Comments on: Trump: what dangers does he face from Globalists? Sun, 11 Dec 2016 03:11:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry Sun, 11 Dec 2016 03:11:11 +0000 The REAL polls prior to the election were in plain sight: the tens of THOUSANDS of supporters that showed up at every single Trump rally. The last photo I saw taken outdoors two days before the election looked like a Queen rock concert at Wembley Stadium….people as far as the eye could see.

In my humble opinion, the media’s poll reports were complete fabrications.

I shudder to think what might/could happen in the USA should Mr. Trump get so much as a hangnail.

By: Bunny Wed, 07 Dec 2016 16:33:12 +0000 Why don’t you watch Greg Palast’s film “Best Democracy Money Can Buy 2” or just read his website. He predicted Trump would win almost a year in advance because he knew how the Republicans use Crosscheck to knock millions off the election register. While we were watching the film, my husband paused it, popped up the laptop to check the number of votes Trump won by in Ohio and it was almost exactly the number of votes that Palast recorded of people knocked off the voting register…mostly minority voters.

By: Joy Mon, 05 Dec 2016 19:07:47 +0000 How does the feverish drive and law-breaking rush to “recount the votes” in three states figure in here? Are they attempting to unseat him even before he takes office, by any twisted means possible, or is the true story even more twisted, beyond imagination (excepted for demented imagination)?

By: Bunny Mon, 05 Dec 2016 18:17:48 +0000 The fact that he has appointed 3 former high ranking Goldman Sachs employees puts him very firmly in the globalist camp.
Add to that John Paulson (a major backer who colluded with Goldman Sachs in the 2008 crash) then add the Koch brothers who are behind the evangelical right as a political force among other movements, and you have the perfect storm..
Trump is going to give the globalists more than they expected, and they are literally licking their lips in anticipation.

By: Buzz - Warrior Woman translated Sun, 04 Dec 2016 20:16:14 +0000 He is embracing Goldman Sachs people, these are the ones that told their personnel not to support Trump ..yep, they were…he also has a Communist/liar/Kasich supporter on board, a neo con that smeared him right and left during the primary and general and how about the wife of the worst RINO, enemy, next to Reid in the Senate..most of these do not support his agenda no his views for America and now I see that Durbin and good old traitor Graham have stepped in. It is going to backfire and big time..why did he not take a look at Bachmann instead of the neocon that wants to rid our country of its history?

By: bwcarey Sun, 04 Dec 2016 17:14:21 +0000 Ben bradlee was one of JFK’s closest friends, despite being a republican, and JFK warned everyone, about the man Nixon, and how he was an organisation man, so it’s no surprise to think, Ben would have encouraged his reporters to find out what they could, and more sobering of all, JFK had plans to re organise the way elections were paid for, by government not by lobby, so all in all, getting rid of Mr JFK was the move that made the attempt to control the markets so much easier, amen. A man who discouraged war was not a welcome sight in the whitehouse when the arms industry was getting into full swing. today, these arms industrialists are fueling the war in Syria and elsewhere, what a legacy they have left behind them.

By: Kent Sun, 04 Dec 2016 08:35:30 +0000 Great insight. And guess what? The Rockefeller are the agents of The Rothschild.

By: arcadia11 Sun, 04 Dec 2016 06:14:52 +0000 good read, ot. i look forward to the completed article.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 04 Dec 2016 04:39:21 +0000 I think this is only “part of the problem, Jon

As I outline in my soon-to-be released Exopolitician article “The Satanism, Materialism, Atheism Connection”, globalism merely “unifies” a much wider eternal agenda. Here’s an excerpt…

“….I can go further and say God status is the ultimate objective of the self-sufficient Satanist/materialist/atheist alliance. Globalism harmonises the cult which adopts a Zionist (meaning fortress or gaol [the archaic word for “prison”]) attack force (evidenced by supplants such as ISIS). In particular, materialists have done anything and everything possible to reduce “the mind” to a mortal facet of existence. In a sense this is thematically pharisaic as well because the ancient Pharisees attempted to segregate spirituality or, rather, partition a voiceless “God” from “reality” (Law) which is instrumented by the blasphemy concept. That was but a small step away from fully-fledged atheism. Pharisee (the word) is a virulent version of anarchy (or adverse-order). It could be logically argued that “Satanism” is the antipathy of just order and insomuch orthodox pharisaic Judaic sects that “usurp” are comparably Satanic.

There is also an uncanny numerological connection, which suggests that Globalist Zionism is the product of long standing adapted pharisaic doctrine popularised by Satanism now but actually stretches right back to prehistoric Babylonian times. Interestingly, with the possible exception of inner realms, the Earth has been conquered by materialism. However, there is an effervescence that rises from “reality”. In relatively recent times hard evidence has materialised. What we call the “Worldwide Web” is a vibrating, pulsating, constantly changing manufacturer of synthetic (virtual) reality (very different to the perfect [truth] astral version). Globalism has a desperate stake in this revolutionary communication mechanism which has and will continue to radically alter humanity’s retrospective, our one “freedom”. The only way of (potentially) effectively censoring the internet is via the imposition of “world government”. Therefore, in that sense, liberty is lost when the Worldwide Web is no longer free…..”


By: bob klinck Sun, 04 Dec 2016 04:14:49 +0000 It reminds one of Obama’s coming out of nowhere. He himself said he was not adequately qualified to run for the presidency, but then did so (and was, in his unproven state, immediately awarded a Nobel Peace Prize!).
