Comments on: Obama fundraiser; sex with a minor; case dismissed Sun, 18 Dec 2016 02:39:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 18 Dec 2016 02:39:09 +0000 Ah, we have someone [at least] that thinks here.

Very good response, BTLN.

In effect, your gripe might be parsed as “where do you draw the line”?

There is debate (in serious circles) as to whether nappies were invented to contain foul smelling excretions or to stop babies masturbating. So where you draw the line?

I say if it is natural it is ok and if it is unnatural the “chances are” it’s not.

Clear enough for you?

By: BlessedToLiveNow Sat, 17 Dec 2016 03:22:08 +0000 I understand your viewpoint, but at what age does sovereign rights manifest? This story has some ambiguity given the circumstances, however, would you feel different if the alleged victim was 6 months old?

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 16 Dec 2016 04:48:23 +0000 To me any attack on a persons sexuality (specifically for that reason and not as a consequence of a violent associated attack) is “gutter journalism” that “should be” NONE OF OUR BUSINESS.

The “American people” need to put their priorities in check. Sexual sobriety gives no indication of character other than promiscuous people tend to be more inclined to take “risks”.

My dear departed father gave me some advice on “types” to avoid like the plague. Unsurprisingly that contradicts your standard mould and points are, in no particular order, as follows:

a) Celibates

b) Teetotallers

c) Over-zealous

As for paedophilia, I see that (and I iterate again) as an attack on sovereign individuality. The arrack isn’t directed at adults. The SYSTEM targets “promiscuous children’ (who may or may not be adult depending on your determination as to what “adult” is) and “punishes” adults (per their “brand”) that dare to deny its power.

If a young person decides (against all advice) they are going to engage in sexual activity, that is their sovereign right. In this case, sovereign rights conflict with legal rights because the law is an ass vainly determined to uphold whatever idealistic standards are proposed by designate controllers (or whip masters, might be a better term).

You may or may not be aware of my seamless connection to, I’ll call them, “cosmic forces”. Our excuse for science blusters with authority about things it cannot understand. Light, for instance, is barely represented by the puny bandwidth we call “the spectrum”. “Light beings” (from which bandwidth I cannot affirm) presented some information to me via an intermediary.

They said, succinctly, that the most important body chakra of the human being is the base chakra. That is the one that happens to govern sexuality and it’s there pre-birth (i.e. it doesn’t mystically appear at “18” or whenever the fudge-heads decide adulthood is “appropriate”). Our sexuality is also our life potence, so a sexually potent human is a life potent one. Conversely any attack on sexuality is an attack on the libido. That’s how the powers behind the SYSTEM turn you into snivelling little slaves.

Get it?

If you do, yours will be a merry Christmas.

P.S. the message crashed TWICE, so I had to rewrite the whole thing in word. This might sound really “nutty” (as in “off to the funny farm with this guy”) or “over-paranoid”, but the information I have provided so conflicts with the (extra-terrestrial) agenda of those that underlie the powers behind the system, it will be interesting to see whether this comment will “make it”…..;-)

By: CPP Thu, 15 Dec 2016 06:45:53 +0000 And this is my point in my reply to Ozzie. I’m aware of what you refer to, Franklin etc., as well as BBC/British elite, but nothing in Jon’s article here is actually about pedophilia or sex trafficking of children (despite his categorization tag). I do however appreciate the lack of hysteria in your comment.

By: CPP Thu, 15 Dec 2016 06:34:59 +0000 “Gutter journalism” may not be a fair assessment, considering the opening context of “imagine if Trump’s and not Obama’s buddy.” That said, I appreciate your dissenting views here. These kinds of articles tend to bring out the raving moral panic types who go around like Reverend Lovejoy’s wife, screaming “oh, won’t somebody please think of the children!” and posting all manner of material about pedophile rings and child porn when the content of the stories have nothing to do with either. Yet, Jon did categorize this article, along with the “naked teens on the walls” ones under “pedophiles”, perhaps out of convenience or presumed implication, but of course the word’s definition doesn’t fit the bill in either case, a definition which apparently has little or no bearing on popular usage.

There does seem to be something theocratic about the age of consent, like it’s the state’s version of abstinence before marriage. Age 18 adulthood and the invention of the teenager is a rather recent phenomenon, is it not? America’s Puritan roots contribute to making it a particularly deranged, hypocritical and contradictory place when it comes to sex (e.g. the average age of virginity loss vs. the monstrously overblown sex-offender registry, mostly populated with people who, while “age of majority”, had a relationship with someone who was at or above the aforementioned average age.) Of course other places, like Canada, are not far afield in some respects, as Tom Flanagan found out (see,

Addressing what Jon said directly, why would “the boy” want to get on the stand and “tell his story”? He himself went on Grindr and wound up where he did, apparently on purpose. Why would he want to tell people in a courtroom about his gay encounter with a much older man and his meth-head pal? “We’ve decided you’re a victim, so please come and humiliate yourself so we can prosecute our laws of “felony sodomy””? That said, sure, Bean’s connections wouldn’t go unnoticed.

By: Eileen Kuch Thu, 15 Dec 2016 01:38:39 +0000 Well, Ozzie, Jon Rappaport isn’t the only columnist who’s written stories of pedophilia among the hoi-polloi and sex trafficking of children. Back in the mid-80’s, there was the Franklin sex scandal involving politicians, high-level businessmen, military and police officials, etc. which then FBI official Ted Gunderson investigated for years. Young children were often kidnapped and brought to places such as Washington, DC and pimped off to these individuals.
You can imagine what had happened at these events the children were brought to; so, I needn’t be specific. The same with Pizzagate.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 14 Dec 2016 03:54:30 +0000 I’m surprised that a man of your outstanding vision has stooped to the level of “gutter journalism”, Jon.

We have the same old slanderous accusations bubbling beneath the surface turning reason, logic and liberty into a grand chess game. The rules are “black and white”. Innocence, sexual abstinence are inextricably linked to social obedience and “purity”. Per this Puritan idealism, the most pure never have intimate sex and, consequentially, it was thought (for a long time) that priests, in their capacity as “God’s ambassadors”, should remain celibate. They didn’t have to be particularly good. Not having sex was sufficient for purity.

Puritans are cut-down Pharisees and “utopian” New World Order is Zionism (it may have been Rosicrucian-ism, but the Catholics lost – “sort of”). You regularly take umbrage at “big brother” group squashing individual voices. Big brother is Zionism; atheism with bubble and squeak coating.

I notice this article featured yet another sexual “minor”. To your credit, you didn’t overplay the pedo “angle” (highlighted and UNDERLINED). Wow and this one refuses (highlighted and UNDERLINED) to “confess”. Confess what? He hooked a politician, was well paid and well looked after? Maybe he can “cash in” some more? But blame game, slander and “false association” is what makes the American people the American people. The same insane American people expect a “level” political playing field (or chess board).

Now you know the problem. Going round and round in giant circles will NEVER fix it.


By: John Tue, 13 Dec 2016 20:18:19 +0000 Why not read this book and make that determination for yourself Charles.

By: Charles Carrico Tue, 13 Dec 2016 19:51:30 +0000 Is Obama gay? I wonder so let’s start some shit everyone needs to call there news stations let them know about Obama’s boyfriend telling him he loves him forever ok everyone call NOW

By: rudolfalbert Tue, 13 Dec 2016 19:19:22 +0000 Topic demoKratic deviancy
