Comments on: A vaccine against magic Tue, 11 May 2021 12:03:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Fri, 16 Dec 2016 18:09:53 +0000 John…hears what I think about you and your holy roller Gawd.

By: John Fri, 16 Dec 2016 00:30:23 +0000 Michael, I couldn’t care less what floats in your bathtub or not. Nor do I care to insult you or attack your personally. So God bless you and continue to be the individual you are Michael.

As for my writings, just exercising my freedom of speech. If these writings repulse you so much, you don’t need to read these writings. If you choose to read what I write, you are free to criticize and analyze them, be sarcastic about it, condemn them, whatever floats your boat. What you can’t do is assume you know me personally because you know don’t a hill of beans about my life. God bless you Michael, may good things and peace of mind always find you.

So sorry I can’t be as deep as you Michael, my sincerest apologies. Btw, I don’t drink alcohol, not that really matters.

By: tylerpaulanderson Mon, 12 Dec 2016 00:28:49 +0000 I was gonna offer Jon an opportunity to clarify what he meant by “organized religion” but then I read Michael’s comment and have triaged him 1st in line.
“OK Dixie, lets a get a full panel of lytes, a CBC, urine drug screen, start O2 at 2 liters nasal cannula, give benzo of choice min dose P.O. Q4-6 hrs prn agitation, see if he has any shrapnel in his body and schedule an MRI of the brain, consult psychiatry and see if Michael would like to talk to a chaplain. Oh, and put him on 1 to 1 observation with that cute blond nurse, Jeanne. Tell him to be a good boy and I’ll see him in the morning. Signed;Kelly Bracket, M.D.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 10 Dec 2016 03:29:44 +0000 …and the deluded witter without a care in the world, for they don’t know how so who should worry why?

I now comprehend the Anunaki’s intent in their attempt at wiping us out completely 35,000 years ago. Jon is trying to make leaders of all men and not tyrants of everyone of us, but tyranny is where we are heading courtesy of wilful idealism. I very much doubt Jon has any problem with a great group that is a thriving teaming hive of new ideas, else why has he backed Trumpism in the way he has?

Explain that, Greg C?

What happens when Trump fails? More bullshit….on and on ad infinitum?

By: Michael Burns Fri, 09 Dec 2016 18:32:53 +0000 @ Geezuzes little helper John

Truth? Who’s truth? What truth? Depends on were you are, depends on subjectivity of it all…and it is all subjective. Your primary purpose is to seek and know truth?…well good luck with that, because it’s a dead-end street.

Clinging to individualism?…clinging? I am an individual regardless if you like it or not…and I don’t give a fuck if you like it or dislike it. It is me, I don’t try at it, I don’t cling to it, I have no other choice…I am it. I don’t want any other choice.

Imperfect soul? Well your totally fucked then, your flawed and there’s no way out now. And feeding your mind, well it depends on what your feeding it…if your feeding it god. Well your teaching yourself to be a victim. If you teach it to be responsible, courageous, above all adventurous, imaginitive, light and genuinely seeking happy, eating the world as one would an oyster in a shell. Fulfilling your wants.

Desire is what your here for…the interaction of you and this five-sense world, start really tasting that ice-cream, throw your whole being into the sexual act. Don’t see fireworks, blow the whole bedroom up. Dare to teach yourself new things that are difficult and take a long time to master. Love, like it’s the last day of planet earth.

The many grinning automaton fools I see ever day, walking through supermarkets and on sidewalks; unqualified happiness they claim, it’s there right; to have high self-esteem, and a good healthy smile…bullshit, most of them have ceased and desisted from participating in life. They have become slack-jawed voyeurs. Wishing to put smiles on each others face…that is no purpose.

A real purpose is start a revolution, and begins with yourself. Revolt against your whole being, become a completely new thing,

The “KISS METHOD”?….kiss this! You should be skating on thin ice all the time, make it complex, make it very very complex. Throw a monkey wrench into everything you come across. Keep those senses tingling…if it goes to quiet you’ll fall into a trance, a hypnotic state of “oh well, were all one in this together” and “I just being real, self actualized”, “I’m permanently happy and simple, and this fucking smile is stapled to my face”.

The clichés you burp out onto this comment section, makes me itchy and scratchy, the poet in me screams out for a line that sinks your whole coffin of empty words.

The Serenity Prayer! Are your serious?…you want to recite to me the prayer of a drunk with you. Did you just dry out recently?…because this born again crap does not float in this bathtub.

By: Greg C. Fri, 09 Dec 2016 15:24:38 +0000 “We are doomed, mate.” What do you mean, “we”? Speak for yourself.Jon points the way out of the mire of conformity and group thinking, and you say it’s no use based on banal generalities, thoughtless one-sentence summaries not worthy of a high-school sophomore. So shallow, so sad.

By: John Fri, 09 Dec 2016 13:46:48 +0000 Life and how to live in a world without just existing. How to strike a balance in each one of our individual lives. To embrace life with a thinking mind, a trying soul and a pure heart. Living a life of substance based on truth.

How does a person in today’s world keep clinging to his or her individualism and not get caught up in the group thought mentality of today’s world? Can a person nourish his/her imperfect soul, heal his/her wounded heart and feed his/her thinking mind in today’s world of overwhelming materialism? Do we as individuals have the discipline to keep our spirituality alive within us?

Do we need a million “things” in our life to satisfy our needs and desires? Can we fill our very beings up with things that last and matter? The bottom line is how does a human being on planet earth in the year 2016 find PEACE OF MIND?
For without peace of mind, human existence becomes worthless.

We all have that simple basic human instinct to try and attain peace of mind? But as human beings do we ever find true peace of mind on a permanent basis? I do not think anybody can ever attain complete peace of mind. But to live a life in 2016 without constant worry, to be able to relax and to just catch one’s breath can be quite a task.

For me peace of mind comes down to living life as simple as possible. Using discipline, keeping my mind and hands busy. Reading, writing, working, physical/intellectual labor. Staying connected to God, family and friends all help. To live a life using patience, fortitude and wisdom. Not expecting much and being pleasantly surprised when good things happen. I try to fill up my soul up with things that last. I try to avoid immediate gratification and use goals to fill up my life. I don’t need a fast pace and a faulty gate, I opt for a slow steady stride with form. My primary purpose is to seek and know truth, to keep God in my life on a daily basis. To understand and to be understood. Just to be able to smile and put a smile on another human being’s face is what it is all about.

I always subscribed to the “KISS METHOD” (keep it simple stupid), I find the more simple I keep things the more happy I am. When I try to overwhelm myself, that is when I feel most at unease. Just taking a deep breath and living life simply goes a long way toward happiness and peace of mind, for me at least.


God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next.


By: Nuala Norris Fri, 09 Dec 2016 13:04:22 +0000 I think almost all religions are primitive forms of forgotten science; science, in the sense of profound(forgotten, or dimly perceived, or corrupt; sorry, NASA, sorry MIT, sorry MANHATTAN PROJECT, sorry CDC, sorry FDA, sorry…Churches) insights into and knowledge of the make-up of the physical universe and Humankind’s place in it. Imagination knows no limits, but Mediocrity, Mammon and the tendency to conform are powerful forces.

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 09 Dec 2016 01:03:30 +0000 I think you’ve hit the jackpot here, Jon, but haven’t contemplated hard enough.

The baby “looses the magic” on the journey to adulthood. Yeah, familiar materialist/atheist reasoning devoted to impaling spirit.

How about “open mind” versus “closed mind” with “open-mindedness” being the closest to spirit state?

All those things that are hated, labelled evil, are warred over, disappear. The problem is we are inherently selfish and that is why we are “closed minded”. Therefore as we become more “adult” we also become more “insular”. “Look after number one”.

Selfishness implies winner/loser life scenarios and that is why humanity is perpetually at war with “the other”. Spirituality, under the anathema “zeal”, is a monstrous celebration of hatred. People (atheists through and through) pretend to “love” God by hating those they detest, all in the name of “religious zeal”. Is that not practical devil worship?

We are doomed, mate.


By: Joy Thu, 08 Dec 2016 23:19:29 +0000 Jon, your words immediately transport me to a new universe reality just as you describe about a painting. Plugging into this reality reveals just how much you live the reality of Imagination, and thereby transmit this power and paint this picture with your words. You are my hero!
