Comments on: Art, investigation, imagination, power Fri, 04 Nov 2016 16:33:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joy Fri, 04 Nov 2016 16:33:48 +0000 Consciousness creating more of itself…this is my new daily mantra! I will follow the threads of imagination and creativity wherever they take me now, knowing they will help me remember my wings. This is what truly matters now!

Just a few minutes ago, I discovered this little gem…a la Salvador Dali, Walt Disney, and Pink Floyd!

By: Greg C. Thu, 03 Nov 2016 14:58:17 +0000 Thanks Jon. Your words explain what goes on in the mind of an artist – consciousness creating more of itself. I thought of the high-wire artist, Philippe Petit, and his description of balancing on a wire on his back between the WTC buildings, how all his senses were heightened, so he could see the color of they eye of a bird floating above him, and hear the roar of the crowd over 1000 feet below. To me, the definition of art is any exercise of the mind that creates more consciousness. When I practice at the piano each day, my goal is to be more aware of where all my fingers are at any given moment, of all the perceptible nuances of motion, touch, and balance. Each detail invites exploration, the discovery of new superpowers. Magically, the best music results from that kind of consciousness. Not from superior analysis or trying harder and harder to reach a template of perfection. The biggest joke in the world, to me, is a PhD degree in piano performance. Nobody can teach you these things but yourself.

By: lordwindemere Thu, 03 Nov 2016 04:56:27 +0000 Jon said:

Actual information is always an enemy of entrenched power.

This is true! I was thinking the same thing recently and came to this general conclusion.

Even people who get power from delivering true information, say a math professor, still relies on on a difference of information. He is only as powerful as his students are ignorant. People tend to be economical with true information so they can maintain the power differential as much as possible.

The people that will knowingly disseminate true information indiscriminately are very rare. There are very few among us that will fight against the myths that keep us dis-empowered and ignorant just for the benefit of humanity as a whole. Most of the people who know what models of reality are false are the same ones who benefit from them.

It takes intelligence, morality, circumstance, and hard work to expose the power structures for what they are.

I have battled people in the commentary of blogs on 9/11, vaccines, and food; and for every one person who is arguing for truth, there are approximately two people defending the status-quo with lies and psychopathic bullying. These bloggers are bourgeois psychopaths who are selling-out humanity for $.50/post.
