Comments on: This is a coup: the Homeland Security takeover of US elections Sun, 29 Jan 2017 04:47:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ryan Sun, 29 Jan 2017 04:47:11 +0000 Enjoyed the article, Jon. I was VERY concerned, at first, that this EO was a desperate, last-ditch ploy to overturn the election results. I know that DHS, like CIA is filled with traitors and Obama loyalists (as though there’s a difference), and that the situation remains a ticking time-bomb.
I had a thought yesterday, though. One of those, ‘a light bulb went on’ type of thoughts. Not to be overly conspiratorial, but its moves like this EO that force my brain in that direction, while attempting to connect the otherwise-illogical ‘dots’. Here we go:
Trump just announced an investigation into voter fraud. Media is all-in on this one, in terms of, ‘there is no evidence to substantiate this; it’s ridiculous.’ In other words, if investigation uncovers something, it could turn out to be a poll-shifting event, & one that makes massive amounts of people walk away from mainstream media, sending them in droves to alternative news: the outlets who have been talking about voter fraud as bonafide & absolute fact.
Rewind: Did u read the reports about Detroit precincts? Shortly after they started the recount, local “recount official” was saying the numbers written on the sealed boxes did not match the numbers of ballots. In one case he said box was labeled as having 306 ballots, but there were only 50 in it. He said this was the case over and over again. He said officials from Election Day admitted that they ran ballots through multiple times, “because they didn’t think the machine had counted the vote.” Uhhh… OK. So u ran 50 ballots from 1 box through, SIX TIMES, EACH?! Can u imagine the media had that happened in a precinct that was 80% for Trump? Yeah… this wasn’t reported by mainstream. At all.
Anyways, just a couple days after the recount started, and reports like this were coming out, the judge stopped the recount. Do U also remember that Hillary joined the Jill Stein recount? Curious.
I’m sorry it took me so long to come to my point, but I needed to make a foundation (in case u weren’t aware of these things.) Here is what I think: Obama made that executive order, giving DHS authority to, with impunity, go behind closed doors, & make those boxes of votes “right.” I think they destroyed evidence, & added it as well. I hope the investigation uncovers the fraud that I truly believe took place… burn DHS may have already covered it’s tracks, thanks to Obama’s executive order. Aside from all of this, I’m sure u are aware that somewhere between 5-11 states confirmed that DHS hacked the voting networks on election night. The easiest one to find is Georgia: google ‘Georgia election hack Secretary of State.”
I’m glad I found your blog, & look forward to future articles. All the best, Ryan

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 19 Jan 2017 01:34:32 +0000 @LS

Spoken like a prize twat without any answers. Criticise with information, yes. Else bugger off quietly, please. Yes, do BOW to those that KNOW. You might get somewhere in life.

By: lightseeker1956 Tue, 17 Jan 2017 09:34:06 +0000 Yes, we ‘see’ that you are the authority on all that you decree. You alone know the REAL truth.

The rest of us do not speak with your authority and should need to shut up. Right?

Yes, I ‘see’ your point.

Please continue to enlighten us about the Archons you met and the Draco you know.

Speak with the authority that the rest of us lack. We are waiting.

You wrote an article on a website. We bow down to you!

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 17 Jan 2017 04:08:16 +0000 @LS

If you can’t speak “with authority” it’s best to remain silent.

The Archons (contrary to popular “belief”) are a combination the Pleiadian inheritance and a subsidiary of the “Draco”. They are, lest we forget, the two genetic branches of the Anunaki (not to be confused with Annunaki).

Light workers are easily beguiled by spiritual propaganda. If you consider human politics to be “complex”, always beware we are the spiritual infants of the cosmos.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 17 Jan 2017 03:58:39 +0000 @LS

“Most” is my nemesis. You will never find a “replica” of me….Here’s [my authored] Draco’s view of things and what makes them “tick”:

By: lightseeker1956 Mon, 16 Jan 2017 17:21:15 +0000 You claim to speak with “authority” about the “Draco” and an “Archon invasion”

Really? Saying that they exist and that if one is not aware one should investigate further. That is speaking with authority??? Are you sure I was presenting myself as an authority?

By: lightseeker1956 Mon, 16 Jan 2017 15:03:39 +0000 @ Ozzie Thinker… Glad to ‘see’ that you are engaging yourself and are not afraid to ‘look’ a bit deeper than most. There is a lot of disinformation out there. So how does one determine what information contains a level of truth and what is deliberately misleading humanity? Its a journey of your own conscious growth. You will ultimately begin to develop an inner ‘feeling’ of what ‘works’ for you. You will rise to the level that you are able to digest. Climb the ladder as high as you can. Keep pushing yourself to uncover more of what is hidden. Help others to find their own answers. Never ask for whom the bell tolls.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 16 Jan 2017 09:31:52 +0000 @LS

I like this comment much better. Now you’re getting to “the point”.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 16 Jan 2017 09:29:36 +0000 @lightseeker

Are the “light workers” to be distinguished from “truthers” in any way?

You claim to speak with “authority” about the “Draco” and an “Archon invasion” and talk of “rungs to climb”.

Are you sure you have located the ladder yet? I sometimes wonder whether the “Archons” are not a fancy of other-worldly propaganda. Do these visible “Anunaki” exist at all?

By: Dennis Lee Crane Mon, 16 Jan 2017 06:00:24 +0000 Therefore: what happens will happen before Trump assumes duties.
