Comments on: The illusion called medical journalism: the deep secret Sun, 20 Nov 2016 18:21:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erik Johnson Sun, 20 Nov 2016 18:21:27 +0000

“Let me make something perfectly clear. The illness entity known as CFS [chronic fatigue syndrome], based on an outbreak of ‘ME Plus’, has never been fully investigated by anyone. Not one researcher has examined all of the evidence that caused the creation of this syndrome. NOT A SINGLE ONE. After nearly 30 years. This is a disgrace of epic proportions. A disease that has brought brutal,relentless suffering to now millions of people and yet we have evidence that has been around since the inception of the syndrome that has never been examined.”

-Jeri McClure Kurre 2012 CFSAC testimony

By: Calilo Sun, 20 Nov 2016 15:12:39 +0000 Medical Reporters…. it is time to take back your profession. Expose the fraud otherwise you are complicit in it.

By: raman Sat, 19 Nov 2016 22:58:59 +0000 I am a firm believer of the statement : our makers have given everything we need to make a good life for the whole universe , but most times when we have an issue we look for the answers outward . we should be always aware of our equal & opposite reaction. to all of our ailments . ask your self what , why, how ,when. etc,etc, believe in the higher power it’s a gift form our maker .

By: Lucy Cole Sat, 19 Nov 2016 17:22:23 +0000 Thanks. Since it was capitalized, I thought it was an acronym. I drink organic tea, made with filtered water. I’ve never heard of white coffee. Will look it up.

By: Bunny Sat, 19 Nov 2016 16:46:32 +0000 The caffeinated beverage brewed from tea leaves favored by the British. You can find it in your store under popular names like Tetleys, Red Rose, and Liptons.

We did not know about the Fluoride in tea, and we (my husband and i) had given up coffee (too acidic) and switched to tea. We live in the Pacific NW where going caffeine free is difficult because of the weather. We were drinking far too much tea and he actually got sick from it.
Now we drink white coffee.

By: Edward N. Willey Sat, 19 Nov 2016 15:49:07 +0000 The problem is with all of us consumers. We have greater greater than warranted expectations of authors, scientists, police, bankers, attorneys, politicians, and somewhere at the top of this incomplete list our physicians. We believe they have some regard for those whom they serve. We are simply sheep to be shorn or slaughtered at will by a caring Shepard.

At sometime or other all of these actors are complicit in fraud, it is to
their perceived advantage to do it. Only when truth is conspicuously better than a well crafted lie is it considered. Once any falsehood is published it is reiterated until it is generally accepted as truth. Our credulity is we do not imply tests of veracity of the most elementary form.

It is common for physicians to receive benefit from drug companies. Some receive receive hundreds of thousands of dollars a few at the top millions or even share in gross profit. The difference in cost of some proprietary drugs in distinction to generic drugs with the same therapeutic profile is several orders of magnitude.

By: mteresh Sat, 19 Nov 2016 00:57:52 +0000 I use Big Berkey water filter, which has a number of different filters, including filters for fluoride, glyphosate and dozens of other toxic substances.

By: Lucy Cole Sat, 19 Nov 2016 00:14:44 +0000 What is TEA?

By: Bunny Fri, 18 Nov 2016 18:34:42 +0000 Amen- it is reprehensible what is being done to animals not only in research but in the factory farms as well

By: Bunny Fri, 18 Nov 2016 18:17:38 +0000 I have actually worked in life science research going through college and then when i could not get a job in my field for several years after that at large research facilities.

In the private institutions it is publish or perish and cutthroat competition for grant money. The investigator will apply for money to find the results expected and they will twiddle with the data and use stats (the ones that are smart enough anyway) to fake the results if need be.

It is my opinion that most of the research out there is dodgy at best , and corrupted by vested interests..
Medical sciences are amongst the worst of the lot,.It is a very sad state of affairs.

I know i have tried repeatedly showing many of those quotes Jon lists to family and friends only to be blown off..this despite the fact that the doctor they see usually makes their situation worse not better.
(like my friend whose IBS is much worse thanks to 3 month antibiotic treatment by a “specialist” for her IBS)

Just to share, one of the things i have found is the fluoride in the water is IN PART causing the IBS, (along with food intolerances)….also be aware that fluoride can weaken thyroid function which is WHY thyroxin is the third most prescribed medication in the US.

And in fact flouride can cause many of the aches and pains as you get older, because it accumulates in your tendons, and joints ‘calcifying’, and causing stiffness and pain.

Of course the best way to get rid of fluoride is to take Tamarind extract and drink distilled (or reverse osmosis) water/
avoid TEA which is high in fluoride and buy organic, as most pesticides are very high in fluoride..
