Comments on: The op: unelected agents now infiltrating ‘critical infrastructures’ Mon, 16 Jan 2017 04:56:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: flyingcuttlefish Mon, 16 Jan 2017 04:56:24 +0000

By: Michael Burns Thu, 12 Jan 2017 16:12:27 +0000 Yes..thanks for your concern..I really do appreciated it. Thank you.

By: elliottjab Thu, 12 Jan 2017 00:36:03 +0000 Well – sorry Terri – mea culpa – guess am just pithed off… Am sure u are a great ASSet … Continue on…

By: arcadia11 Thu, 12 Jan 2017 00:18:12 +0000 i watch this video every now and then. it always makes me laugh the good laugh.

By: arcadia11 Thu, 12 Jan 2017 00:11:56 +0000 the light seems to come and go lately, michael.
but that’s just a trick. the light cannot go out.

it helps to remember that we were all supposed
to be properly brain-dead by now. but here we
are, talking about it. i am not saying anything
that you do not already know – but if you can
stay in the moment without projecting or going over
and over events, what you are feeling will pass.
it will likely come back again but perhaps pass
more quickly.

we are withstanding and moving
beyond the uncountable ways the inbreds have of
producing trauma and apathy. something happened.
and it cannot unhappen.

can you take a little break?

By: Terri Wed, 11 Jan 2017 22:14:16 +0000 Elliot is obviously a brainless schill, not worth engaging with Michael, as i discovered, but since this is public forum I post for the benefit of all people so no loss of time or effort on my part in the long run. Interesting all these bizarre superficial new people all of a sudden commenting eh?

By: Terri Wed, 11 Jan 2017 22:10:44 +0000 Elliott, your reply makes no sense. You didn’t say anything that i said. You are distraught because you are not capable of understanding ANYTHING whether it means to take action or what it means to be an american citizen or what is realty going on.
My reply obviously wasnt just to you, it was to anyone who is asking what can i do in a sincere manner. and who really wants to know. and will actually follow thru. This number is sadly very small since most like to be pithy and sarcastic like you instead of an asset.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:48:44 +0000 Yes you are right.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:47:36 +0000 Josh..

Very well put; yes I would agree to what you have to said…its seems we do read.

Gloomy pessimist…yes: I thought I was an informed skeptic. Am I that gloomy…Time to look at that?

It is not that the system is…it is how it is built. It is how it is put together. Take all those idiots out of office. And still. Suspicious; designed for a specific type of need, a special type of mind, to rise from within it. And exploit those who care not to think that in that manner. Its debases so easily to the lowest. The design allows and gives way for corruption; and dehumanize, even in its processes to help.

Which strangely enough is part of what it trying to do. But it can’t help being broken; it wounds, and tries to heal.

And these many built-in obsolescences, seeking something other than what is purported. A pain machine, making pain. Granted, take away all that, that is based on the victim, and victimology and a sizable piece of government bureacracies and institutions vanishes.

Have you ever looked at packaging, it’s one of my pet peeves. If when ever I think of self-abuse, I simply think about packaging. lol. Its sole purpose is to heap onto the consumer toxic waste that a corporation wishes not to have to deal with, and so they pass it on cleverly disguised, in an overly designed and overtly manufactured container holding an inferior and disposable product. In the conclusion that it has hidden its sin. It is built in mistrust. Many times I find things built to obviously waste resources. A seventy-five cent can, with a dime label, holding soup worth less than a nickel. They are really metaphors, adding up to poems of the thing.

I have seen bulldozers dig large holes to hold army surplus; never used, burnt or destroyed because new budgets enable new buying. But dare they give it away.

Ninety percent of the vehicles on the road are overbuilt for power, but under built for quality.
There is such tremendous abundance. The resource potential in just collecting waste is unbelievable.

Can good people, come to these positions of power and enable change for the better. Possibly that is the renaissance, of this dark age we leave…I thank you for your kind words Josh.
But I still can’t see the light yet.

By: altresnewstuscany Wed, 11 Jan 2017 12:25:00 +0000 Exactly on point. They’re taking away direct voting rights from the people, as they’re already doing in the EU.
