Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: the collective experiment on planet Earth Sat, 17 Dec 2016 00:37:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: bdoyen Sat, 17 Dec 2016 00:37:16 +0000 John, your posts are exceptional. Thank you.

By: John Sat, 19 Nov 2016 00:39:14 +0000 Those who usually spout the phrase “for the collective good” are usually nothing but power hungry elitists who live in their own insulated bubble/world with armed guards behind the safety of their gated communities. They have no idea what the common man, the citizenry in this country and people of the world live through on an every day basis.

These globalists/elitists actually loathe the common man and despise our very existence. They see us as nothing but worker bees, mindless drones who are here only in existence to provide them goods and services.

These elitists despise the USA, the great experiment which gave birth to a true middle class and that chance at upward mobility. The whole game of the globalists is to create a world where nobody but a select few have a chance to succeed. It is only them who have the right to wealth and power, nobody else is worthy of entering their club.

Do not encourage the common man to think, give them sports and a pop culture of depravity to occupy their “worthless” lives. Create a culture of constant chaos, perpetual worry and a permanent welfare class dependent on the government from cradle to grave. Create a new “reality” where truth is a menace and logic is an enemy. Keep the masses divided by using the race, class and religion cards. Lastly install a statist media where lies are deemed truth, repeat the lies often enough and people will accept it.

How dumbed down have we all become to accept that debt is good, open borders are wonderful, and our US Constitution is racist, old and in need of change? Endless government regulations are great for an economy? A weak US dollar and fragile currency strengthens us? Endless printing of paper money backed up by nothing solves financial crisis? How pathetic and stupid have we become not to see the wrecking ball that has been heaved upon the middle class over the last 30 years or so? What does it take to see that our country has become ancient Rome on steroids? What happens to a country when the leaders reward irresponsibility and punish the responsible? Who ever talks about the savers, the backbone of this nation and how they have been screwed over the last twenty years by virtual zero interest rates? All this for some liberal utopian fairytale based on endless lies.

End times, apocalyptic prophecy, I used to laugh and scoff at such things. But now I truly wonder, because we as a people have let evil thrive. We sat back and let truth become relative. Virtue is now ridiculed within a society which no longer values substance but emphasizes bravado and flash. We all saw this coming but did nothing about it. It is all on us, the ones that saw it happening and never did anything about it.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -Edmund Burke-

Maybe we all just need some courage, being scared is okay but we need also to take some action.

“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” -John Wayne-

By: From Québec Fri, 18 Nov 2016 21:08:57 +0000 Isn’t this site a group of people thinking alike?

By: Bunny Fri, 18 Nov 2016 18:49:40 +0000 Has anyone else ever noticed that the collectivist and the people who espouse “non-dual” philosophies (gurus and whatnot) are some of the most exploitive or screwed up people out there?

Maybe HL Mencken was right:
“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.”

By: Sunshine Fri, 18 Nov 2016 18:05:06 +0000 Thank you again Jon for another thought provoking article. I especially appreciated reading that a breakthough doesn’t come from an external thrust but from an individual’s struggle, “accompanied by insights for which there is no agency to lend confirmation.”

By: Joy Fri, 18 Nov 2016 16:01:40 +0000 For years I have been going through the painful process of cracking this open and climbing out from under the rubble. But there are always more layers! Just now, as I was reading your words, Jon, I realized there is yet one more mind-controlling “idea” I must purge, one that my birth family has tried to pound into my head all of my life because I was their “outsider” (and I’m sure many people will be able to identify with this). The idea is that “as a human, you NEED to be connected with other people, or you will not thrive or survive.” This is one of those twisted truths that may have a fundamentally sound seed, but it has been tortured to make us think that if we are not part of a group, we are lost. So today, I am waving goodbye to this thought…more like kicking it out the door!
