Comments on: The free individual vs. the Deep State Thu, 08 Dec 2016 16:33:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: bjacob131 Thu, 08 Dec 2016 16:33:46 +0000 Well, John, what’s the difference between the “state’s” control or hypnotherapist Jack True’s control program? Is there really a difference? Are you talking about rewriting the book or adding another chapter?

By: Terri Thu, 08 Dec 2016 01:43:25 +0000 Thanks for continuing to post this info so people can start questioning and demanding changes to take down this immense evil which if not stopped, will continue to grow stronger and completely subvert this world.

By: Terri Thu, 08 Dec 2016 01:29:24 +0000 Indeed, a very important dream that led to a decision that probably saved your soul. Your dream is a representation to me, about how the family indoctrinates their own children into slavery. This is where communism/socialism/police state/nanny state begins. Everyone does what was done to them, without thinking, and then threatens those they seek to make conform with dire warnings.

I appreciate your contribution and am glad there are so many thoughtful caring people here.

By: n3angus Wed, 07 Dec 2016 20:03:18 +0000 Are some who are calling Fake New Fake reeling from the Loss of the One World Order momentum that a Hillary Clinton win would have Continued ????

By: n3angus Wed, 07 Dec 2016 19:55:51 +0000 NYTIMES best Selling Author Covers Pizzagate like no other ,

This guy was a 2 time Obama voter , he is a Trump supporter now , but is resume’ is Journalist for most Liberal Rags . Was fired for reporting on Hilary’s Health from Huffpost . This is his Most recent Video on Pizzagate and fake News rants by the Main Stream Media , he is also quoted as being on to something in the post above NYTimes Best Selling Author ,

By: Joy Wed, 07 Dec 2016 19:53:52 +0000 Jon, reading your words here brought up a memory of my first remembered dream from about age four. My family and I were standing on a railway platform in the middle of nowhere in Kansas, waiting for a train. It was a freight train moving at such a slow speed that it did not need to make a stop to allow new passengers to enter the open cars. My mother dragged me into the car, and I was horrified to see that it was filled with “humans” hanging from meat hooks, each wrapped up like a mummy, so that only their dead eyes were visible. All of the bodies were swinging in unison as the freight train inched along into nowhere. Right then and there, I refused to join my family in the “wrapping ceremony,” even though they threatened that I would be forever alone in the cold if I did not join them. When I awakened back into this world, even then I knew better than to tell anyone of my nightmare.

More and more, I realize what a prescient dream this was for a very young child who was still a conscious soul. Even then (six decades ago), I already saw where we were heading. Now, the surreal landscape all around me seems to approach this dream more every day. You are right in saying that most of the people around us aren’t free; that they have embedded themselves so deeply in We that they can’t see outside it; and that the very idea of being free is meaningless to them. How tragic!

And yet…I still won’t give up! I know I came to this lifetime precisely to be part of the wakeup call, and I am so grateful to have finally met you and the brave souls frequenting these pages!

By: Oliver K. Manuel Wed, 07 Dec 2016 16:36:31 +0000 Thanks to your excellent insight and courage, I will now write and submit for publication a brief tribute to the late Professor Paul Kazuo Kuroda, the first nuclear scientist to visit the ruins of Hiroshima in August 1945.

Kuroda became a committed patriot of humanity that risked the rest of his life to block efforts by the Deep State to obscure the 1905 prediction by Einstein and the 1922 confirmation by Aston that rest mass (m) of atoms contains a clear and unalterable record of the nuclear energy (E), E = mc^2, in each atom, including the source of energy in atoms of uranium that destroyed Hiroshima, NEUTRON REPULSION.

The Deep State has no nuclear secrets to hide!

Here’s an earlier tribute to Kuroda by the Hungarian editor of the Journal of RadioAnalytical and Nuclear Chemistry:

By: Oliver K. Manuel Wed, 07 Dec 2016 15:08:20 +0000 Thanks to your excellent insight and courage, I will now write and submit for publication a brief tribute to the late Professor Paul Kazuo Kuroda, the first nuclear scientist to visit the ruins of Hiroshima in August 1945 who became a committed patriot of humanity that risked the rest of his life to block efforts by the Deep State to obscure the 1905 prediction by Einstein and the 1922 confirmation by Aston that rest mass (m) of atoms contains a clear and unalterable record of the nuclear energy (E), E = mc^2, in each atom, including the source of energy in atoms of uranium that destroyed Hiroshima, NEUTRON REPULSION.

The Deep State has no nuclear secrets to hide!

By: Oliver Manuel Wed, 07 Dec 2016 14:58:48 +0000 Thanks to your excellent insight and courage, I will now write and submit for publication a brief tribute to the late Professor Paul Kazuo Kuroda, the first nuclear scientist to visit the ruins of Hiroshima in August 1945 who became a committed patriot of humanity that risked the rest of his life to block efforts by the Deep State to obscure the 1905 prediction by Einstein and the 1922 confirmation by Aston that rest mass (m) of atoms contains a clear and unalterable record of the nuclear energy (E), E = mc^2, in each atom, including the source of energy in atoms of uranium that destroyed Hiroshima, NEUTRON REPULSION.

The Deep State has no nuclear secrets to hide!
