Comments on: Election: media’s movie of reality failed Wed, 16 Nov 2016 01:10:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tony Wed, 16 Nov 2016 01:10:51 +0000 Thanks! I haven’t checked out those courses but I do enjoy Jon’s media takedowns (especially the funny ones).

The trouble with evidence and definitions for me is that they are contingent truths too. Probably best to dump them entirely and move on to something more fun.


“We think we understand the rules when we become adults but what we really experienced is a narrowing of the imagination.”

– David Lynch

By: George Fri, 11 Nov 2016 19:05:48 +0000 At least he’s not a satan worshipping, pedo island enjoying, pay for play money laundering war machine like killary. You Zionists don’t belong here. Go steal some land in Palestine. .

By: George Fri, 11 Nov 2016 18:54:38 +0000 Everyday I watch abc24 hour news in Australia to see what the nwo globalist agendas are. Msm is a lying pukefest. Not even we Australians print our own money. We too are getting browned out like crazy. Globalists consider us as their property.

By: SamAdamsGhost Fri, 11 Nov 2016 14:19:40 +0000 I agree with the need for vigilance regarding the new administration. I’m not pleased with some of the names mentioned for a new Trump cabinet. We’ll just have to see what actually occurs.
The corruption has been going on for a very long time. It has seeped throughout the society. Many have fed off of this system. In addition, there Will be some type of major economic dislocation.
This is likely the most dangerous time in the nation’s history. The existence of thermonuclear weapons during such a time of great instability makes this so. The neo-cons are still in place and they have been pushing for WW3.

HRC was definite bad news. We don’t yet know what Trump will be. Many of us are willing to wait & see before declaring him another globalist minion.

By: arcadia11 Fri, 11 Nov 2016 06:53:08 +0000 jet – i agree. limiting one’s exposure is altogether the best idea. walking away and living consciously, according to our highest values is the way through – as i see it. and the way to escape the global ptsd epidemic. detach. it works. i have already forgotten the name of the new president : – o

By: John hazlett Fri, 11 Nov 2016 03:44:34 +0000 Why was it always a bush and a clinton ? And they say the elections are not influenced. I find that hard to believe. Trumps victory shows that many are fed up with the garbage. It’s obvious and i can’t believe people don’t see it. We all need to wake up before it’s too late. Hopefully we can still pull this out !

By: jetsettingwelfaremom Fri, 11 Nov 2016 02:55:40 +0000 I agree with you. I don’t think there has been a serious presidential candidate in my voting lifetime who was not selected for the role by powers that don’t have my best interests at heart. I hit election day with dread, and whether Hillary or Trump won, I knew I would be on edge, waiting for some nefarious plan to unfold. Will we have economic collapse to bring in SDRs? So far the stock market reaction was a head fake. Was Trump selected because the false flag that will be used as a pretext for World War 3 will play better to his base as being a real attack by an outside enemy, justifying nuclear war? Those are the darker thoughts…but at the end of the day I take a deep breath and pray that I’m wrong. And try my best to personally limit my exposure…

By: SamAdamsGhost Fri, 11 Nov 2016 01:34:00 +0000 Spot on Tony !

They spout a lot of words and never define their terms or offer any evidence, do they ?

Their tool is fear mongering and the reliance on the emotionalism of the people. One of the legacies of the West comes to us from ancient Greece. It is the application of reason to the affairs of men. These parasites and fools can’t stand when reason is used against them.

P.S. – By the way, Jon offers excellent courses in practical logic and analyzing media propaganda.

By: SamAdamsGhost Fri, 11 Nov 2016 01:22:16 +0000 Trump as psychopath ?

Based on what evidence, pray tell ?

By: arcadia11 Thu, 10 Nov 2016 22:45:50 +0000 begging your pardon – my comment was specifically in response to the enthralled canadian woman’s comment about the selected tool of the globalists, donald trump re the victory of the world etc. that i see trump as a psychopath does not automatically mean that i do not also see clinton as a psychopath. i do. so save your proselytizing for those, as you named them, dumbed-down slaves who voted for either of them. it was an immoral act.
no matter which of them was selected, as neither was elected, america got the front-‘man’ they deserve. now enjoy yourselves and leave the rest of us alone to clean up after you.
