Comments on: Mainstream news is Humpty Dumpty, and he’s not coming back Sun, 04 Dec 2016 20:37:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barry Warmkessel Sun, 04 Dec 2016 20:37:10 +0000 I was at Barry Goldwater’s kick off speech in Prescott Arizona in 1964. I heard what he said, and went home and saw what the Mainstream Media said he said. I left the Democratoc party and made a rubber stamp saying “TV NEWS IS BAD NEWS’. Have never trusted the MSM since then.

The elite or shadow government control many or most of our significant politicians with the PIZZAGATE or pedifilia and child organ harvesting program. That is why the MSM are so adamate against #PIZZAGATE. The MSM is just a propaganda medium for those hidden elite who want to continue to rule us and steal the bulk of our tax dollars thru the Federal Reserve. The Fed prints money out of thin air, loans it to the USA government who pays it back with our tax dollars and for them this is pure profit. The Fed tells the elite what financial instruments (e.g. Stocks) they are going to by, the elite buys them up and sells them at a profit to the Fed.

By: stupefied ape Thu, 01 Dec 2016 06:31:28 +0000 “You could be in the most protected space in Vietnam and still know that your safety was provisional, that early death, blindness, loss of legs, arms or balls, major and lasting disfigurement — the whole rotten deal — could come in on the freaky-fluky as easily as in the so-called expected ways,”… “you heard so many of these stories it was a wonder anyone was left alive to die in firefights and mortar-rocket attacks.” “Fear and motion, fear and standstill, no preferred cut there. No way even to be clear about which was really worse, the wait or the delivery.” Michael Herr author of “Dispatches”

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 01 Dec 2016 05:51:40 +0000 I wouldn’t take anything Russ Tice says “too seriously”, Jon.

These guys are professional fraudsters so the “agenda” always comes first, which means sentiment is always “loaded” in some way[s]. Was he trying to “make believe” the government and all those paid lackeys are “honest”? ROFLAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That said, great article!


By: artemisix Thu, 01 Dec 2016 02:13:35 +0000 The MSM is done, i agree with you. There is a serious challenge in that the Surveillance State is PANICKING, and thanks to Obama labeling Wikileaks (One of the most trusted sources for truth on the net) as a terrorist organization, wikileaks may have been compromised. How can we reign these fascists in? Freedom of speech is everything.

By: lophatt Thu, 01 Dec 2016 01:54:57 +0000 Absolutely true. They “create reality”, remember? Why, if we “decentralize” and lose focus, who will order the Universe?

Media (and for that matter their fellow travelers), are only as important (or ‘real’) as we make them. We must mock them. They hate to be mocked. After that, they must be ignored. They will cease to exist.

By: Kevin Scott King Thu, 01 Dec 2016 01:16:51 +0000 Blackmail. I’ve become more and more convinced that today this is the primary tool used to control others. Because it never goes away. Bribery has short legs, and/or requires a constant lubrication. But blackmail, it’s the hook that keeps on giving. And the NSA is the King of the World when it comes to the ability to blackmail others. Which begs the question. Who controls the NSA? US Military?

John we live in a time where a explosion of Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing has occurred. Thanks primarily to Secret Societies. They are everywhere. Government, Law Enforcement, Judicial, Religion (the Christian Church, ALL denominations, is rife with them), Education, the list literally is endless. The only good news is there is so many of them now they are starting to consume one another… which is not a bad thing.

By: Sunshine Wed, 30 Nov 2016 23:17:05 +0000 No John. You are definitely not alone!

By: John Wed, 30 Nov 2016 19:43:34 +0000 What is the greatest weapon of a tyranny? It comes down to instilling a constant state of fear and worry upon its citizens then shoving this crap right down the throats of society. If anybody speaks out against the tyranny or contradicts their propaganda, there are now assumed consequences, maybe retribution for speaking out. In the “soft glove” tyranny in which the United States currently exists, do these consequences or repercussions have to actually be real? The answer is an unequivocal no. The mere perception that there will be consequences and or retribution for exercising your free speech today is enough to stifle people’s right to express themselves freely in 2016 America.

Take for instance the IRS Tea Party scandal, we went through numerous hearings, everybody in American society became aware that some people expressing conservative viewpoints were being audited by a Marxist government for no other reason other than being a conservative. Innocent people were being audited for no good reason. Yet after all was said done, nobody in the government was held accountable for this grave injustice. Now what was the result of this? Was any definitive conclusion ever really found? Was anything proven beyond a shadow of a doubt? No. But what did the tyranny achieve? It achieved creating fear in the population, a specific part of the population that happens to be conservative and that there just might be subsequent consequences for speaking your mind and expressing your conservative viewpoints. A tactic by a tyranny which has been created to instill fear among us and that there might be consequent retribution (a tax audit) for anybody expressing a conservative viewpoint. A viewpoint which in any way shape or form that contradicts this federal government’s new world order globalist agenda will be pushed back against by using the “law.”

This nefarious tactic becomes the greatest weapon of a “soft glove” tyranny. The retribution needn’t be REAL, as long as there exists the PERCEPTION there will be retribution is all that really counts. Surveillance, illusion and perception are all part of a formula being used by the globalists to enslave mankind. The whole globalist agenda hinges on normalizing the outrageous and people accepting this. An evil agenda which can only thrive by creating endless crises throughout the world. Am I crazy or am I the only who feels you can never catch you breath in today’s modern world, there is always some form of misery, real or contrived right around the corner in this wonderful extreme liberal, global utopia that is metastasizing like a cancer right before us all.

So every time you erase what you type, every time you fail to take the time to inform your fellow citizen about government over reach/corruption, every time you pause and maybe come to a whisper while out in public when engaged in a political conversation, just realize you are advancing tyranny. Every time you see your freedom slowly slipping away and you fail to take a stand, you commit the sin of omission. When any segment of a citizenry becomes afraid of expressing their Constitutional right to freedom of speech, a tyranny gets bolder and bolder, it thrives. Every time we as a people take part in corruption or fail to hold accountable those who are corrupt we lose a little bit of our soul. Eventually each one of our souls becomes unrecognizable and we drift into the black hole of moral relativism where everything including evil becomes relative. A society becomes most dangerous when it loses its virtue. The surveillance state wins when good men and women become silent. When good men and women fail to defend their individual liberties and freedoms, tyranny becomes the normal.

The surveillance state and the perception by the “sheeple” that Big Brother is always watching and listening to us 24/7 is enough to strike fear into the “sheeple.” Keep the sheeple in constant fear and under control, only then will they will accept anything a tyranny heaves unmercifully upon them. Just create a population which is afraid to speak up. It is the hush and whisper which embodies each of our individual souls when the thumos is taken out of our DNA that will eventually destroy our nation. When we become like robots and retreat into a world of illusion rather than reality, we lose touch with what really matters in life.

The greatest evil in this world today is not the evil in plain sight that we can all touch and see. We have always been able to deal with this type of evil because it is out in the open. It is rather the evil that masquerades under the guise of goodness which can destroy us all. This type of evil is the most dangerous type of evil because it takes very discerning eyes to see and eventually expose. It takes soul, integrity, moral clarity and individual human conscience to defeat this hidden evil. Eyes and minds that have the courage to seek truth, think critically and still have some thumos left in their soul to defend their very survival and individuality. 

By: elliottjab Wed, 30 Nov 2016 17:39:44 +0000 Another more than lucid commentary & share of others ‘in the know – in the mix’…

By: don wleklinski Wed, 30 Nov 2016 14:55:17 +0000 it’s part of the long con. things are going as planned for the powers that be,the globalists.the corruption of the west is being slowly leaked through media which includes most of the alternative sites. they want the east(brics nations) to be perceived as the good guys when in fact they’re in bed with the western’s the ‘good guys’ vs. the ‘bad guys’ AGAIN. we as individuals need to see through this narrative.
