Comments on: Power Outside The Matrix: my tutorial on disinformation Mon, 05 Dec 2016 01:23:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: flyingcuttlefish Mon, 05 Dec 2016 01:23:07 +0000 Murdered Holistic Doctors Had Discovered Autism/Cancer-Causing Enzyme Intentionally Being Added to All Vaccines

By: Oliver K. Manuel Sun, 04 Dec 2016 18:28:39 +0000 The whole world is now mentally-ill, sickened by realization that government science was misused to take totalitarian control of the world, and we scientists were too caught up in self to see it.

Nations and national academies of sciences were united on 24 OCT 1945 to hide the source of energy in atomic bombs – NEUTRON REPULSION – an empirical fact clearly recorded in rest masses of atoms.

Fifty-seven years later BBC News admited Kuroda secretly retained a personal copy Japan’s successful design for atomic bombs:

World leaders and guilt-ridden scientists were told they were saving the world from nuclear annihilation by hiding “nuclear secrets” from the public, but Kuroda realized this as abuse of science to gain totalitarian control of the world.

In 1956, Kuroda showed there are, in fact, NO “nuclear secrets” to hide. Uranium deposits became self-sustaining nuclear fission reactors on Earth two billion years (2 Ga) ago, without assistance from mankind.

In 1972 scientists of the French Atomic Energy Commission discovered self-sustaining nuclear reactors had burned spontaneously in the Oklo Mine in Africa.

Trying to maintain the UN globalist delusion of nuclear secrets>/b>,” the Scientific American described Oklo as an extremely unlikely event:
