It takes courage to step out of the status quo. Most humans are too weak to do so. These weak people are inconsequential and are powerless because they cut themselves off from Source and give their power away to a false god.
It is those who listen to their hearts and walk the beauty path that hold the power to create worlds, and they do. With every smile, every breath, their inspiration blesses and gives birth to a present and future of heaven on earth and beyond.
I would say next to none of us were brought up with logic or anything life affirming. So, what are we all doing here, questioning, sharing, creating something different?
We are here because we had the courage to reject collectivism and realize life is a gift and do our best to be present to receive it. We listened to and trusted our inner sense and it has given us something no one can ever give us; True freedom, peace, joy, responsibility and love.
This is what the dark entities always forget about, the power and tenacity of the human spirit to always find a way, to be the single candle that always lights the darkness just by being true to itself.
]]>Unschooling begins even before your child is born, its a philosophy which helps the parent who has been indoctrinated heal and allows the child to be free and not have to waste time healing from past trauma and programming.
You can look in your area and find homeschool groups that get together and share ideas and events that are going on. Many are on yahoo groups or if you are involved in a church, there are homeschool groups affiliated with various church organizations as well. Ask around when you are on the playground. the homeschool kids sparkle and have a glow to them that is different than children who have been indoctrinated into slavery.
There are also homeschool classrooms with teachers who help kids with different subjects as needed. there are many combinations and everyone is different. There is so much to do and life offers so many choices, its such a waste to spend so much of it trapped in a classroom, being constantly judged and monitored and forced to learn garbage and then be trained that obedience is more important than anything.
The most important thing is to allow your heart or spirit guide you. We have instincts inherent within us that will show us what is the right thing to do and how to love respect and nurture ourselves and our children. Trust and patience are two virtues to rely on and cultivate. Society is in direct opposition to this, and every opportunity is used to destroy our inner sense.
Learning is natural, and you will find children love to learn and are always learning, you just have to get out of the way. lessons are artificial and true learning comes from doing and getting out in the world and experiencing, as well as watching parents and others and how they do things.
This article may also give you some background into our education system as well as the book he has on his website about the need to homeschool. People are not aware of the ties between communist cuba and our education system. Please share this with everyone you know.
Blessings to you Stan, for embarking on this precious miraculous journey of growing with your children!
]]>How can the indoctrinated “teach”?
]]>As a young parent intent on homeschooling and making sure my children learn logic, analysis and many other things to truly prepare their minds, I’m curious if you (or any others) have thoughts on broader homeschool curricula and/or approaches. I am a big fan of John Taylor Gatto, but have yet to find much of a concrete plan based on his writings.
]]>You nailed it. Forget the bloody pope (noting the comment above). That “power” erodes with logic.
I have given this a FB promo.
They don”t even have a clue about Logic and analysis