Comments on: Ten basic forms of fake news used by major media Sat, 28 Jan 2017 15:46:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: onroda45 Sat, 28 Jan 2017 15:46:33 +0000 That’s a good article.

But the author fails to mention or omits another form of fake support mechanism.
That mechanism is where the left-wing media sources use comedy shows to make fun of those taking opposing views to those presented as facts. Poking fun at the opposition or ridiculing the opposition, has been proven effective tools for the left, as witnessed by how many people actually take comedy programs as factual, like what SNL does with the Alec Baldwin skits where Trump is made to look foolish and incompetent and buffoonish and ignorant. Comedy central and the late shows on network TV, are go to mediums for the liberals. They understand their audience, and that audience comes away accepting the lies and jokes as being factual.

By: Dan M. Fri, 27 Jan 2017 04:07:23 +0000 There should maybe also be mentioned a “form 9a”, as the antithesis to the ninth form from your list: giving equal exposure to a fringe group of dissenters to create the impression that there is an ongoing debate, where there is actually an overwhelming consensus.

By: Dan M. Fri, 27 Jan 2017 04:04:26 +0000 You did realize that a majority of those supposed mainstream media lies about the coup in Ukraine, have since been admitted by the Kremlin to have been true?

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Wed, 18 Jan 2017 23:05:03 +0000 Hmmm!

I think the part about the biased-experts could also be considered especially troublesome, considering that what our “organizations” are merely practicing, in the name of “science”, is a “scientific doctrine” (IE: NOT true science). Just look at how over-extended is the use of the “Genome Project” ‘studies’ in ruling many types of ills and “conditions” as “genetically-predisposed” or “congenital” conditions.


The sheer profitability of the “Lie”, is enough to corrupt many a good “study”, and therefore – most of the popular conclusions that the media gladly regurgitates to the public.

(Hmmm! A possible “13th” problem???)

– Jim

By: Rebel Eyes1776 Mon, 16 Jan 2017 12:18:47 +0000 And most important of all is the almost sudden stoppage of commenting on MANY mainstream presstitute ‘news’ outlets. Any article on New York Times, Guardian UK et al that deals with Syria and ISIS ‘moderates’ now have commenting turned off.

Because they know many readers will correct the lying authors and REMIND them that ISIS was in fact created, aided and abetted by US/NATO/Saudi Arabia/Qatar with Israel somehow feeling comfy giving Al Nusra and other terrorists medical care before sending the patsies back to fight against secular Assad. If this isn’t treason, I don’t really know what is.

Totally Orwellian to the max!

By: Wild Bill Tue, 10 Jan 2017 14:27:51 +0000 Jon, My #1 complaint about the MSM would be the important stories that they DON’T COVER at ALL! There are manifold reasons for this inaction, but it really does tend to go a long way towards distorting our views of ourselves, our neighbors, and our nation at large.

By: farsight3 Sun, 08 Jan 2017 10:14:30 +0000

Reblogged in German at WORAN ERKENNST DU FAKENEWS?

By: alexandrabader Fri, 06 Jan 2017 21:37:11 +0000 In Europe it helps a lot that many people realized MSM is liestream after the coup in Ukraine. And then all the demonization of Putin; they saw it again against Trump,,,

By: alexandrabader Fri, 06 Jan 2017 21:35:02 +0000 It’s important to explain that again and again as some newly awoken people think only pure lie is fake. still some of the more critical find it hard to mistrust everything but use MSM at the same time to find out the truth. what causes much damage are puzzle pieces the MSM put together in a false context; then it seems often impossible to tell the people that what is put together doesn’t fit together. but when we uncover soma false narratives in the US and in europe and share it this will educate the audience. when i began countering disinfo it helped me a lot that intelligence critical literature gave hints what was true and what was disinfo; so if a person uses disinfo that tells a lot about his role in an actual context. I was once in an organisation that turned out to be an intel front (green party in austria) and there i realized that media images of politicians follow US intel guidelines.

By: lobotero Fri, 06 Jan 2017 15:32:49 +0000 Hello…this is a great piece…I would like to re-blog it on IST if that is okay….chuq
