Comments on: The Spiritually Dead gatekeepers of mainstream news Mon, 12 Dec 2016 06:35:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 12 Dec 2016 06:35:22 +0000 Hardly so….

But if, by some strange chance, people lost faith in gold, in “value”, those that control would be FINISHED.

Is that what you meant, JJ?

By: Tony Mon, 12 Dec 2016 03:54:37 +0000 The title of this blog post is interesting…specifically, the ‘spiritually dead’ reference.
The same could be said for the gatekeepers of the worlds’ religions.

By: JJ Sun, 11 Dec 2016 20:17:15 +0000 At that point you become totally brain dead.

By: Sue Nicholoy Sun, 11 Dec 2016 14:52:34 +0000 The number of votes that were cast for Bernie Sanders challenges your concept that nobody cares about all these issues. And who knows how many actually were cast in comparison to how many were counted? As well, the number cast for Donald Trump would also bring that into question. People ARE waking up, and more and more as time goes on. Jon Rappaport hasn’t given up and neither shall I.

By: Sabell Sun, 11 Dec 2016 13:03:37 +0000 “I write for the people who can envision WHAT COULD BE and will at least consider making their stand there.” Jon Rappaport

Thanks for your continuing work! Through reading the comments on your updates and articles, I can surely rest and work assured there are so many other real people in this crrrrazzzy whirly world. ironically Funny that I see more Real when I hop on the .net than I do when I hop on a trail or a train, but it makes for good story foh shoouh! (that was for sure with an accent;) Each moment of every day and dreaming night I Live my Life into Being, holding a space in meditative mind for Creating the Worlde I Love (and I Love placing e’s where they may please and quite possibly could have previously existed of Olde when the wee folk played Joyfully in fine Fun full of fae-rie laughter ringing through forests to coves and inlets where sirens echo the glee gaiety, jollity and merriment. Ok, maybe just merriment, but when the wee folk insist with a gentle joyous nudge, the rhymes follow through in paroemion prose of drizzly drooly dew and how d’ ye do)…

Make your world Grrr8! the 8 is for infiniti sideways (listen to Children for their knowledge is Grrr8 and must be nurtured as well as nourished, protected).

By: Alan Reid Sun, 11 Dec 2016 08:20:42 +0000 The Truth is out in plain view. Four frames captured on Zapruder’s camera tell a no bull story of handguns and how a muzzle emits smoke. Look and see for yourself Frames 313,314,315,316 and 317 give you a real proof of the source of a blast of white muzzle smoke. I did not see a single word about this white smoke in any of the rambling lunacy of the Warren commission, WHY? Squeamish about the holder of the gun? Bull. Smoke comes from a barrel. The smoke seen is concentrated and measurable with those four frames so an expert can estimate size and load of a shot fired. An expert can tell the angle and range of that muzzle, was it in contact with the skull or not… All from those four frames. It was never done, Why it was not pursued will tell a whole other story of power and control. The final head shot that killed President Kennedy will become a obvious reality for any force willing to forensically investigate those four frames alone. White smoke comes from a gun muzzle. The forces the put the muzzle on Kennedy’s head, compelled the gunman’s are vast and wide reaching all down the corridors of time. They will FAIL! The hopes of it not being the obvious assailant will not change the reality of the telltale smoke and it’s damming tale. The sad path into darkness all start from that one single shot through through her husbands head. America failed to engage and prosecute any of the REAL actors and gunmen and women of the day and will never ever get anywhere until they do so COMPLETELY! After that a real and precise investigation into Apollo HAS to be done. If you manage to succeed in those monumental lies the remainder will come easy and fast to the keepers of the truth working the problems America is currently mired.

By: elliottjab Sun, 11 Dec 2016 04:43:18 +0000 Would take enormous amounts of antacids for ANY of the MSMs to even approach serving up fare as you do Jon.

Thanks again, from NM.

By: elliottjab Sun, 11 Dec 2016 04:25:06 +0000 Jon’s insights & outsights are truly salve for the soul and pure energy for the spirit. Am also a long time reader and agree with your comments also.

YOUR Hopi elder quote made the hair on the back of my neck stand along with an adrenalin rush. Thanks for sharing that.

By: From Québec Sun, 11 Dec 2016 03:57:06 +0000 Why can’t the alternative media, like you Jon, Inforwars, Breitbart, Drudge and many other websites, plus the best radio show host, get together and start a brand new television news and a new daily newspaper?

Why not?

I’m sure it could be done under a Trump Presidency.

By: arcadia11 Sat, 10 Dec 2016 23:55:08 +0000 “the beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names”

you are off to a rousing start, john.
: – }
