you’re fired.

By: n3angus Mon, 31 Oct 2016 16:19:03 +0000 ******ATTENTION********TRUMP has to get all over this ,because this morning with Hillary pounding the airways with Trump Nuclear Threat , I think TRUMP CAN Counter with this !!!!!

In 2016 even Zbig Brzezinski understands a concept obvious to every other nation – the multi-polar world. i.e., that the US can no longer ‘own’ the planet earth, bomb countries at will or win a war against Russia. Even Mr. Brzezinski advises forging ties with Russia and China, implicitly admitting that his “grand chessboard” scheme was fatally flawed. Russia experts, notably Stephan Cohen, agree that taunting Russia with NATO (read US) missile bases pressed against Russia’s borders is foolish in the extreme.

Donald Trump has questioned the point of NATO in a post-Soviet world, the need for 800 US military bases abroad, the gross failures of US intervention in the Mideast and the Ukraine – and Russia expert Stephen Cohen agrees with his doubts. Instead of giving his arguments the serious consideration they merit, US MSM mocks him as a Putin lover. Admittedly Trump’s understanding of foreign policy is muddled and founded in his personal biases. He thinks war is bad for business – but at least he thinks war is bad.

As foreign policy expert Jeffrey Taylor commented recently, “The Obama administration is setting the stage for endless confrontation, and possibly even war, with Russia, and with no public debate.”

By: n3angus Mon, 31 Oct 2016 16:18:38 +0000 *********ATTENTION*********FBI PRAISED********
FBI Agents were in HAZMAT SUITS while investigating Weiners Laptop !!!!!!!
David Goldberg Tweet …..×1024.png
Comey Praises Brave F.B.I. Agents Who Had to Touch Anthony Weiner’s Computer
