Comments on: My interview with former CBS star reporter: fake news Tue, 06 Dec 2016 20:11:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joe's Dad Tue, 06 Dec 2016 20:11:10 +0000 Aka, the Clinton specialty.

By: Jacqueline Tue, 06 Dec 2016 17:18:57 +0000 Alan, All federal, state, county, city government ‘groups’ are registered corporations (the US itself is a corporation). The courts have ruled that the first and foremost goal of a corporation is to profit. Government groups are no different in this role, and utilize some funky accounting practices to ‘hide’ the actual and very large amounts of money in possession; for all others outside of government attempting to apply these same practices, criminal prosecution is the result. Explore ‘CAFR’s for additional information.

By: Eudoxia Jones Tue, 06 Dec 2016 11:04:05 +0000 Forgot to mention Italy what’s the bet Peppi Grillo gets in and I’m backing Le Penn in the Socialist Cup! As for Frau Merkel well the Evil Queen of Europe is about to get shafted as well and I hope she gets it as good as Marie Antoinette did

By: Eudoxia Jones Tue, 06 Dec 2016 10:56:26 +0000 Everything these Archon animated communists do these days is backfiring on them. The last real win they had was Libya. They have not managed to bring in all their well laid plans of bastardry since – no matter how hard they try. They had been planning an epidemic since at least 2005. I was on a project in risk management. One of the risk owners (human resources) told me in confidence one day that she was called into a meeting and told by the higher ups to draft a strategy in case of an epidemic. This wasn’t even on our risk register and she was told not to put it on the risk register either …….say what???? hmmmmmm. When did the Swine Flu break 2009.

Nothing is going according to plan. They can’t get their dark lords re-elected. They had Brexit i the bag they thought NO, they thought they had Syria in the bag NOPE, they think no matter how hard they try they just can’t quite topple Assad. Their false flags are coming unstuck and totally unhinged and all of them. The Orlando shooting quietly disappeared almost as soon as it exploded. Berlusconi’s gone, Sarkosy’s gone, Cameron’s gone AND THANK GOD Killary is almost GONE. Hollande is at an all time low of 4% approval = GONE. It looks like everything they touch turns to shit these days..MH370 followed by MH317 – fizzled. Ukraine OOPS – Vicky (ugly horse headed bitch) Nuland Fuck the EU hahahaha. The list of failures is truly endless and mind boggling it is little wonder they are desperate now Frau Merkel is seriously in trouble….her sheer desperation shows. Now with the fake news just watch this backfire. BRING IT ON

By: bob klinck Tue, 06 Dec 2016 05:46:59 +0000 Attaining political maturity certainly in Western countries, and probably in all countries, means coming to an understanding that, at the top, mobsters impinge decisively on all governmental institutions.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 06 Dec 2016 03:33:26 +0000 If they “could” have they would have. The internet is a very big place, replicates at enormous speed. Who to target? Will they “adapt” (using “Punch” or “Private Eye” metaphor)? How to prosecute? There are potentially trillions of “fake news” articles already in circulation.

Thus, I think fake news sabre rattling is bullshit aimed at “unauthorised” while blowers. They will target the LEAKS.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 06 Dec 2016 03:28:15 +0000 But isn’t there an even bigger cover, an even bigger circle within the circle here, Jon?

Are not all viruses “synthetic” and that’s why they are horribly difficult to identify and keep on “mutating”? Is not the real issue pollution and other nasties (such as pesticide) “welcomed” under bare faced auspices such as “productivity” (that globalist ambition)?

Any discussions about vaccines must couple the real issues or problems are swept under the rug. Espionage or counter-espionage journalism?


By: Mark Tue, 06 Dec 2016 01:53:12 +0000 Very likely, the notion of “fake news” websites will be the incentive for the fed to shut down or gain control over the internet. Once again, problem, solution, loss of freedoms and liberties.

By: Alan Roy Tue, 06 Dec 2016 00:25:09 +0000 My understanding is that the CDC is NOT a gov agency, but a for profit corp listed by Dunn and Bradstreet. IS THAT RIGHT? Or not? Yes, I’ve been banned by ABC separately from the overall lifetime Disqus ban. Generally, I tend to call them out on articles for distorting the truth, but you don’t deserve or get a reason it seems. This time, Jon, you seem to have missed the 90’s scandal where the CDC, Mayo Clinic, Yale U, and Smith-Kline were caught red handed making a bogus Lyme vaccine using falsified research results. That one damaged thousands.before it was quiety recalled. I’m pretty sure as well that the current Western Blot test has been deliberately skewed to show only 1/10 positives.

By: Prescott Mon, 05 Dec 2016 21:57:54 +0000 Amazing what lies behind the medical cartel’s mural.

Even more amazing is watching the “fake news” propaganda operation unfold in real time. Every rotten journalist, pundit, and politician began parroting the same catch-phrase in the month of November.

Now, after a few weeks of talking about fake news, technology firms and governments are moving to address the problem. Major issues fester and grow for years without getting lip service; yet after a few weeks of hearing about fake news, the matrix’s golems rush into action.

The psyop is hilariously transparent. The most spurious reality of them all now cannot ignore it’s competitors and has resorted to defamation.

Matrix-media’s attempts to fight individual opinions will probably end up as successful as Blockbuster’s business model in the 21st century.
