Comments on: When virtue is the greatest crime Thu, 02 Jan 2020 17:38:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: bob klinck Thu, 15 Dec 2016 16:19:33 +0000 Don’t we try it now at every intersection without lights?–until the back-up of traffic makes progress so slow that a light needs to be installed! When the traffic lights go down in a busy traffic area, there is a reason why they send a policeman to direct the flow, rather than force thousands of commuters to stop and face each other in perplexity for the right to proceed next.

By: bob klinck Wed, 14 Dec 2016 22:00:20 +0000 “if we only shut down every American factory and business….” Who is recommending this? Certainly not I. I am, however, in favor of using the latest technology to free people from uncreative, repetitious tasks that can be better performed by robots. As for the alleged problem of people being “rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers”, why would an informed population allow this source of payment when, as a recent paper from the Bank of England tells us, “Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money”? In the light of this process, the taxation system of which you apparently approve (while disparaging the way it is administered) is patently a monumental fraud, collaborated in by virtually every politician elected by ‘the people’.

By: bob klinck Wed, 14 Dec 2016 18:03:24 +0000 Our cultural heritage, from the development of the wheel through to the technological marvels of the 20th Century, is also a free gift to our generation, made possible by our free gifts of memory, language, and the ability to communicate experience to others. It is now in the process of creating a primarily robotized production system, which surely will take the “I am independent of everyone else, God included” crowd down a few pegs. In order to avoid hypocrisy, those who advocate “self-sufficiency” should dissociate themselves from this fantastic, free heritage and get busy running down a rabbit for dinner.

Aren’t you glad that YOU didn’t have to invent the computer chip before having the use of it?

By: Sabell Wed, 14 Dec 2016 03:36:38 +0000 …I meant to put psy-op in front of ‘words’ up there in that last sentence to read, “…a lemming to the sea of psy-op’d words that cycle in waves…”

That said, I’m happy to be on land and I always have a squirrel suit ready 😉 for whatever adventure awaits, always consciously, and fully aware considering all sides including my own before action is taken of my own accord-ian song.

By: Sabell Wed, 14 Dec 2016 03:19:53 +0000 This pretty much sums it all up from what I’ve observed, “Feeling good in a world of illusion is much better than solving problems, confronting problems with actions that make sense and are based on logic and facts.” And, Where’s the “…individualism and freedom of speech” in escapism, or rather the relinquishment of obfuscated free will to the Greater All? where a button can be pushed in a brain to re-act the individual to be lumped in to a Whole Good Lot of convicted individuals. Confuse the Crap out of people and the weak will gladly relinquishes personal power to a greater construct’d plan with a “Good” name that solves everything under the pyre mid Eye. Yes, it does feel good to fly when the soul is already gone and the spirit has no presence here; as a lemming to the sea of words that cycle in waves that always crash somewhere.

By: John Wed, 14 Dec 2016 03:11:47 +0000 Yes, if we only shut down every American factory and business, the world would be a much a better place, the earth would be safe. I am sure the air we breathe and the sun which beats down upon all of us providing human beings with good old vitamin D is currently on some corrupt politicians mind, put a tax on that. Of course that tax will only effect the middle class, the poor will not be expected to pay it and the rich will gladly pay it because it will not have any effect on their financial security whatsoever. I guess some people just don’t give a crap about the middle class anymore. Some people are completely happy living in a post-Constitutional tyranny as long as they feel they gave that good “old college try to save the earth,” God loves those unselfish people. A bunch of people who enjoy existing in an INEPTOCRACY!

Ineptocracy(in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) – a system of government where the least
capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the
members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

Ah glorious Venezuela, the role model for the new world order. How is that working out in liberal Utopia fantasy land? Oh wait those Commies do tax air, wow what a great idea !

You see this is how extreme liberalism works, inflation is out of control in Venezuela, people are starving. But some genius decided to tax the air they breathe. Liberalism, delusion, priorities which reflect insanity, selective outrage, climate justice.

Ah yes but they needn’t feel guilty about receiving free air now, they are paying for it, sounds logical to me. God is pleased….Some liberal now hugging a teddy bear can sleep well at night, he/she needn’t feel guilty about breathing free air.

By: bob klinck Wed, 14 Dec 2016 02:15:09 +0000 Speaking of “facts, truth and reality”, if you were not the beneficiary of millions of assets that you have received for nothing (air, sunshine, photosynthesis, gravity, the bias toward abundance in nature, your body, your spirit (such as it is), et cetera ad infinitum), then within a nanosecond you wouldn’t exist. The only way any conscious being could not see this is by an act of will to exclude it from view. A blinkered, ungrateful population–and one so dense that it perceives ubiquitous, perpetual financial coercion as being compatible with personal freedom–is doomed to fail. And it’s hard to imagine that God will miss it.

By: Terri Wed, 14 Dec 2016 00:49:33 +0000 The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. How close are we to becoming Venezuela? How many of these hypocrites and traitors to our republic would do this here, if they had a chance?
4 million toys confiscated by government because they thought the prices were too high and it wasnt fair.
The country’s fair pricing authority seized the toys from three warehouses run by Kreisel, Venezuela’s largest toy distributor, on Friday. Socialism is not benign, its just another word for communism and fascism. it never works.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 13 Dec 2016 23:30:16 +0000 Are you crazy…OMGawd sunny…it would be absolute mayhem…cats and dogs riding bicycles, the kids would running over the mailman. Everybody would want to go first. I’d be late every day since I am such a nice gentlemanny fellow and always let others go first.

But I love the idea, we should give it try, might be an nice surprise.

By: arcadia11 Tue, 13 Dec 2016 20:11:08 +0000 : – }
