Comments on: Power Outside The Matrix: inserting your space and time into physical reality Thu, 08 Dec 2016 14:43:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Thu, 08 Dec 2016 14:43:58 +0000 There isn’t a person in this world who hasn’t “given in” at least a few times in their lives. Sometimes giving in means compromising our core principles. But the key to life is living by our individual set of core principles. This is not easy when people choose to exist in a world rather than live, exist in a world where everybody seems to be comfortably passive in just being accepted by the majority. It doesn’t matter today if the majority or the so-called “norm” is in direct contrast to what their conscience tells each one of them is right. All that matters today is that this so-called “norm” we choose to exist in is accepted by the collective.

To reject logic and critical thinking is an abuse of one’s inner being. To compromise one’s soul is an abuse of liberty. Life boils down to being able to look yourself in the mirror on a daily basis and to be able to ask yourself one simple question, “am I doing what is right and if I am not, do I still have the courage to change and do what’s right ? ”

We all fail in life, we all even lack character at times. But the most important aspect of failing is having the ability to change and turn things around. The ability to never lose our core principles and the thumos within all of us which can be used as an awakening agent. The catalyst of virtue which nourishes our individual hearts, minds and souls.

Too many people today have become emotionless pods (see film: Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers, 1956, Kevin McCarthy). People have willfully given into a corrupt system and in a majority of cases have become part of the corruption. We all fail at times to confront the corruption which our individual consciences/souls tells us is simply wrong. A huge majority of people have chosen to embrace the two great evils of our times: moral relativism and willful ignorance. The combination of these two attributes are very dangerous. These evils have created a world now based on illusion rather than reality.

I believe in God and also believe he kind of “bops” me on the head now and then by creating some circumstance/obstacle in my life. Most often this circumstance/obstacle is not very pleasant but it has its value, it awakens my soul. It causes me as an individual to realize the error of my ways and to make the changes necessary in my life to become a better individual.

As a society we have become so brainwashed, the fact is most of us have lost the ability to change as individuals and become better. We have let the norms of society and the indoctrination process destroy our thumos. A lot of us have become like a passive society of robots with mechanical responses in our speech, thoughts and actions.

For me God and prayer helps me to battle in life and keep my conscience awakened. I fail often, but now and then muster up the courage to try again. Other people may find other ways to awaken their conscience and keep it attentive, God bless you all, I don’t judge anybody. I just wish everybody still had the ability and willpower to consciously see the illusionary society enfolding before their eyes right now. For all of us to unite under the banner of logic and truth. To be able to confront evil and not to make excuses for evil. To just do what is right.

We all need to keep our hearts, minds and souls on high alert. We are living in perilous times where logic has become the enemy and truth a menace. As a society we must never lose the sight of our urgency, the urgency to keep our conscience “clean” and awake. When we lose this ability in its entirety, we just become lost in the hive, the new “normal,” the collective insanity/illusion which will eventually take down western civilization and enslave us all.
