Comments on: The big one: how environmental killing becomes a medical disease Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:52:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: arcadia11 Sat, 25 Feb 2017 00:03:59 +0000 it takes courage because one must be willing to become that which it tortures or supports the torture of.
i am so grateful for those who possess and act on that courage. thanks for being one of them –
way more than i can express in words.


By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 29 Jan 2017 09:24:44 +0000 I’m sorry to say but SHE STARTED IT with the open ended statement:

“Vaccines cause cancer”. I still insist then don’t cause cancer, but can trigger responses in the body. So, no, I won’t “give it a rest”.

By: Sue Sat, 28 Jan 2017 22:19:54 +0000 Vaccines are Carcinogens: Avoid them at all Costs

By: Figglesworth Sat, 28 Jan 2017 07:54:35 +0000 Give her a break Ozzie.

There was this one compound in vaccines implicated in cancer. I forgot what it is.

If you accept the concept of the carcinogen, then you must accept the possibility of a carcinogen in some vaccines.

This is not to say that all vaccines are carcinogenic. I just don’t think it’s fair to dismiss the idea with the amount of prejudice you are displaying.

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 26 Jan 2017 02:15:26 +0000 I see what’s going on here. When “generalities” don’t work, then any “label” will do. Ever heard of term “guilt by association” Sue? If you haven’t. Look it up. You LIVE IT. Hey, get into politics. You don’t even need “facts” to succeed there.

I chose “Lies, damned lies and statistics”, because if you take a wide enough survey you can “prove” just about anything. I have never mentioned Starfield, for instance, in any of my articles. What she says is undeniably relevant, but HOW relevant?

You go and skew the facts to twist your miserable little crusade, Sue. I’ll stick to logic. In isolation vaccines don’t CAUSE cancer nor ever will do. They, in combination with a number of factors, can trigger a reaction in cellular DNA/RNA leading to cancer. Semantics are everything in an honest world.

I am very impressed by the work of late Otto Warburg. I believe he’s onto something. So with cancer there are 3 concentric cause/affect cycles. Underlying is carbon pollution (organic or otherwise), innumerable catalysts/triggers can affect a cycle which can only be brought into being in the correct body environment.

Then there’s the mind….powerful indeed when you understand it (which “science” doesn’t remotely).

By: Laura Thu, 26 Jan 2017 00:33:46 +0000 “But, bacon!” Those with feces saturated brains will pipe up with. Great article. I’m vegan so no one can blame the manure lagoons on us. Additionally, during the swine flu “epidemic” healthcare workers largely rejected the swine flu vaccine for themselves…about 88% of them, so apparently they were in on the scam along with their bosses, since most of them still pushed the vaccine on patients. But then their bosses cracked down on them and much more often stopped giving them the choice to opt out of vaccines. What an insane asylum this world is.

By: Sue Wed, 25 Jan 2017 03:33:01 +0000 Well, you continue to prove me correct in my assessment (and, by the way, who charged out the gate with the colorful insults, right off the bat, in response to to a simple one line sentence? Oh, that would be you).

You’ve stated a great many assumptions about me, and Jon, for someone who is allegedly a “researcher and profound thinker.” And your self-description certainly does illustrate that you are a legend in your own mind.

No, I have studied vaccines for many years (35, to be exact) before there was an Internet, and wrote some articles, and then a book, on the subject, which was published in 1993. Also, I have learned which “doctors” and which “scientists” are believable, based on what they say and who/what they represent. I know Jon from when we were both invited to speak at an event, about 23 years ago.

I’ll give you some information, and then I am finished. You are particularly aggressive, angry, and hateful, so I’ll let you carry on to your heart’s content once I post, and then let others draw their own conclusions.

1909 New York Press, January 26,1909 publishes a report by W.B. Clark which states, “cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.”

Dr. Supperrat, Chief doctor at St. Louis Hospital said, concerning the anti-diphtheria and anti-smallpox vaccine: “It produces an explosion of leukemia.”

“It is necessary only to read on the dials of a physical measuring apparatus the ratings of the 3 characteristics of the blood. The pH, the rH2, and the electric resistance. The Findings are that all vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukemia. Vaccines do predispose to cancer and leukemia.” – Prof. L.C. Vincent, founder of Bioelectronics

“The third case was a 5-year-old boy with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, whom I happened to see in August of 1978, while visiting an old friend and mentor, a family physician with over 40 years’ experience. Well out of earshot of the boy and his parents, he told me that the leukemia had first appeared following a DPT vaccination, that he had treated the child successfully with natural remedies on two previous occasions, when the blood picture improved dramatically, and the liver and spleen shrank down to almost normal size, but that full relapse had occurred soon after each DPT booster.” Richard Moskowitz, M.D.

“Without going into technical detail on this subject it is, nevertheless, important to show the relationship of the lymphatic glands to vaccinal cancer. The lymph vessels form a fine network that interpenetrates the connective tissue and covers the entire body. The continuity of these lymph vessels “is interrupted by interposed nodular aggregations of lymph tissue which are known as lymph glands.” (Textbook of Anatomy — Cunningham) One of the functions of the lymph glands is to filter the poisons from circulation before they reach the cells. When an excess of poison is generated in the body or is introduced from the outside as in vaccination, the lymph glands become enlarged in an effort to collect and hold in abeyance, the accumulation of poison. A protective coating of tissue is formed around the gland to protect the body from collected poisons. It is this wonderful defense mechanism that the body provides against the ignorance and willfulness of the individual, that the doctors attack as an enemy. They call it a wild growth of tissue — a cancer or tumor.” E. McBean PhD, ND, introducing the following information from J. Morrison, MD:

Dr. J. Morrison, former Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology in the Medical Department of the National University at Washington, D. C., formerly a member of the Medical Council and Examiner in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, (Ontaria, Canada):

“Cancer can only attack the organs and tissues moderately or abundantly supplied by the lymphatic circulation . . . Therefore, cancer is a disease of the lymphatic system “per Se” in the same sense that tuberculosis is regarded as a disease of the lungs or respiratory system.”
Two well-known causes of this fatal malady are, (1) nicotine (tobacco) poisoning and (2) vaccination, which is certainly the most prolific cause of both external and internal cancer. . . Vaccine virus poisons the lymphatic system, impairs its function and lays the foundation for internal cancer, for which there has hitherto been no (successful medical) treatment or relief.”

Vaccine Injection site cancers:
Castrow and Williams, “Basal-Cell Epithelioma Occurring in a Smallpox Vaccination Scar”, J Derm Surg, 2:2, May 1976, p 15-19

Dorsey, et al, “Skin Cancer in Smallpox Vaccination Scars”, Ca Med, Vol 92, No 5, May 1960, p 353-354.
Goncalves, J C A, “Malignant Change in Smallpox Vaccination Scars”, Arch Derm, Vol 93, Feb 1966, p 229- 230.

Hazelrigg, DE, “Basal Cell Epithelioma in a Vaccination Scar”, Int J Derm, Nov 1978, 17(9): 723-725.
Marmelzat, et al, “Malignant Melanomas in Smallpox Vaccination Scars”, Arch Derm, Vol 89, June 1964, p 823- 826.
Marmelzat, WL, “Malignant Tumors in Smallpox Vaccination Scars: A Report of 24 Cases”, Arch Derm (Chic), Apr 1968, 97:400-406.
Morman, R, et al, “Dermatofibroscaroma Protuberans Arising in a Site of Multiple Immunizations”, Arch Derm, Vol 115, Dec 1979, p 1453.

Lokich, J J, “Malignant Melanoma Arising de novo Within a BCG Scarification Site”, Lancet, Feb 8, 1975, 1 (7902):331-332.

Cancer is just a tiny tip of the iceberg.

And, by the way, the words “trigger” and “cause” are synonyms in a thesaurus. But I’ll bet you are smarter than those folks, too.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 24 Jan 2017 23:31:10 +0000 Oh boy, and what about those scientists and physicians that call vaccines “safe”?

Your case is crumbling as you, well I was going to say “think”, but that’s beyond you.

It might escaped your attention, but I am a writer, journalist, researcher and profound thinker. I guess I invest 30-80 hours a week, every week into some form of academic research. I say that DOES give me the right to speak out. Call me arrogant, maybe, but are you any different, Sue?

Yes, you don’t research far and wide. You look and listen to your goggle box, but then a family member falls victim to their bullshit and, miraculously, you turn to Jon Rappoport, as if guided by the spirit world.

He then becomes your source of “palatable bullshit” by rote, whether he tells the truth or not. The “Jesus” factor. People like you, Sue, have turned this world into the trash can it is. You factionalise ignorance.

On to causes. Give me an explanation of how vaccines “caused” cancer. What’s your BASIS? Given the mass inoculations began in the mid to late 19th century, why do cancer statistical spikes follow the widespread production and use of petro-chemical products, beginning from 1905 (introductions of the automobile)?

I am not going to reproduce entire articles I’ve written on the sublet in the comments section here, but I suggest if you rise can rise above “name calling” and bragging posthumous “credentials”, others may well be conned into thinking you can feign intelligence.

By: Sue Tue, 24 Jan 2017 19:46:38 +0000 My, my, your arrogance precedes you. It is obvious that you consider yourself the supreme authority on this (and probably most, if not all, other) subjects(s), but there are quite a few physicians and scientists who do have expressed interpretations which differ from yours. Oh, I know, you don’t have to say it. They are all inferior to you, too.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 24 Jan 2017 09:38:11 +0000 Spoken with supreme pignorance, Sue. You bake bread with play dough?

Here’s an analogy (that you won’t understand). There are many causes that create the goldfinch bird, but, ultimately, one mechanism.

I think you mistake “causes” with TYPES, but how “vaccinations” made your itinerary, God only knows. Vaccines can and will TRIGGER certain cancers and a whole raft of other things will do that too, but there is but ONE CAUSE of cancers as there is but ONE MECHANISM that creates the goldfinch bird.
