Comments on: To those FBI agents who are standing on Honor: don’t stop now Fri, 04 Nov 2016 05:21:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: raman Fri, 04 Nov 2016 05:21:13 +0000 let your heart guide your path to righteousness , ask for the devine guidance . become the servant to the duty of your job description , guided by your scripter .

By: From Québec Thu, 03 Nov 2016 05:04:58 +0000 “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke (in a letter addressed to Thomas Mercer).

By: bodhimoss Thu, 03 Nov 2016 03:51:24 +0000 We need for people to stand their ground when their paycheck requires them to lie or forces them to accede to pressure to act unethically. The average people working hard to provide for their families who say, “I cannot and will not do this any more,” are the real heroes. You don’t have to be a whistleblower, just stand up and claim your right to act ethically and honestly. It may be difficult in the short term but in the long run you will be a hero to your family and help to turn the tide of corruption that is destroying this country.

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 03 Nov 2016 01:21:02 +0000 There is something else. Jon.

I know you can’t say it, although you did hint at it before. The FBI has had a pretty dreadful reputation for some time now. I think going after Clinton might reinvest some real credibility. So much so, I think the agency might “turn it around” and gain some, God forbid, universal RESPECT.

Turning up to catholic mass weekly proves nothing. Nailing yourself to a cross in divine sacrifice earns your place in the heart of prosperity.


By: Terri Thu, 03 Nov 2016 01:13:26 +0000 Is there a coup going on now? Interesting interview with Steve Pieczenik. We are witnessing something amazing happening.
How does it get better than this? Keep using your imaginations and intentions to create a return to our constitutional republic.Its working!

By: Greg C. Wed, 02 Nov 2016 23:52:26 +0000 Hillary’s numbers took a dive, so I don’t see how this could be a hoax. This is going to be soooo good. Not just a win for DJT, but jail time for many many traitors. Message to Donald: Don’t pardon Obama!! Lock him up too! The corruption in the FBI started at the top.

By: Greg C. Wed, 02 Nov 2016 23:42:32 +0000 Agreed. The biggest heroes, besides DJT, are Julian Assange and James O’Keefe and all the people in the alt media who give them exposure. We need spies on our side. Whistleblowers are good, but they’ve only got one shot, so their effectiveness is limited by comparison. We need people on the outside who can do the dirty work that is necessary to expose corruption in flagrante delecto.

By: Xi Wangmu Wed, 02 Nov 2016 22:07:06 +0000 Brought tears to my eyes. I could well imagine someone like Jimmy Stewart delivering this speech in the climactic scene of some worthy major movie which will hopefully get made one day. That would be nice, but I fear everything will have to collapse before such a thing can even be considered.

Who knows if we’ll even be able to make or watch movies by that time? I suppose we can just go back to telling stories around the fire. I’ll be glad to have the opportunity to play the role of Jon/Jimmy to my partners in survival in that case. Count your blessings.

By: Dave Dixon Wed, 02 Nov 2016 19:27:41 +0000 Jon I’ve always appreciated your insight and may I suggest another way to fight this battle. If you remember the movie “catch me if you can” we need to provide a safe haven for whistleblowers because most of these people would jump ship if they knew there was some redemption available.

By: patricia Wed, 02 Nov 2016 19:00:08 +0000 Am I witnessing history? Or is this a giant hoax?
