Comments on: No matter who wins: the case against Hillary Clinton is alive Thu, 17 Nov 2016 14:42:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: GH Thu, 17 Nov 2016 14:42:54 +0000 Interesting! Could you provide a link?

By: Terri Wed, 09 Nov 2016 01:09:38 +0000 Yes,Please Oliver share what you know!

By: Terri Wed, 09 Nov 2016 01:08:26 +0000 Thanks for the info Patricia, we must also pray for the safety of those involved in making sure all of this disgusting information gets out there so no one will have any more excuses to be ignorant in supporting evil.

By: Terri Wed, 09 Nov 2016 01:03:32 +0000 Can a nation that is that corrupt last very much longer?

By: bod Tue, 08 Nov 2016 23:49:30 +0000 excuse my ignorance, but apart from the pulsating nature of the output of a rapidly spinning star, whose ‘signal’ may encode life via DNA boot log? what is the significance you allude to my friend?
I would appreciate your input, NASA aside!

By: Greg C. Tue, 08 Nov 2016 23:36:15 +0000 @IMNAHA:” (and I’m uncertain short of violence how this could be done – we’re not in Ghandhi’s India).”

On the other hand, we are not in Revolutionary America, either. This is an unique confluence of events and technology. There is no playbook to fall back on. We must be prepared to improvise and be imaginative. Remember, most of their power is a projection of fear and helplessness onto us, and their contrived image of confidence and strength. It is their soft underbelly, as Col. Flag (of M*A*S*H) would say. In reality, Hillary is so physically weak, mentally inept, and emotionally insecure that there will be chaos at the top. I’m not worried if she wins. If we can avoid chaos on the streets (which we did this summer, beautifully resisting and exposing their best attempts) then we will have the home team advantage.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:47:23 +0000 There is a power greater than Hillary and all of her allies. That power can and has in the past reset civilization, every ~1,000 years with a powerful super-solar eruption. Science & Nature both admitted this empirical fact in 2016.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:32:21 +0000 A truthful answer to this one question will forever change both science and religion: NASA, IS THE SUN A PULSAR?”

By: swo8 Tue, 08 Nov 2016 19:21:46 +0000 Well this is out there and I do thank you for your persistence, Jon, please don’t stop. If nothing is done then obviously corruption reigns.

By: IMNAHA Tue, 08 Nov 2016 17:26:16 +0000 All evidence to date points to this extraordinary power of the POTUS: The power to pardon any and all crimes past and present, no matter how heinous, whether known or unknown AND the power to keep these pardons a secret, exempt even from FOIA. IMO this is what we are seeing and why even the NYPD will never lay a glove on the Clinton Crime Family. Once in power Clinton can further pardon herself and associates for ANY wrongdoing.

The only thing that MIGHT stop the CCF is if enough people withdraw their consent to be governed by this crime cartel (and I’m uncertain short of violence how this could be done – we’re not in Ghandhi’s India). However Jon is right, this is just the BEGINNING of the end as more people awaken to who or what is controlling their world.
