Comments on: One takeaway from Trump’s inauguration speech: gangs Tue, 24 Jan 2017 17:29:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: JP JP Tue, 24 Jan 2017 17:29:55 +0000 Vernon: Now , he’s your president and live with it, just like most of us whom we didn’t vote for Obama 8 years ago and we had to live with its desastreous foreign policies, especially what he did with Libya,Syria, being behind the Daesh/ISIS, killing thousand upon thousand innocents(men, women and childreen) with drones, creating a new cold war with Russia. IS IT WHAT YOU CALL AN INTELLLIGENT and FAIRPLAY EX-PRESIDENT? This guy has never been transparent to the people and HE was a CIA operative. Obama put the USA in a worst position than Bush in every which way he could on Foreign Policy, War agenda, US debts, to name a few. Trump does not belong to Wall Street/military industrial complex/Neocons/CIA criminals and the shadow government who bought and paid a big chunk of the US senators. Trump is not a moll of the MSM brainwashed non-sense rethoric just like you are Vernon !

By: Blackeyes Mon, 23 Jan 2017 17:44:14 +0000 IMO that is the right classification.
So back to the source then.
Our mutual friend Mr. George Soros.

By: BreakawayConsciousness Mon, 23 Jan 2017 16:00:51 +0000 You’re welcome. Yeah, usually end up listening to these on Friday evening after they’re released and am kind of organizing around the house and such. These podcasts are always interesting and have vital information to know one way or another.

By: N SUBRAMANIAN Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:06:00 +0000 India has a proverb which is translated as “You would appreciate the value of shade only if you had stood in the heat of Sunshine”.
If Americans went by this proverb, they would :end up,thanking Obama (and Hillary Clinton, too, as threat of what was to come after Obama) for making them realise their need for Trump.

By: N SUBRAMANIAN Mon, 23 Jan 2017 10:47:27 +0000 Why did we not hear a frank Inaugural speech earlier which admiited that the system is rotten?
The answer is : we live in a Politically Correct world.
The Insane are no longer insane. They are only “challenged” mentally. The implication is that like children in a Classroom who suffer Attention Deficient Syndrome, the Mentally “Challenged”s are to compete and prove their worth.
The rationale for developing Politically Correct word is bizzare – by calling the insane insane, you make him or her self-conscious which gives him or her an Inferiority Complex which then draws attention or even pity of Society which he ir she will resent.
There is no word yet in the Politically Correct world for “mothers and children trapped by Gangs” and they could not therefore be mentioned in an Inaugural Speech.
Trump pinched the hit, he came on to the Podium where he did not belong and having spent his life in the world of Business where nothing succedes like talking plain, blunt words, he spoke the unvarnished Word. “Gangs”, Carnage”.
He shocked the queasy Politically Correct World so much that The Guardian complained that Trump dampened the day by speaking of “carnage”.
That made him sound like the Revolutionary with the Bomb. That is how the Marchers want Americans to see him.

By: From Quebec Mon, 23 Jan 2017 08:06:47 +0000 Thank you for the link. Very interesting. I ended up listening to the whole video.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 23 Jan 2017 02:50:25 +0000 My goodness, Jon, the shills are out in droves today, eh?

BLM was established after a Jew (unbelievable, I know!) got away with murder of a black man in 2012.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 23 Jan 2017 02:44:15 +0000 When you have nothing to say about someone, you are forced to rely on “generalities”, “gossip” and/or “wilful” slander to get your point across.

Did you have a point, Vernon?

You need evidence – detailed and lot of it to make headway in a place that thrives on intelligence. Jon Rappoport’s forum is such a place. And you calling Obama “intelligent”; are you sure you know what the word means?

Back to your sandbox, son..

By: Jim and Linda Mon, 23 Jan 2017 00:58:14 +0000 I just finished reading the below takeaway of Mr. Trump’s inauguration speech.

I just want to Thank you for bringing this forward – clearly & concisely. I just had finished reading a book on crime in the inner cities. And yes, what Mothers & Children are forced to endure. How they need help.

Also a book – Seduced written by Opal Singleton brings to our attention the terribleness of gangs, drugs, & the havoc it is bringing upon our children here in North America. You can go to her site at

Also how he mentioned about ALL the dollars pushed at our Education system, but to NO avail. This new Common Core curriculum having been in the U.S. & now being introduced in Canada, is terrible.

Thank you for doing the good work & speaking up on such issues.

L. Kirby.

By: John Folger Sun, 22 Jan 2017 22:14:31 +0000 witch obama showed on the plane berry or mickel
