Comments on: The twits at Twitter threaten to ban Donald Trump Sun, 04 Dec 2016 04:26:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 04 Dec 2016 04:26:54 +0000 This line of thinking can be expanded much wider, Jon.

Inadvertently (I think), you have hit on the apex of ALL problems.

The summary paragraph of my soon-to-be-released (Exopolitician) “The Satanist, Materialist, Atheist Connection”:

“In conclusion, it would be remiss of me not to discuss the most important sentence I have ever issued. If “God” had wanted to exist “in the flesh” he would have become an unrestricted being, capable of anything with unlimited potential. Therefore, as matter and spirituality are aspects of “anything”, if matter is “evil”, God is evil too. Everything labelled good along with everything labelled evil are parts of the exact same God. There is one simple term that encapsulates the ambitions of Satanists, materialist and atheists. “Accountancy” presupposes utopian order. Control agents can measure with precision, purge that which they deem is unnecessary or unwelcome. Accountancy is faith free. It assumes linear existence. It is devoid of spirituality. For the purists, the mind is but a figment of cerebral function; a mirage to be discombobulated by clairsentients. Per identical authority, childhood can be dictated. If those in power decide maturity begins and childhood ends precisely at the thirtieth year of individual life, then so be it. That is why “childhood” is either “the powers” great strength or the Achilles’ heel that usurps the usurpers, but none dare contemplate it and that is why humanity is destined for absolute satanic authoritarianism.”


By: Larry Sun, 04 Dec 2016 02:47:06 +0000 All the more reason for Trump to take his message DIRECTLY to the people via his own (mirrored) website.

He could upload messages from anywhere, at anytime.

We don’t need mainstream media “mediating”, analyzing, or cleverly editorializing *anything* the President has to say….

We never did.

By: arcadia11 Sun, 04 Dec 2016 01:33:50 +0000 that thought has crossed my mind, gk. twitter does not care who the president is. they are surely just following their script
in this incomparably bizarre and not over yet fully-staged deception game. it is not even certain that the man will be inaugurated. there’s somethin happening here…..

By: Golem-kicker Sat, 03 Dec 2016 23:17:17 +0000 There IS another possibility concerning the advent of this latest outrage concerning Twitter’s “Trump censorship” — seeing as President elect Trump has ALREADY RENEGED on several of his “platform promises”, he could very well stand to BENEFIT by being “incommunicado”. In other words, he himself could very well have ENCOURAGED the “ban” CLANDESTINELY. How would any of us know for certain? How about YOU, Mr. Rappaport — don’t you suppose that Trump would rather make his reduced, if not eliminated, availability on “social media” appear to be on account of a THIRD PARTY’s decision? He has a public name AND face, but WHO exactly are Mr. or Mrs. “Twitter”? I suspect that the “costume party” will be swinging into HIGH GEAR come Inauguration Day….

By: Arisen Ryan Sat, 03 Dec 2016 22:42:12 +0000 Trump cannot force anybody to react in any way based on something as benign as a “tweet”. Are the US citizenry a bunch of automatons or do they have personal agency? Trump is not Daddy and the people are not babies. Time to grow up and stop letting “mean words” send you into hysterics.

By: LDS Anarchist Sat, 03 Dec 2016 20:24:36 +0000 It took them about 2 days to get me approved. They are still in beta, last I checked, but people are flocking there daily. Give them a little time. They’ll get to you.

By: Kurt Sat, 03 Dec 2016 14:00:21 +0000 The death knell is tolling at Twitter. Stock price is plummeting, subscribers are bailing. Twitter doesn’t seem to grasp the concept of free speech. Facebook is next.

By: nanabaakan Sat, 03 Dec 2016 11:58:49 +0000 It seems they have a very long list, gave me a 3 week window. How long before they are muscled into complying.

By: nanabaakan Sat, 03 Dec 2016 11:54:18 +0000 The social media outlets are taking this Big Brother thing too far. I don’t see anything wrong with the tweets you mentioned here.
It’s funny how twitter had no problem filling the bill when it came to color revolurions. Getting folks out into the streets to protest in Egypt and Libya and elsewhere where folks took to twitter to get the word out.
How calm and moderate could they have been in order to get folks pumped up to get out into the streets?
Did they censor the accounts of the leaders of these countries?
It’s such a disgusting double standard and blatant hypocrisy. But like you said, it’s their business so we just gotta find something else.

By: Greg C. Sat, 03 Dec 2016 05:36:48 +0000 Twitter has a rule against “hateful conduct” – translation, “words that upset some people.” Judging by the (probably) millions of senseless people already triggered by Trump’s words, they are either getting ready to ban him any day now, or they just like the feeling of being a gnat buzzing around an eagle. Has Twitter started making any actual profits yet?
