Comments on: Election fraud: beware of early network projections next Tuesday Thu, 05 Nov 2020 16:54:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christopher Pearson Fri, 04 Nov 2016 15:07:13 +0000 Inverse invective speak is a portrait of HRC “Talking Points” showing how most of Hillary’s constituency talks. It’s mind boggling! Totally non sequitur evasive gibberish and innuendo. They are seemingly all apt pupils of Hillary’s School of Public Speaking. Utterly empty mad like inverted crazy talk. This is the Hillary Obama speak – hypocritical doublespeak – libtard speak – retarded speak – useless speak. The truth and any factual discussion are anathema to HRC! Is this the mentally we want to see habituated in the White House? Or for another 4 more years of such psycho-pathological nonsense? It’s said “She is that toxic!” Lying is what a pathological liar does best…. One wonders where her arrogant confidence is coming from when her obvious position is logically null and void – leading to a supposition that the whole election process is in fact rigged for her to “win” based on a fraudulent vote and if she does “win” there could be no other explanation for it.

By: Kerry Bindon (@KerryBindon) Thu, 03 Nov 2016 21:32:08 +0000 Dont give up……Its not a soap box brother its the living truth gear up let people know their food and water is poisoned…I think the the tap root of this evil is the way corporations have been allowed to rule the world none says boo any more hardly what is needed is a new age hero like Jack and his beanstalk aka Trump to climb up and defeat the Giant Corpse sic, we have to win this battle or all life will vanish.

By: Kerry Bindon (@KerryBindon) Thu, 03 Nov 2016 21:25:48 +0000 Dont give up we are fighting for the very life of the earth here if the food and water is mass tainted then we have every right to revolt against this evil and nefarious rule. GMO’s are creating the massive obesity epidemic that seems to have no known cause

By: Kerry Bindon (@KerryBindon) Thu, 03 Nov 2016 21:22:33 +0000 This is a bigger scam and scandal to rival Clinton Bush Obama’s Crimes the mass dosing of human food for life with fake food aka GMO,s wondered why every one is so fat? well GMO fake food inflames the gut an inflamed gut creates obesity the whole body now inflamed and no body can stop it why not…the power of corporations to control all aspects of life its our own fault it couldn’t happen if we didn’t acquiesce. I am a triple yogi master and quality life extension expert and ex sweet tooth addict sick of being sick………it took ages to realise that nothing I bought prepared outside was healthy it was full of GMO product from the wheat to oil to the sweetener. we need to eat organic fresh fruit and vegetable and meat once a year like they used to in Ancient Aegypt when they worshiped Apis the Sacred Bull who they fattened for a year then sacrificed for a feast that we now try to have tree times a day no wonder everyone you see on the bus or in the street is ugly fat and weak…..

By: From Québec Thu, 03 Nov 2016 04:52:26 +0000 He did.

By: Theodore Thu, 03 Nov 2016 04:17:42 +0000 follow up:

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 03 Nov 2016 01:31:25 +0000 Call me dumb, Jon, and I very briefly scan comments so I may have missed the answer “under my nose”, but, given Trump has so much to lose, why hasn’t he tendered a vote of no confidence in the voting process?


By: voza0db Wed, 02 Nov 2016 23:49:56 +0000

It would be fun if in fact these were the final results!

By: From Québec Wed, 02 Nov 2016 22:54:51 +0000 Roger Stone And Trump Are Being Sued By The DNC In Five States

By: isabellkgabriel Wed, 02 Nov 2016 22:27:57 +0000 Thanks again Jon for all the work you do to bring so much to light. I followed this one and I’m pretty sure my vote was “lost” in the bucket of 18,000, or maybe even in the uncounted “voluntary” stash that was so easily and largely ignored just as the Texas Director of Elections Keith Ingram is ignoring and has repeatedly ignored questions and requests for answers on WTF is going on? in his community with our voting system.

I followed prop 37 and witnessed exactly what you are speaking of/writing of above. I even asked people in my community (Napa County, Sonoma County, Lake County, Marin County, and Solano County) where I traveled and worked at the time; people in regular communities, not the “organic” collectives or “conscious” communities as they like to be called, but the “regular” or “normal” people as they are referred to now, who shop at Safeway and “regular” or “normal” supermarkets (these indications are always humorous to me since it seems so arrogant to refer to anyone like this as the “conscious” communities do who are “aware” and “awake”, but these distinctions nevertheless have veracity to them). So, I asked these people what they thought of “organic” or “nonGMO” or whether it’s important to “know” what’s in their food, whether they read the labels or care about genetic engineering of food. I asked them matter of fact without leading anyone anywhere and the consensus was largely in favour of knowing. People actually care what’s in their food even when they buy chips and soda. In fact, most people cared when it had to do with “snack” type foods which I thought was interesting. The reasoning behind this was that they believed “snack” foods were bad for them and wanted to make sure they were as less bad as possible. When buying so called “healthy” foods, most people didn’t look to see where a vegetable or fruit was grown since they assumed veggies and fruits in their “whole” form were just naturally healthy. It was only when they bought “snacky” foods that they actually wanted to know. Of course most reading this will know it matters where and how foods are grown regardless of whether in “whole” form or combined in a package. The genetic engineering of food didn’t seem to register, but the contents of food made cents/sense, and for some reason people tended to focus on organic as the issue with prop 37 rather than GEF. Either way, most people in all communities wanted to know and still want to know what’s in their food and were and still are largely in favour of prop 37. It’s evident corruption engineered the downfall of prop 37. And Shame on Whole Foods (which I now cal WTF! Foods) for recently overturning the disclosure of their GEF labeling on their own food brands!

So, when I watched the BS come down on CA with all this above, I began the work of completely removing myself from the system (it was the last straw for me). Knowing the system is controlled and that most decisions on my sovereignty have been largely dominated/enslaved in a system, has only encouraged my leaving the system and no longer supporting it in any way shape or form. I was so angry at the system and its corruption that I could no longer be a part of it’s support. No one tells me what to do with my body and my life. I do not consent. My will is “sovereign” to my own self, no longer hi-jacked! The last word on my fakebook account before I closed it was “NO”. People are learning to say this more now I’ve noticed, or maybe I’m just moving through the dimensions where people say this more Now. Who knows, whatever, it all seems as a game in a box’d and packaged system and I’m out, no longer caring what people think about me, typing/writing whatever I think uncensored (well, my pirate mouth is censored; I still have consideration for those who are sensitive to this sort of sordid lingual -ese). I’m just too far along in my education to remain silent or pc couth. No longer hi-jacked, Couthless, and Vocal. I’m going out with a Voice whether or not People Want to Hear it; they Want Truth. They really do Now. I’ve had very little opposition to my Voice these days. Very different from a decade ago. People really are “waking” up and “wanting” Truth now. May the Voice of the People “Count” as “Whole” votes and “Whole” People from this day forWard as in to “guard” and “protect”.

Ok, soap box is free now..
