Comments on: Exit From The Matrix Wed, 02 Nov 2016 14:59:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joy Wed, 02 Nov 2016 14:59:22 +0000 Dan, I started with “Exit from the Matrix,” because I, too, believed I knew a great deal about the Matrix. This is where you will find the heart of Jon’s materials in all of the Imagination exercises…the way out of the Matrix…and I am very glad I started there. I ended up getting the other two collections, also, and I am very glad that I did. What he reveals in “The Matrix Revealed” is constantly knocking me off my chair, so to speak. “Power Outside the Matrix” turns out to be crucial for me to have, also. The great thing about having all three collections is being able to move around, following my intuition. Rest assured, Jon has been VERY generous in the amount and range of what he is sharing with us, and I suspect he is on a mission to help as many of us as possible wake up as quickly as possible.

By: Dan Tue, 01 Nov 2016 22:53:30 +0000 Does anyone know which of the 3 MATRIX programs offered by JR to select first? If it’s any help, I have no trust of mainstream media and view alt media almost exclusively, I’m well aware of much of the PsyOps and propaganda being used against us on a regular basis, be it the false flag operations most recently in 2016, or the lies regarding 911, JFK’s murder… etc EXIT FROM THE MATRIX especially peaks my interest. Any suggestions?? Thanks

By: Joy Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:41:10 +0000 Jon, I’m working with your Imagination exercises and materials every day, and yet it has been a wrestling match with something or someone who seems invisible that I haven’t been able to get past. (More than once, I have said I am wrestling with some dark angel.) Finally, today, in reading a transcript of one your conversations with Jack True in your collection, “The Matrix Revealed,” Jack’s words hit the nail on the head for me!

“…There is going to be a wrestling match, because the person has had his head in the Earth game for a long time. It’s good that the wrestling happens. The wrestling is the person coming to terms with all the changes. He is wrestling with himself, with his old ideas, with his old habits, with his old limitations. If he really wants to arrive, to get past the Earth game, he’ll turn out fine. but it takes a commitment. You can’t have it both ways.”

We are all in this wrestling match that grows in intensity each day now, and I am so grateful to you and to your dear friend Jack True for forging the path ahead of us!
