Comments on: Major media crash: they need a scapegoat Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:50:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: pete Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:50:24 +0000 Only in America! – who better to know about fake news? That’s been a reality in the US of A for decades. Hillary got trumped by a player who is far more canny than the average American realises.

By: nwhmpshr Fri, 25 Nov 2016 19:43:42 +0000 While Trump’s idea of redirecting federal funds for school choice including for homeschooling sounds appealing, we should know by now anything funded by the feds has strings attached and opens the door under different administrations to control what is being taught. Imagine Obama or Hillary dictating a LGBT curriculum, an abortion module, a racism, islam sensitivity class etc. Religious people would have their teachings censored.Trump should END federal involvement in education.

By: nwhmpshr Fri, 25 Nov 2016 19:34:37 +0000 You did it! Our new t shirtslogan: FAKE YOU!!

By: nwhmpshr Fri, 25 Nov 2016 19:28:13 +0000 Rent-a-rioters that are bused in for mainstream headlines creates the impression of widespread anarchy in the streets. While these Hillary leftists create chaos and inspire violence, the media message is that emboldened Trump supporters are threatening everybody.

By: Brendan Thu, 24 Nov 2016 00:39:51 +0000 It might be fair to say the internet saved the world this time. I have been studiously collecting online articles from the first stirrings of the presidential campaign, and have thousands of them archived. As it turned out, the alt-media world was right, whereas MSM journos were lying through their teeth systematically, while reveling in their proximity to political power. The world is going to be a different proposition now, unless…

Already that old stink tank, the RAND Corp., is calling for “facts” to be defined by “appropriate leaders”. They even launched a cute meme: “Truth Decay”. Hey, that was the title of a record album by the great T-Bone Burnett back in 1980, I doubt he would endorse their use of it.

Google, Facebook, Microsoft… these tech giants are taking measures to suppress ‘fake news’ that supposedly swung the election. Yeah, no matter that the fake news was the correct news.

Obama shuffles off stage left, the weakest excuse for a president in living memory. What became of the “change we could believe in”? He can retire to his $5 million villa in Dubai and cover the waterfront from there to see if an impeachment is in the offing – not that they will extradite him.

Btw, if you use a Mozilla-based browser I can recommend the extensions “Save Text To File” and “Print Edit” (to make .PDFs).

By: Dawn Derry Tue, 22 Nov 2016 15:29:27 +0000 It is really very sad that there have been so many lies told to good , honest Americans who for the longest time had no idea they were being lied to. I am very disheartened by it but I won’t let it get me to feeling bad. I will just do my best to keep informed with the truth!

By: David Tue, 22 Nov 2016 11:21:09 +0000 My relatives spent 10 days in San Francisco, on vacation, this past Spring. They were shocked at the number of homeless people on the streets. I made numerous trips to San Francisco in the 80s, during the Reagan years, and do not recall any homeless people. A midsize town in my area has homeless people living in the parks. Surely, the huge homeless population, throughout the country, is an indicator of very high unemployment.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 22 Nov 2016 02:04:30 +0000 Wrong.

Censorship of the internet is the APEX OF GLOBALISM. It is impossible to censor the internet without a “one world government”; whether instrumental or “effective”.

In fact the internet is currently humanity’s LAST BASTION OF FREEDOM.

Jon, where have the brains gone?

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 22 Nov 2016 02:00:51 +0000 @GG

For one that celebrates fantasy, the truth would give you a wet dream and that would be a nightmare for one so committed to hatred.

Everyone bullshits and depending on the following sentiment iterates whether aromas are “sweet smelling” or “foul”. There is absolute congruity over “pedophilia” (sic) by the mainstream and the alternatives. Ever wondered why? Don’t tax yourself too hard or your head might throb!

By: Christopher Pearson Mon, 21 Nov 2016 21:09:43 +0000 Fake News as journalistic false flag
What is not being discussed in this alternative media controversy is that a majority of real fake news on alternative media is a programmed disinformation op – one might say imbedded journalistic “agent provocateurs” who are deep state agents of media chaos. These charges of “fake news” actually refer to premeditated planted “fake news” that is being deliberately placed to discredit alternative news and information media – and in the case in point placed and insinuated so that the government can be moved to “crack down” on this “fake news” as a generality. It is a premeditated op to enforce globalist NWO censorship over the Internet. This is Obama’s official position and he is currently taking the issue worldwide. It would seem he has an appointment to this effect within the United Nations and for which he has just recently signed over control of the Internet to its authority. One should be aware of how this works!
