Comments on: The individual and his future Wed, 07 Dec 2016 16:21:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: oneworldpress Wed, 07 Dec 2016 16:21:24 +0000 We’re ALL being PLAYED, at the end of the day QUEEN and PAWN rests in the SAME BOX!



By: Gretel Wed, 07 Dec 2016 03:13:34 +0000 Well, I don’t hold with the crude equation that “socialism = slavery”, or the romantic notion that everything in society must optimally be down to individual initiative. For instance, the physical infrastructure of the USA is crumbling, roads are not maintained, bridges are allowed to go decrepit, and what is the reason? There are “natural monopolies”, and these should never be privatized. I believe taxes are well used to implement projects that benefit each citizen equally. The rich in any country are always against any taxes at all on their income, but poor people are glad to pay from the little they have, as long as they see themselves getting something in return.

By: thsinger Wed, 07 Dec 2016 02:20:58 +0000 I am surrounded by people who all sing the same song. It’s a lonely existence. More and more I prefer to be alone because I get tired of the look of utter disbelief on people’s faces when they engage me in conversation these days. I literally have not met one person who has a good word to say about the incoming US President and when I point certain things out in his favour (actual policies of which they think he has none!) I see in their eyes a hint of recognition of logic and truth. The damage is deep and although I see that people are waking up to the Orwellian double speak & inversion of morality that has corrupted mankind, out there on the battlefields of society it’s absolute hell.

By: Joy Tue, 06 Dec 2016 16:33:06 +0000 There are so many of us who understand and believe these truths, and are courageously making our way among masses of sleeping machines. Yet because we are not a “collective,” and because mainstream media will most certainly NOT say a peep about us, we usually have to rely on faith in what we are doing as true individuals, even if it may appear we are solitaries. Jon, there is a definite reason why your blog is my first web stop of each day…thank you!

By: Greg C. Tue, 06 Dec 2016 15:54:46 +0000 Direct democracy is just another form of collectivism. That is why the Electoral College is vital. We do not want the voice of the people in power, we need the choice of the states. Look at a map of the 2016 presidential election and realize that those isolated blue states (20) would have put Hillary in power over vast swaths of red (30), if not for the electoral college.

Congressional representatives from the states should be individualists, not part of a national team. We should get rid of the “whip” position in the house. Let every rep. be an individual, not a part of a party bloc.

Emerson’s words have such energy, while Thoreau is more contemplative. We need both to focus the power of the individual. The senate was designed to be the contemplative branch, but now that we have popular election of senators, they are just more powerful reps of direct democracy. Thank God for Trump’s individualist leadership (truly he hears a different drummer than anyone else in the halls of power), but we also need a radical remodel of the house and senate.

Lastly, to preserve the power of the individual, we need to constitutionally protect the power of the jury to nullify laws. Jefferson regretted that that principle was not spelled out in the constitution, but it was generally recognized and respected until recent times.

By: noboxplease Tue, 06 Dec 2016 12:53:53 +0000 Thank you, Jon, for this great article which hits the nail on the head!!! What you say here is getting more visible by the day since the collectivism is soaring from global elites and try to overwhelm common reason.
I am happy to see, though, also a growing dissent from many indivuduals in social media!

By: Oliver K. Manuel Tue, 06 Dec 2016 12:31:35 +0000 Thank you, Jon, for posting this information on the potential greatness of individuals. I knew one great hero personally, Paul Kazuo Kuroda (1917-2001).

Kuroda was the first nuclear scientist sent to examine the ruins of Hiroshima after it was destroyed by an atomic bomb on 6 Aug 1945.

He risked the rest of his life to expose the misuse of science to enslave humanity in a matrix of scientific deception that might save frightened world leaders and guilt-ridden scientists from death by worldwide nuclear annihilation.
