Comments on: Will California secede from the US? I hope so. Sat, 10 Mar 2018 01:51:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dom Sat, 10 Mar 2018 01:51:25 +0000 I know how you feel. I live in upstate New York. If it wasn’t for mainly NYC we wouldn’t be a liberal state. Being a Republican in NYS i can sympathize. People seem to forget there is a lot more to NY then just New York City.

By: Stupidpeoplehater Tue, 10 Jan 2017 05:33:00 +0000 You and I seem to be the only ones who realize this fact. Also how can the governments think that they own any public lands when in fact it is the tax payer dollars that keep these places up?

They act like they own our money, our land, and they treat us like slaves. I for one am sick of it.

By: Stupidpeoplehater Tue, 10 Jan 2017 05:29:29 +0000 Yes and can we please banish all of the gays, transgenders, pedophiles, people who don’t know what sex they are, people who are too poor to buy birth control and expect tax payers to fund their sex life, all the ones who use abortion as birth control, and all the other freaks to the new country of California? They would be very much at home there I’m sure!

By: Theodore Sun, 08 Jan 2017 16:58:13 +0000 CalExit is Adding Key Members of the Obama Administration

The horse’s head has reared its head in California. The drug cartels have begun to leave dead animals (e.g. dead rabbits) on the front porches of the officials who are being the State of Jefferson movement. The State of Jefferson movement is a political effort for several counties from Northern California and Southern Oregon to form a 51st state [ ]. The effort is legal and stands an excellent chance of happening. However, this movement flies in the face of the CALEXIT movement. Therefore, the underworld affiliates behind Governor Brown’s treasonous plan have begun the first wave of a reign of terror against these officials. I look for the level of violence to increase as the Jefferson movement gains more momentum. In light of these revelations, one can clearly see that California is clearly a Marxist state that is controlled by organized crime figures, both domestic and foreign.

CalExit Intimidating California’s Public Figures

Deliver dead rabbits [the “Horse’s Head”] to Opposing Public Officials

Calexit embassy? Did California just get its first diplomatic post?

California’s independence movement faces long odds. A petition to remove a phrase that calls California “inseparable part of the nation” will need enough signatures to put the issue on the ballot in November 2018. If the ballot measure succeeds, then a special election on the issue would be held in March 2019. After that, secession would still require the agreement of Congress and 38 states, the Monitor reported in November.


Chicano Marxists Prepare for Battle with Trump Administration

By: taminator013 Sun, 08 Jan 2017 13:05:48 +0000 Sorry, Marilyn. Nothing personal against you. We need many more people with your morals and conservative politics in your beautiful state. Sometimes I forget that there are actually good people there, too. Just my little morning rant before the coffee kicks in…………..

By: taminator013 Sun, 08 Jan 2017 12:51:44 +0000 Let California leave the Union. Cut off all the water that is siphoned off from other states and see how much food is grown there then. I grow pretty much all the vegetables that you have on your list in PA. Most pears grow better in other states. The apples that I buy come from either PA or Washington state. Peaches and nectarines from Georgia. I also do have my own nectarine tree, thank you. New York wine is fine by me. Rice from Louisiana. I only like seedless, green table grapes. I grow a variety myself called Hope that was bred for cultivation in my area. I like raisins, but it wouldn’t kill me to do without them if they could only be made from CA grapes, which is doubtful. And I hate avocadoes. So in closing: Don’t let the doorknob hit you where the good Lord split you……………………….

By: Marilyn Guinnane Sun, 08 Jan 2017 00:39:00 +0000 So the sheeple are buying the ‘fascist’ b.s. spewed out by the whore press, hmmm?. More’s the pity, Vietvet68. Didn’t that phony Viet Nam war teach you to think for yourself?

By: the time Sat, 07 Jan 2017 18:01:37 +0000 Not likely to happen. Just a bluff for money and political power. […]

By: John Sat, 07 Jan 2017 03:03:36 +0000 One thing liberals can’t comprehend is that the government doesn’t give anybody anything. The government especially the federal government just redistributes tax dollars.

Under the Obama post-constitutional tyranny, the federal government basically withheld federal funding to states unless they went along with his Marxist/Globalist agenda. One could say it was a form of bribery.

How else could countless EPA regulations pass, the Common Core agenda thrive without federal money. Money consisting of tax dollars not going where the people desire it to go but rather going to a radical Marxist/Globalist agenda.

Money/tax dollars belonging to the people and the people living in various states. Money high jacked from hard working tax payers.

The jig is up, the only fascism today is liberal fascism, there is no compromise, no firm grasp on reality.

I laugh when people say Obama and or the government “give” people money or free stuff. It is really outrageous to come to such a preposterous conclusion. Nothing is free. The government and politicians basically steal money from people and then they get certain idiots to believe they are “giving” them their own money back. Talk about twisted logic.

By: arcadia11 Sat, 07 Jan 2017 02:42:46 +0000 i’ll be there too : – }
