I’m perhaps stating the obvious, but I always felt that Archimedes was referring to the power of logic.
]]>_ 1. Eliminating logic and analysis in education,
_ 2. Granting only research funds that support Standard Models, and
_ 3. Hiding NEUTRON REPULSION, the energy of atomic bombs, reactors, stars, galaxies and the expanding universe.
The first scientist sent to examine the ruins of Hiroshima in Aug 1945 – Prof Kazuo Kuroda of the Imperial University of Tokyo – risked the rest of his life trying to discreetly expose the subsequent misuse of science to deceive and enslave humanity.
The same logical error that prevented Hitler’s nuclear physicists from successfully building an atomic bomb during WWII, . . .
was inserted in nuclear physics textbooks after WWII to save frightened world leaders from the possibility of worldwide nuclear annihilation and certain death after WWII.
]]>Though “Freedom” is not the same as free will.
Notice the “dom” at the end – “the state of” -another way to say controlled.
Freedom goes hand in hand with the Kingdom of Rule which exists everywhere. Thus “Freedom” is with permissions granted, while free will is based upon choices always in a defined set.
Planet earth is controlled via its cycles, the cars, material etc.,
corporations provide. They’ve now even made an incandescent bulb last a year or two when it previously lasted 100 yrs. And, they’ve taken most of them away, of which is natural light, as opposed to unhealthy LED lighting which shortens life. I could go on providing examples of how the kingdom is run with the value they decide for the monetary system of control, but I repeat myself… we only get choices within the limitations.
Within earth’s limitations and permissions granted we’ve limited choices.
And yes, the sky is also how we are limited in this bubble of which we call a life. It too is limited, while our soul lives on forever, and then we get to do another life and another and another, but all with a different set of limitations… Yet what that means is, some souls are older, (been around the block a few times more) amongst a sea of newbies. We can’t expect young souls to see the repeating patterns, nor the subset, and each set of circumstances for each life. Youth grow with “ex”perience, noticing what is outside (ex) of oneself and trying. If one doesn’t try, there is no experience, nor chosen art form, yet that is the life of an ameba, though it’s still changing because energy is always on the move, never ends and never dies. That is why life is repeating and never ending, what we know as infinity, yet still with choices, free will in a limited set we know as freedom.
After all of that, who is the King controller?