Comments on: Bombshell: David Gergen’s elite connections, his attempt to stop Trump Mon, 30 Jan 2017 15:04:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: RylanG Mon, 30 Jan 2017 15:04:02 +0000 About midway through the election cycle I began to look at Trump as something akin to Constantine. Certainly not a perfect man but a man perfect to serve as an instrument to something larger than himself.
I could not imagine Hillary allowing an opening for the work of one greater than she thinks herself…Trump, I can imagine it with.

By: Greg SC Thu, 01 Dec 2016 20:24:41 +0000 What about Gergen’s admission to his participation in the ‘Cremation of Care’ ritual at the Bohemian Grove in northern California? What interest would they have in asking Molech to sear their conscience?

By: Occams Razor Trader Mon, 28 Nov 2016 22:55:40 +0000 And what? Did we think draining the swamp would be easy? The tentacles of corruption spread far and wide to both sides of the aisle- you almost need a score card to keep them straight! We can throw out the label Conservative, to me, lately, that term means NOTHING.

By: GH Mon, 28 Nov 2016 16:48:01 +0000 Gosh folks!! I too have felt some optimism stir with Clinton’s defeat and Trump’s victory. But I think you’re getting ahead of yourselves.

Let’s continue to watch what he does much more than listen to what he says, and carefully vet his appointees. If we turn out to have been fooled again, I hope you will all be able to see it, admit it, and let the dogs loose on him.

By: anne sweeney Mon, 28 Nov 2016 16:29:21 +0000 Funny how this recount initiative brought on by the Alt-Left is playing right into Trumps hands, what fools.

By: Drew Jordan Mon, 28 Nov 2016 15:37:04 +0000 Gergen attended Bohemian Grove (BG) as well. In fact when confronted by a reporter who acknowledged making revelations about BG activities/practices Gergen admonished the reporter. Secrecy above all else.

Cyrus Vance one of the little-known but supremely influential players of the last one hundred years. Like Leo Strauss, Col E. M. House, Jesse Jones, etc.

By: johnbarleycorn12 Mon, 28 Nov 2016 11:44:19 +0000 Another globalist exposed.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 28 Nov 2016 04:24:08 +0000 Jon, excellent post (much I’ve read before).

Truth springs up in the strangest places (is that a variant of “God works in mysterious ways”?). After the best part of a decade I had my piano tuned today. The tuner was an ordinary but dapper, trim sort of fellow. I didn’t ask his age, but he (it turned out) has had a couple of kids who, in turn, had produced a couple of well groomed “almost adult” sprouts themselves. Let’s say ten years your junior and a decade or more my senior, Jon.

Somehow the subject turned from music to sunlight, atoms and the universe. We discussed the separation of mind from matter and how he was very close to what I have outlined in my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”.

We talked of many things. However, relevant to your article, he said (in his opinion) there was but two options for Trump. He would either kowtow to the brotherhood or end up with a bullet in the head. That’s why I think if Trump is going to do something sensational, he needs to make sure he’s safe, very safe.

It’s rare I meet someone who thinks of something I haven’t thought of already, buy my piano tuner turned out to be one of those people. He said, almost sleight of hand, “I believe that global warming was created to bankroll global federalism” because “otherwise there wouldn’t be any money to it” (I would add the GFC “diversion” and NASA/Pentagon “black money” to that) which would see the world split into five “quadrants” under a central “globalist” committee.

I think he’s onto something; something really big……


By: From Québec Mon, 28 Nov 2016 02:09:11 +0000 Amazing video! Very interesting. I watch it to the very last minute..

Although I do not believe in man made religions, I do believe in some kind of a God, somehow, somewhere. I also believe in prophets. Some people can see into the future.

I like the idea of comparing Trump to King Cyrus.

Thanks Terri for sharing this video .

By: Terri Sun, 27 Nov 2016 22:08:08 +0000 I agree Greg. i am seeing for the first time in a long time, people remembering what it is to dream, to contemplate greatness within themselves. Its not about Donald the individual, he is a part of something much greater than himself, and to me, I felt as though he has changed and grown in the last year. I have prayed that “Grandpa Norm”, Norman Vincent Peale, his pastor inspire and counsel him and that he listens and follows his higher knowing.

My husband had a dream just before election day. He was talking to Donald and Donald was talking about how hard things were and my husband told him to not give up and mentioned Norm, and Trump said, oh, you know him!

There are some interesting christian prophecies about him whether you are christian or not, doesn’t matter, here is a link to one. The similarities of Cyrus and Trump are more than coincidence. Some may find Trey, the narrator and visioner who made the video a little eccentric, but i find it to be refreshing.

We are unstoppable within our heart felt visions and decisions to choose a higher consciousness and a better world for ourselves and for All People.
