Comments on: The liberal mind crashes and burns Mon, 06 Nov 2017 08:55:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Charlotte Williams Mon, 06 Nov 2017 08:55:20 +0000 wow very interesting response. it seems that we both have similar political views but this link seems to just be a dead end. did you delete this blog or is this just an old link. i would have liked to see what you had to say on the subject.

By: Anuk Kariyawasam Sun, 02 Apr 2017 07:46:35 +0000 He’s a social democrat, thats way more down the social ladder and he’s the opposite of trump and other authoritarian based politicians. There is hardly much FORCING AT GUNPOINT here. People, when they start off and have troubles can all make use of the welfare system and once they get to a point that they can pay their own they pay higher taxes to help others at the bottom to get up their. Communism deals with FORCED EQUALITY where everyone is on equal grounds. Bernie accepts that the way to solve wealth inequality is to increase tax on the top 1%. and not hoping that the big companies willl just behave and work in the people’s interests. Check out my blog, where i talk a bit about this
Have a nice day!

By: Anuk Kariyawasam Sun, 02 Apr 2017 07:40:38 +0000 Those who endorsed her were NOT real liberals, she stands for none of our values and is a total corporate sellout. i wrote about her on my blog so have a look if you want to see my perspective.

By: John Mon, 27 Feb 2017 04:20:17 +0000 “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.” -William F. Buckley, Jr.-

I just had to add to this to my post because I feel it is appropriate.

By: Zombie Mike Sun, 15 Jan 2017 21:15:59 +0000 Cara, I honor your bravery for telling your story. I am sorry you had to have these experiences but looks to me like they made you strong. My mom told me Hillary is the most honest politician running last Spring. There is an evolution going on and some people are not ready or will do everything in their power to resist evolving. Liberalism is a disease. The Gnostic Theory of Alien Intrusion by the Archons is the closest possible answer I’ve found. Best of luck to you … You are not alone.

By: Terri Sat, 14 Jan 2017 02:25:57 +0000 Sanders is a communist. The changes would not have been good. Communism is unconstitutional for a reason. Our Constitution was written to protect the people not only from criminals in government but from the idiot masses who think “taking” forced by gunpoint is good for anyone.You can not legislate morality nor charity, both must come from the heart. Socialism is totally incompatible with the Supreme law of the land and logic.

Please do some reading and educate yourself about our Republic. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. That is exactly what the collectivists have created.
Watch Peter Schiff talk to people protesting at occupy about capitalism and how they keep insisting someone give them things. He is brilliantly patient with them.

By: Terri Sat, 14 Jan 2017 02:13:01 +0000 These people suffer from a type of hypnosis, all over America they are 86’ing anyone who disagrees with them. Its frightening brainwashing. They are under mind control, even more so than the average human.

By: Terri Sat, 14 Jan 2017 02:09:20 +0000 this is the first in the series, watch the one titled spoiler.

By: Terri Sat, 14 Jan 2017 02:07:33 +0000 Just watched this, and it answers your questions about how and why things have changed and what we are being sold.. What we are witnessing today has been planned for over a hundred years.

By: Terri Sat, 14 Jan 2017 02:03:34 +0000 Well said Jacqueline. You cant create solutions with the same mindset that creates problems.
