Comments on: Home-school solution for education Fri, 02 Dec 2016 17:56:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: raman Fri, 02 Dec 2016 17:56:50 +0000 well said , first we’re individual to display & express our own feelings, thoughts . that’s our god given gift , use it wisely .

By: John Fri, 02 Dec 2016 05:07:36 +0000 Immediate gratification based on amusement and only pleasure has been the forerunner of many civilizations eventual self-destruction and subsequent demise. There can be very little positives which come out of a culture in which people are connected to machines/cell phone screens 24/7. 

It is an unnatural dependence of a human being to rely on these machines for their primary happiness and survival. This type of culture is destroying the very fabric of real social connectivity and the importance of a spiritual connection which can only happen through real human contact.

It eventually creates a society which becomes totally disconnected from reality. It creates a “comfort zone” completely devoid of substance. It allows a great deal of the population to become brainwashed, finding their niche only in the hive: facebook, twitter, google. Anything outside of the hive that contradicts this “comfort zone” is then looked upon with scorn and anger because it upsets the inverse reality these human beings now choose to exist in. Propaganda is at its very apex when it can be used within a controlled environment. It flows more easily and goes unnoticed within the group hive mentality, a hive devoid of any individualism or critical thinking is quite easy to maintain by the watchers and controllers.

The Trump election has upset the hive and they just can’t seem to deal with it. Everything which the hive preached and told the drones was going to happen just didn’t. The greatest malady of the current generation is their inability to handle disappointment like mature adults. We have the first generation that believes they are entitled to happiness and that certain things in life are free. They have been sold the lie that government gives away free stuff. Most of the useful idiots have been told that everything will be fine if they just fall in line and become part of the hive. When somebody comes out of nowhere and shakes the hive, they just don’t know how to react. 

When we get to a point in society where people can no longer be individuals and express their true feelings based on logic and critical thinking, civilization becomes stifled. Society no longer has the ability to grow for the simple reason that freedom and liberty are now being sacrificed for convenience and amusement. Innovation suffers when individuality nears obsolescence. The greatest innovations and brightest ideas come from individuals and their ability to think outside the box, not group thought. The hive now ridicules people who choose to think for themselves. God help all those who have sacrificed their individual souls and their unique mind’s ability to use logic. God help a society who believes more in a political ideology based on group thought rather than critical thinking. God help us all who just accept the indoctrination of our children and don’t push back against this form of child abuse. 

By: Jacqueline Thu, 01 Dec 2016 22:59:53 +0000 With even the basics of reading, writing, and math no longer being learned, the road to acquisition of logic has been lost.
