I do expand on this sentiment and bring up circumcision favourably in my latest article which was publicised yesterday.
]]>I don’t understand. How convoluted is this scam? Can you elaborate?
Thank you
– Aron
People do point out to me that Muslims don’t insist on male circumcision, but you must remember, in Mohammed’s time, males were cut in reverence of the “prophet” (who was colloquially “Jewish”).
If you look back at Christianity, the most vile, fundamentalist indoctrinators were called “Baptists” and their biggest hang-up was masturbation. I say where you see a wanker, you face a Pharisee.
I have written a lot about the politics of the family and many triggers/catalysts are involved. The most important “stages” though are these. The “terrible twos” is where conflict between what we want and how we are controlled comes into motion. Consequentially we, being thinking beings, quickly learn DECEIT is sure fire way to get what we want. The “terrible teens” is the outcome of the rotten laws that place sexual beings into constrained family environments.
]]>Not in America it doesn’t. Americans capacity to be deceived is infinite.
]]>It has been my experience that guys make great friends, they are not catty and back stabbing, like most women are to each other. Its when you enter into a relationship that things become difficult, due to the fear of intimacy, and no proper male role models on how to have a healthy relationship. Society is purposely being emasculated, thru chemicals, as well as behavior modification.
Both men and women have reasons to be angry at each other, but there is a choice anyone can make, to clear and deal with the issues at the root of the anger and fear, so you can contribute in a healthy manner to society and your own lives.
It is not natural for a father to abandon his family, nor for a mother to do so. The deserting fathers phenomenon is a symptom of the artificial society that is being created. Children deserve to have a loving mother and father and bad vibes between mom and dad damage the child.
Judicial watch has discovered that the Obamas have spent one billions dollars of other peoples money on vacations during their illegitimate stay in the white house. These idiot supporters of his will continue to make excuses so they can pretend they were not wrong about him, to the detriment of the world. The amount of filth, corruption and decay he has brought to the world is beyond words.
]]>Climate change is real…it always has been. It will always change…thats the nature of climate.
But human caused global warmimng is not real. End of the world scenarios are horse shit.It’s a great big pile of computer models and conjecture that you cannot prove with any form of logic frank.
Geo-engineering is real, as it pottents to fix human caused global warming. Without saying so, waiting for a concensus to rise up against it.
Fact is, we are cooling not warming. Quite possibly heading into a maunder minimum, and extended winters.
Fact is CO2 is a trace gas that has no affect on rising temperature. But yet clouds are ignored and are greater greenhouse gas.
Fact is we have a CO2 deficit in the armosphere, and could easily take 800 ppm to 1000 ppm of carbon dioxide.
Fact is contolling CO2, controls energy; who gets it; who does not get. And finally taxing you for breathing and eating and staying warm.
Mumbo jumbo is how real science has been hijacked to purport an untruth. An unprovable lie, an easily contested hypothesize of how the climate works. In order that a few might control many many people. And in the end, stop development in under developed nations.
In the end fearing the very breth that comes out of yours.
I don’t choose to believe this frank, I have looked at a ton of information and have educated myself; the corruption of Al Gore and all the other versions of him that profit from purporting misry and death and fear. Prove me wrong, I look forward to furthering my education.
Start listening at: 300:31
INFOWARS The Alex Jones Show Thursday 12th January 2017 Rebroadcast
He won because the two most populated socialist Provinces (Quebec and Ontario) voted massively for him.. We are stuck just like the Americans with New York and California. States.
I guess we would need an Electoral College in Canada to make it fair.
I’m probably the only one in Quebec who voted for Stephen Harper. I voted for him. because he lowered our taxes, balanced our budget, did not believe in the Global Warming scam, did not signed the gun treaty and did not want this Islamist immigration in our country.
When Trump will re- negotiate NAFTA with Canada, I hope he will teach him a few things to this idiot who is destroying everything in our country.