I’m suspicious as well that Putin may be mole for the deep state mafia. They did the same thing with Hitler — he was a deep state mole as well. They set him up with all kinds of “looks good to me” kind of outward appearances. Make military stronger, gold back currency with central bank confiscation of gold and guns, build infrastructure, etc. Meanwhile, Hitler’s SS was coordinating with Stalin, FDR and Churchill (Lindemann actually) for mass extermination of white christian European populations. Village after village, after Jews were moved to safety of rural IG Farben camps (gardening clubs), the “allies” bombed the white european stay-behinds living in their civilian districts, including graveyards of their ancestors. Given the self-evident agenda of white genocide, black slavery, and global jewish regime change, I also suspect that Putin’s loyalty to the white genocide part of the global program is still in play.
There are two jewish mafias in the US, and they are competing. Hillary was frontsperson for the Hollywood mob, which includes the main stream media, the pentagon chiasma and the war machine economy. Trump is frontspiece for the Meyer Lansky mob. The Lanksy mob and the Russian mob see the world pretty much eye to eye. They share similar world views and personal values and can talk openly with each other. The Hollywood mob is a bunch of totally infantile, narcissistic nut jobs. Both mobs are involved in crime, but the Hollywood mob is totally indiscriminate. They push porn onto 12 yr old kids with iPhones, along with satanism and indiscriminate pedophilia and homosexuality. This is unacceptable behavior to the code of conduct in the Lansky and Russsian mobs. This is the essence to the raprochement between the Trump administration (protected by the Lansky mob) and Putin administration (protected by the Russian mob). It’s also why Rappoport’s proposals for a Trump-Putin dialog is so important. They are in a dangerous war and need to know that support for them is out there.
Never in the history of mankind has man been in need of two mafias like the Russian and Lansky mafias. Although their goal is local delivery of crime, with strict codes of silence and containment and discretion. The alternative is the total profligacy and degeneracy of the Hollywood-MSM-Pentagon mob, which is metastising worldwide distribution of drugs, porn and satanim, with senseless abandon. The New York Lansky mob and the Russian mob are not too cool with that. I’m not into mobs, but in this case, I see a need for one. Even together, the Lansky mob and Russian mob will have a hard time defeating the infantile insanity Hollywood-Hillary-Pentagon mob.
The fact that Trump and Putin are two political sockpuppets, backed up by and protected by two regionally different but philosophically similar mafias, is the key to future US-Russia relations. Meanwhile the Hollywood-MSM-Pentagon mafia will be cooking up as many political “pickles” as they can. The latter mafia is worldwide in scope, is completely dangerous for the future consciousness of mankind, and is completely devoid of any concepts of self-respect or self-control.
Empirical evidence for NEUTRON REPULSION is indelible recorded in exact rest masses of the ~3,000 types of atoms that comprise all matter . . .
and will remain as indelible empirical evidence of continued fraudulent government science if Trump’s Science Advisor and DOE’s Energy Secretary fail to correct the misuse of science to deceive and control humanity.