Comments on: The Yin Yang Experiment Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:53:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joy Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:53:07 +0000 Most people do everything possible to avoid living in paradox, with a sense of irony at the edges. For myself, since I have obviously chosen to be incarnate in this Matrix reality at this particular time, I choose to remember all that I have forgotten about imagination and creating any universe I want, while at the same time seeing this manifestation as some crazy ride. Hence, even if I may have something to say about Trump or the Matrix, I do realize it is all part of this particular game formed by a hand other than my own. As a universe creator, I do desire, however, to inject Beauty and Joy and Goodness into this paradigm in whatever way I can, leaving it better than it was before I arrived here.

By: Lord Windemere Sun, 20 Nov 2016 08:44:14 +0000 Tao Te Ching audiobook!

I like listening to this. The Tao Te Ching is a classic book written in the 4th century BC.

By: From Québec Sun, 20 Nov 2016 04:33:03 +0000 Yin Yang Yong

Bing Bang Bong

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Sun, 20 Nov 2016 02:31:28 +0000 – The one Universe that often goes unknown, and unappreciated, is because it is often unexplored – is the Universe that is within.

Each Yin-Yang cycle is what reminds us that nothing stays the same. All things must change, or die out completely. Tyrannies do not like changes they do not control, because tyrants want to remain consistent and immortal. Free societies, on the other hand, are far more flexible and even encouraged to change as new ideas come into being. – Our Inner-Universe already knew this, but our conscious mind is trained (by the “matrix” system) to ignore and even dis-acknowledge its existence.

– “Is ignorance truly bliss?”

By: John Sat, 19 Nov 2016 19:07:10 +0000 We used to be a nation of awesome dreamers with the ability to imagine great things. Individuals who each brought something unique to the table. E Pluribus Unum, out of many one. The great melting pot, where a bunch of people/immigrants came together and built a unique civilization. We once strived to become one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Then something changed, a few “well intentioned” globalists came along and saw that the middle class was expanding, people other than the elite were building wealth. People were achieving goals through their hard work and they were actually benefitting from the fruits of their labor. Each generation was becoming progressively better. The system was not rigged, if you wanted to succeed you could, but you actually had to invest the time and effort to do so. The middle class was becoming a permanent fixture and it was the key to a nation’s survival.

So how do we change the prosperity of this system? How do the elite keep their power from dwindling? Very simple plan, they needed to break down this system and start over. They needed to find a way to destroy the middle class. How do you start destroying the middle class? You start by taking away their ability to dream and their feeling of security. A new matrix begins to form, an unnatural matrix that is no longer a work of art created by a human being, an individual with the ability to dream. But now a matrix based on a computer program, a rigged system in which only a few are able to take advantage of and thrive in. A contrived system based on consolidating power and relegating this power to a handful of elite globalists. Project Globalism, destroy the United States and the middle class begins.

Step one, change the education system, no longer teach children to think critically but indoctrinate each person from birth. Create a new population based on group thought. Mask it with all good intentions and then brainwash. Do not create a nation of thinkers and dreamers but a country of “sheeple” who will fit neatly into into a computer program where every person’s life and future is mapped out according to and by the state. The cookie cutter mentality is the way to go.

Step two, the monetary system, let us begin to destroy the currency by slowly devaluing money, namely the US dollar. End the system of paper money being backed by gold. One day soon people will wake up and realize everything they worked for and saved their whole lives is worthless.

Step three, give the federal government unlimited power, slowly take away power from each individual state. Power needs to be consolidated in order to control the beehive of worker drones.

Step four, destroy the national identity. Divide people, eliminate the melting pot and create a salad bowl through massive waves of unfettered immigration, legal and illegal. Overwhelm the system with people who know nothing about our history, values, traditions, US Constitution or virtue. In other words create a permanent uneducated and impoverished underclass beholden to the state. A welfare class whose primary function is to act as a majority voting block, voters who will determine who leads the nation which as a group will base their votes according to the government entitlements they receive. This has been the key proponent of the democrat party platform the last 30 years. Dilute a nation with open borders and massive illegal immigration. The US is slowly becoming unrecognizable, nothing special, no longer exceptional. But it should be this way right? Why should we be so arrogant as Americans to think we are anything more than ordinary? The blood that was spilled by past generations for liberty and freedom was meaningless? After all the vast majority of those people spilling this blood were just racist old white Europeans who were just plain evil.

Step five, create a huge “common good” (climate change/global warming theory) people can rally around, especially young people, let’s call it something like “save the earth.” After all who could possibly be against saving our planet? Let us use junk science in order to create a cult which will take away America’s sovereignty, eliminate individual freedoms and destroy the economy. We will create an alarmist attitude that the earth is in peril and if we just shut down a huge portion of the American economy while the rest of the world just carries on with business as usual, the earth will then be saved. The argument of asking one smoker to put out his or her cigarette in a room full of a hundred smokers and then believing everybody will be able to breathe better. Any scientists who are not on a government payroll or are against our theories we will marginalize and call them deniers. Any citizens who disagree with our theories, well they just need to be put in jail. One huge problem with the climate change cult is their inability to accept the reality that real science is never settled, it is open to debate and is open to questions all the time. Another key point regarding this matter is the earth and its constant ability to change and adapt throughout its history, something sane people understand. Something the Al Gore cult has a hard time grasping.

Step six, eliminate free speech. Create a society where certain groups are treated differently from one another. Deem certain forms of speech which is contrary to political “correctness” evil and call it hate speech. Remind people that only certain groups of people can be guilty of racism or hate speech. Destroy any form of logic or common sense.

Step seven, destroy the culture with music, movies and television. Create a “me culture” based on instant gratification, corrupt the soul and virtue. Replace it with pleasure on demand, a mindset that no longer is able to distinguish between good and evil, everything is relative. If it feels good, do it. Create a society of arrogant narcissists and sycophants with nothing in between. The chest pounding and “look at me” crowd are what we are now trained to be and taught to aspire to be. When was the last time respect, sportsmanship, and good old fashioned class were ever emphasized or lauded in this mundane and soulless society?

Step eight, divide the citizenry based on race, class and religion. Use crisis to divide and conquer. Create false narratives and use this to advance a political agenda. Tell society America is evil, racist and deserves to be knocked down a few pegs. If you are not succeeding in this country, it is not because of your actions but because of somebody else, the blame game has become the in vogue crutch of many people in 2016 USA. Irresponsibility is now rewarded while personal responsibility now has become scorned upon. After all haven’t we been told to charge everything today on credit cards? Got to have our goodies and not pay for it, let the other fool pay for it who has the audacity to actually save his money.

Step nine, create the internet, the ultimate indoctrination and surveillance device. Keep people connected under the guise of goodness while using it nefariously to monitor their every thought and financial transaction. Destroy people’s minds, freedom, and privacy. Tell them it is cool to use google, facebook and twitter. Becoming part of a hive, we the globalists know what is best for you. Use the internet as a propaganda tool and discourage critical thinking. Make the new norm involve wasting time and becoming obsessed with the irrelevant. How much time do you spend on the internet wiping away a popup ad? Zeroing out that “X” with an advertisement instead of reading something you originally intended to read.

Step ten, the most important step, create a government run media/press with no diversity of opinion. A statist media which will be an extension of the federal government and globalism. Preach the mantra that globalism is good and it is the natural progression of a society. Lie often and keep lying until it becomes the accepted truth.

Just some theories from one of the pee-ons existing in a global society who misses the error of common sense, virtue, respect and liberty. I guess I am what the state would call obsolete. A mind which dares to think for himself. Somebody who today would be categorized as a racist, a xenophobe, a relic. Guess I am just crazy and have to bow down to the lunatics now running the asylum. The entitlement culture reigns supreme and the drones on the phones are indeed the perfect slaves for the new world order…Just have to convince myself to “murder” my soul and walk willingly into the darkness with my headphones on staring down at a screen existing in a daze like a mindless zombie. It is the new cool!!! I guess we all have now accepted a life of existing rather than living. After all who has time to dream anymore….

By: BreakawayConsciousness Sat, 19 Nov 2016 17:32:59 +0000 Here’s Rappoport on Fade To Black:

He begins at around the 32 minute mark.

Great work as always man. We appreciate it very much.

By: Bunny Sat, 19 Nov 2016 16:58:31 +0000 This seems to be born out by Near Death Experiences. People see what they expect to see. I had a dream NDE as a teen that was completely different. I was actually leaving the universe.

The one thing that worries me, is the experiences i have read about going into the light at death being the ultimate deception where you get a memory wiped and are forced to reincarnate into the matrix. There are entities other than humans, supposedly, who are instrumental in keeping the matrix going, and deceiving humanity, using them as an energy source.
I know that sounds like a silly thing to worry about, and hopefully you can tell such entities to pee off.Probably realizing you have the power to create your own universe through imagination would be instrumental in avoiding this trap.

By: Ocusan Michelle Sat, 19 Nov 2016 16:34:59 +0000 I too am a painter, once painting a similar oil of a black hole existing in space. I rubber cemented black velvet on the canvas then cut a circle leaving a black circle where I added black glitter. I added some Christmas lights around the canvas, but they soon went dead. It was a stargaze oil painting that I wanted desperately to find something for the center. I decided to glue a pic of King Ludwig in the center, adding perals. A portal through time & space, hinting of time travel, back in time to the days of shilverly…I never sold my paintings, instead I took photographs and transferred them to mugs & ties, where i hope to contribute to the universe at a large scale.

By: Jonathan Hughes Sat, 19 Nov 2016 16:26:05 +0000 It is the Spirit in the person that matters. Do they rejoice in life and truth, bearing the burdens of others, refusing to work ill to others; or do they rejoice in death, lies and the misery of others? The latter is what Islam rejoices in. Islam opposes others that reject the Quran, that make followers, value those dark things, calling them light. It is because of this: A glimmer of light is seen in other belief systems, subconsciously seen, by the followers of Islam. Darkness in Islam, looks narrowly upon it, wanting to snuff the light out, warring against them, in a subtle but deadly way, using septifuge. That, oddly enough, makes the person following Islam, feel good. They are rejoicing in, iniquity.

By: Greg C. Sat, 19 Nov 2016 13:34:20 +0000 Yin/yang is a principle that is hard-wired into basic sexual biology, so I wouldn’t go so far as to say it is a pipe-dream of ancient philosophers. The trouble arises when we try to make it into a universal principle. We want that one thing that can be the “answer to life, the universe, and everything” as Douglas Adams phrased it in his Hitchhiker’s Guild series. People want simple-minded solutions, like “God is love.” Or they want the opposite, simple-minded doomsday scenarios. Some clever people decide that everything is not black-and-white, but a sort of pale gray. Or that principles, God, and evil do not really exist. The answer to life, the universe, and everything is not 42, they say, but in fact, null.
