Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: my interviews on space-time manipulation Sun, 15 Jan 2017 11:33:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: binra Sun, 15 Jan 2017 11:33:30 +0000 I didn’t make clear;
“the behaviours of manipulators and deceivers in our world whom we can either seek to out-manipulate or fight with a sense of moral justification – self righteous hate.”
The above is the fight or flight mode. What I meant to add that transcendence arises from recognition within one’s being of what SEEMED to be outside and besieging or denying your being.
While the SEEMING operates our reality, we reinforce it by our reactions against it.

Finding a NEW point from which to operate – that draws NEW reality reflection, relationship and experience, cannot occur while insisting on resolving in terms of the old. Nor can the old ‘let go’ or work on the old.

But the saying “let the dead bury the dead” is – at least to me – an expression of waking within – and a joining of the Living – which is not dependent on reaction or contrast with the ‘dead concept’ to be and share and know Life.

By: binra Sat, 14 Jan 2017 22:10:41 +0000 If the idea of mind-control is explicated as the coercion or attack of ‘Others’ you ‘understand it immediately’ – but I am pointing to the seed thoughts WITHIN us that express and reflect in such experience.

Mind-control’s first base is to assert what you do to yourself as IF done by the Other – and then ACT as if that is true. They will soon reflect behaviours that ‘justify’ and reinforce your assertion.

But that first base of a false foundation is very deeply hidden by the consciousness of the personality construct that is generated from it or upon it – and yet is in open sight as the behaviours of manipulators and deceivers in our world whom we can either seek to out-manipulate or fight with a sense of moral justification – self righteous hate.

Killing or attempting to kill what we HATE and REJECT and DENY in ourself is the split of unconscious denials which are then met in reflection – because nothing is got rid of by such means but only hidden and escaped by dissociation or splitting off from.

This does not mean that your or my personality structure or masking strategy, is ‘guilty’ for the world or the evil in it – but that we have hidden correspondence of hate, fear and denial that operates us unknowing to our surface ‘evasion’ and this is mirrored now in the revealing of the deceit and the breakdown of the mask as a substitution for truth.

When brought into the Sunshine – things that grow from darkness and deceit are deprived of sustenance – but in blame and hate – they are protected and kept in the dark – even while seemingly being ‘exposed’.

By: Sunshine Sat, 14 Jan 2017 19:16:09 +0000 Thanks binra. I feel frustration when I read your communications as I am not able to understand them.

By: binra Sat, 14 Jan 2017 15:50:38 +0000 Perhaps what I am calling mind-control is what you accept as ‘my mind’. No communication is possible to a defence erected against it. Or to put it another way – it wont run on that operating system. If you take one phrase or sentence and feel, there are meanings that are consciously felt – and not merely place-holders or derivative concepts from an imaginative disconnect.
The only reason for you or anyone to feel into what I write is a resonance or synchronicity of recognition. If you have a basis for responding at all – as you have – then you are feeling something. So I respond as if you are in some way present and not merely dissociated in whatever thinking tells you – or runs in your name.

By: Sunshine Fri, 13 Jan 2017 23:46:36 +0000 My mind is lost in the maze of the words you wrote, binra.

By: binra Fri, 13 Jan 2017 10:03:55 +0000 Mind as ‘control’ is the nature of a segregative separating conceit (construct) of a separate mind acting upon Creation. It symbolizes its power of limitation and separation as the body – as the form acted upon and the separations asserted between mind and other minds – seen in other forms.
Acting upon and therefore subjected to – with a distorted dream of love and power turned to nightmare – yet persisted in, protected and defended against Mind – as the identifiction within the illusion created by the idea of attack – that works against the nature of true communication – by which space is used to separate from and time to persist in the illusion you have done so.

Mind as Itself is non-local and local at once. Mind is at Once – or Always. The extension of Idea of unfolding focus of exploration and experience never LEAVES Mind and Mind never ‘controls’ its thought from ‘without’. Everything resonates true to its Cause – without force of opposition or inertia.

The idea of attack held in focus operates a lens of projected opposition through which a polarised, exclusive, self-limiting Idea is experienced AS a split mind in evasion of its own cause and denial of its true Cause. The focus in conflict and overcoming or escaping conflict is the set of mind as ‘control’. Its foundation is the denied hate that reflects back as justification of defence that attacks first.

True control is aligned and unified purpose. A mind at war with itself is its own enemy and attracts these reflections at every turn.
Therefore the reflection of conflict symptoms is the alert to the underlying dissonance of thought, word and deed that indicates un-owned, denied or rejected self. The exclusive focus in the symptom and attempts to eradicate or suppress it – guarantees the protection of the underlying dissonance from reintegrative healing. All power being given to external agencies as the set of the mind in judgement.

Introducing distance to separate operates a distortion of focus that renders being as space, and processes to be undergone or achieved before dealing with the inevitable (or inherent and inescapable) NEED – operates a distortion of timelessness.

Releasing the mind-control restores awareness of Mind – which is in no way separate from Creation in any moment or lacking wholeness in any instance. But one needs no understanding of how, to appreciate joy or wholeness of being – and attempting to ‘control’ joy with ‘understanding’ will ‘kill it’ – and the attack-cycle re-enacts and reinforces the conditioned mind.

In our experiential and energetic relationship within being – we meet the result of our investments. But the freedom as to what we accept and focus in is our direct appreciation as Mind – and not mind set in ‘control’. Not because it is sinful and denied or rejected – but because persistence in mis-identifiction denies and rejects awareness along belief it ‘already knows’ and has no call to listen aNew.
