Comments on: The law of attraction: garbled fragment of a lost tradition Thu, 02 Feb 2017 02:07:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Responsible Spirituality Thu, 02 Feb 2017 02:07:51 +0000 Law of Attraction teachings stretch their main premise too far, using it as the foundation to describe all of life’s intricacies and answer all of life’s questions. People like formulas and absolutes (“It’s simple: You get what you think about!”) but it doesn’t mean life is exactly that way, and when life does appear to go that way, is it all because of the famous and ever-powerful Law of Attraction? It’s a kind of lazy way to describe all sorts of other factors and subtleties, plus mysterious workings we probably can’t even grasp. I can hardly grasp how deep the ocean is or the ever-expanding cosmos, never mind confidently, happily chirp “You get what you think about, every single time!” or “You can have everything you can imagine!”

It’s like you said: “It’s not a law and it isn’t attraction. It’s art. It’s creation. It’s invention.”
And like an above commenter, Bruce, talked about: humans CREATE.
I won’t try to divine a formula, but I think a magic all its own is created when we get clear on and pointed towards the goals that are supported by our talents and interests. It can be framed as the law of attraction… but why bother? (I guess the answer to that goes back to giving people formulas and absolutes–it gives people a map that helps them define and stay on their path).

I appreciated your point about this philosophy flourishing in modern America and a declining culture. I think that Law of Attraction Teachings are absolutely a “First World Philosophy,” but I see it perhaps optimistically: We have our survival and safety needs met (in general, though not every individual of course). We get to focus on self-discovery and emotional growth. Many of us are free to define and pursue whatever we believe to be our Purpose. And people need guides along the way now as they go out exploring. HOW do you live the life you’ve designed in your head? How do you effect change? How do you make your life count?

Law of Attraction teachings are empowering (even the fictions, though ultimately I believe that fictions will disempower) and they are all about creativity and optimism. They are everything that many people deeply FEEL to be true, correlated with this sort of inner awakening and outer movement toward purpose. And the concept does help a lot of people get their head on straight and step into some power that gets things happening in life.

I can’t fault the coach/mentor/speaker who uses the term law of attraction in their language (unless perhaps that is all they rely upon) because in a way it is a helpful model, if not completely accurate, for positive change and focused achievement. People are successfully finding their way to their goals by thinking about life through this law of attraction filter (if they have other tools to balance and support them too).

I write at May I link to you at my blog?

A lot of my writing is on Abraham-Hicks, but feel free to drop some knowledge on us in the comments over there.

By: Sam Thu, 17 Nov 2016 23:03:14 +0000 I’ve always felt this way about the “Law of Attraction.” It has become a way for lazy people to wish good things will come to them from nothing. Total insanity. Look at some of the greats of our time and tell me they didn’t go through hell to get where they got.

Great insight sir and thank you! It gives me more inspiration to keep doing what I’m doing (work hard for my dreams).

By: Bunny Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:01:10 +0000 LOA as popularly taught is the other polarity of the Oneness Kool-Aid being disseminated by powerbrokers working for the masters of the universe.(more like masters of !@#$tardery).

You know the game guys, divide and distract, two “opposite” seeming movements, both having the same effect- PASSIVITY.

Oneness started in “mysticism” and was funded by places like the Warburg Institute (think Rothschildes ) , while Carnegie and his opprobrious peers, the charlatans of industry , the “men who built America” ,funded it’s “opposite”- i call it the happyclappy church of Little Anthony. (Twilight Zone Episode, “It’s a Good Life”)

Don’t think a bad thought or you could get wished off into the cornfield.

In America we don’t take to people who whine about getting shafted….Big Oil destroyed your land? Stop whining, it is for the greater good, Vaccines killed your child? Stop whining it is for the greater good. And god forbid you should actually get sick and not be happy and cheerful with hospital staff because even the dangerously ill are supposed to think only happy thoughts.

Meanwhile the place where people have been made to be afraid to go: the occult, the power lying within themselves, they have been propagandized and conditioned not to go.

All you need do is consider the pabulum on media,and through most publishers to get this point.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 14 Nov 2016 03:48:49 +0000 I think you have written something like this before, but is still great nonetheless, Jon.

In fact the laws of attraction came from Atlantis and that is a whole different story that needs to be tackled in a different way, considering we are dealing with people that aren’t human perse.

I am seeing others all around me so besotted by their beliefs, they are in denial of reality. Here’s a couple of topical paragraphs from my latest article to put things in perspective:

“Under those conditions, candidates can’t be voted in unless they tell a precession of untruths or outright lies. Other than those noteworthy “trainee Messiahs”, would be leaders are voted out. The one that was selected was the best of the “no better” bunch and he or she wasn’t voted for. To put it in contextual terms dealing with the here and now of busy today, when people appear to vote in Clinton, they actually vote out Trump. There is something else associated with this syndrome; something far more menacing. The great societal paradox is people say one thing and do another. Action always ultimately defies principled beliefs. I can’t rely on anything anyone says because the chances are they aren’t telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth….

…“Survival of the fittest”, “fight or flight”, “problem, reaction solution”, call it what you will. One thing is certain. We, humans, have trickery and deceit in our blood. The absolute commitment to self will reduce any Ascension event to banality if we are not very careful. Currently, there is no societal paradox. If you wish to focus on the veneer, then yes, most of you are caring, conditionally considerate, deeply compassionate about things you believe in and, superficially, at least, a credit to society. Yet, under the veil of self-assurance the real absurdity skulks. Action defies principled beliefs because we are; foul, slithering, pestilent, fork tongued serpents that quiver before the magnificence of the absolutely indiscriminate and non-judgemental “God in all being”. We exist day to day cobbled from acute Ciakar jealousy (emotion for emotion’s sake), the worst qualities of Pleiadians obsessiveness (blamed on the ego) and the most reckless violence of the Lemurians which keeps us on endless war footing….”


By: From Québec Mon, 14 Nov 2016 02:37:12 +0000 With imagination and creativity, you can do anything you want to. Even if everone is against you and think that you are a clown.

This video below is the ultimate proof:

When People Laughed At The Idea Of Trump Actually Being Elected President! Compilation

By: From Québec Mon, 14 Nov 2016 01:46:49 +0000 President Trump’s win

Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah

By: Terri Mon, 14 Nov 2016 01:17:50 +0000 Here is a good article about creation and magic of the Tibetans. Hence, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it…

By: Bruce Mon, 14 Nov 2016 01:13:39 +0000 There is certainly a great deal of nonsense out there regarding the law of attraction since “The Secret” and I certainly cannot comment as a knowledgeable person on the subject. That said, I’ve read a couple of the New Thought proponents with Wallace Wattles and Charles Haanel as two examples; and have a slightly different take-away. I’ve not got the impression that action is unnecessary, in fact, I suspect it’s vital to creation on any level.

My understanding is as follows: The Universe (God, if you will) consists of intelligent energy in various forms vibrating at various frequencies, possessing varied levels of awareness in its different forms. These forms are interchangeable over time and as Einstein taught via E = MC squared, even matter and energy are interchangeable. If we accept the idea of Infinity, by definition, nothing can exist outside Infinity; therefore if God, Divine Providence, The Universe, etc. exists, then we are each an integral, albeit tiny aspect of Infinity. We are a part of God just as a rock or water is, though differing in awareness. Obviously I disagree with Thomas Aquinas and others on supposing God stands apart from and outside infinity.

Life is energy flow. Wishing or hoping for something has zero power to affect energy flow. Attention must be focused on the matter at hand; emotions must be powerfully and honestly engaged; and lastly, clear, concise intention (action) must follow. ACTION IS REQUIRED to first, prepare yourself to receive whatever it is you’re interested in; and secondly, action is required to bring about the intention as the Universe, if you will, always works through us, never on us. Divine Providence doesn’t do anything to us or for us. Due to Free Will, Infinite Intelligent Energy only works through us in shared creation as our individually manifested energy combines with the Infinite Intelligent Energy (God) of the Universe through our human gift of creative imagination to participate in creating our reality. This is the primary difference between humans and other earthly creatures we know of. (Let’s not get into spirits, though obviously we have at least one other energy form.)

A shorter way of saying it is: humans share the Divine gift of creative imagination with awareness of ourselves in space and time. If in fact, humans cannot create, then humans are just another instinctual creature and the idea of imagination impacting outcomes is nonsense – and I don’t believe it is. Obviously humans create. That’s my take on it, though as to why all this – I don’t pretend to know and always appreciate your learned views.

Thank you so much Mr. Rappoport for what you do!
Bruce K.

By: Greg C. Mon, 14 Nov 2016 00:55:56 +0000 The law of attraction is another variation of determinism. Align your thoughts with what the universe has already decided as your destiny. From it sprang other awful ideas like manifest destiny, progressivism, and the Third Reich. Last week’s election was an act of creative destruction. To hell with what everyone says must be, the voters chose someone who was not meant to be elected! A giant blow to determinism.

By: Joy Mon, 14 Nov 2016 00:17:10 +0000 Jon, this brings into clarity some of my disjointed thoughts from the past around the subject of how much I hated the idea of the “law of attraction.” Oh, don’t get me wrong…I did my share of spending time and money going to seminars hosted by famous people who promised to share the inside secrets of their success with me. Yet I soon decided they were new-thought snake oil salespeople whose only success was based on the money that I and thousands of others handed over to them…a shell game or pyramid scheme of massive proportions. As the whole phenomenon exploded into almost every corner of our Matrix world, I finally said to anyone who would listen, “Once it makes it to the Oprah show, I know something stinks!”

Gratefully, I emerged from the refuse of those times and had been floating in a seeming nothingness for some time…ready and willing to reclaim and re-engage my IMAGINATION! Thank you for all of your gifts!!!
