Comments on: My second open letter to Steve Bannon, Trump’s inside man Sat, 11 Jul 2020 14:53:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: mary Thu, 29 Dec 2016 11:28:09 +0000 Geoengineering Deniers!

By: Angel Herrero Sat, 10 Dec 2016 02:50:09 +0000 As a naturalized American of European stock where, politics is a real and serious exercise of democratic values, where the Left is a real Left and the Right is a real Right, I find the American Electoral Cycle a laughable business about nothing. A system established on the power of the dollar, special interests and and corruption that finally backfired.

Mr. Trump is the anomaly that has got all of us with crossed fingers 24/7. But things are so bad in our Republic that Mrs. Clinton would have made things even worse.Mrs. Clinton, the ultimate entrenched average career politician who was offered the WH on a silver plate, was rejected.

Even before this election began it was a ”done deal”, it was arranged that she would win this election but, the Democratic Party was collapsing, the unity so often spoken about was purely cosmetic.

Mr. Bannon may be another anomaly in our battered political system, another backlash against the American Left. Shall we see Mr. Trump become a politician and fool us, one more time, like is has been done before by other inept elected presidents?

Mr. Trump, still is a huge question mark. Soon, the mystery will be resolved,

Angel Herrero
Non-Affiliated Voter

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 04 Dec 2016 04:21:28 +0000 Spoken as a total idiot that doesn’t read or attempt to comprehend.



By: Arisen Ryan Sat, 03 Dec 2016 22:25:27 +0000 […] So what are the administrators putting in the water when they believe the product to be fluoride? A placebo? Is it just not happening? There are legitimate conspiracies and then there are delusions.

Anyway, modernity can’t just do away with “pollution” without completely overhauling and dismantling the world’s energy production mechanisms. The world’s economies would crash like a meteor. There would be a nuclear war before the powers that be would allow that to even begin to happen. Trump is only one man. Individuals need to make the green switch-over on their own.

By: Tony Fri, 25 Nov 2016 12:04:28 +0000 I so wish that policy makers could understand – really take time to absorb – what even some ‘establishment’ voices are saying:

Richard Horton (Lancet editor):

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”


The science journal Nature:

“Nevertheless, scientists understand that peer review per se provides only a minimal assurance of quality, and that the public conception of peer review as a stamp of authentication is far from the truth.”


I highly recommend anyone interested in the reliability of medical research checks out the work of Dr John Ioannidis, Stanford Professor of Medicine and of Health Research and Policy:

“Even when the evidence shows that a particular research idea is wrong, if you have thousands of scientists who have invested their careers in it, they’ll continue to publish papers on it […] It’s like an epidemic, in the sense that they’re infected with these wrong ideas, and they’re spreading it to other researchers through journals.”

By: flyingcuttlefish Fri, 25 Nov 2016 03:50:17 +0000 Study Reveals Just How Much Doctors Make Pushing Flu Shots

By: westcoastliberal Wed, 23 Nov 2016 02:10:45 +0000 Good for you, Jon. Tell him to see how Karl spells the health scam out over at market-ticker. All this stuff is a scam on the people and must stop!

By: Steve Terry Wed, 23 Nov 2016 00:51:51 +0000 Yes, it will require breaking some eggs for this omelet.

By: littlefish Tue, 22 Nov 2016 15:14:39 +0000 slightly OT but not really since the subject is solutions :

is there an out-of-the-box solution to the pipeline issue in ND that recognizes the necessity of oil-and-gas in our current reality but does not endanger the fresh water supplies of 17M people?

why does that oil need to travel 1000 miles down to the Gulf anyhow? to export to China?

why are we endangering one natural resource so another natural resource can be shipped offshore? isn’t that just the other side of the globalism coin?

why can’t new state-of-the-art refineries be built up in ND/SD/etc. closer to the source of the oil and away from the water supplies?

if people still want to export petrol, why not use the recent largest discovery ever in American history down in TX, closer to the Gulf refineries?

this doesn’t make sense from a business perspective (close proximity of vertical production processes), a libertarian one (do no harm), let alone a spiritual one (water is life).

it’s a shame this issue has degenerated into another false left vs. right dogmatic dogfight. is there a way we can turn this on its head and find a solution that sidesteps the ideology and oligarchical interests behind it pulling the various strings?

By: littlefish Tue, 22 Nov 2016 14:53:23 +0000 excellent letters Jon. if you ever made it a collective piece, i’d gladly co-sign under your Hancock.

i heard the urban farms idea from you on infowars last week as i was making a compost pile for winter 🙂 the amount of potential soil coming out of urban areas daily (in the form of food waste and paper products) is mindblowing. Will Allen in Milwaukee proved you can grow on an abandoned parking lot with a giant pile of it. huge cost to haul that out and bury it which could be diverted to keeping it in the cities and processing. Will’s got the process down to a science. so simple yet powerful.
