Comments on: Judge’s order to block Trump’s immigration travel ban is ridiculous Wed, 08 Feb 2017 22:07:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: JamesWill Wed, 08 Feb 2017 22:07:00 +0000 Hogwash! The only part you got right was stupid judge. According to the judge he can over rule the president anytime he wants to. If we’re at war with North Korea, he would think he could allow them in too. His reasoning is off the wall and there isn’t one shred of law to back it up anywhere on earth, except maybe North Korea.

By: Joy Tue, 07 Feb 2017 22:15:40 +0000 Yes, Greg, this is another blatant example of all the things that have been concealed in darkness are suddenly being revealed, much to the chagrin and horror of those who have been slithering around in the dark, padding their bank accounts and delusional sense of self-importance, all based on falsehood! It will blow over, but they will be ever more unable to deny that we are on to them!!

By: greg weldon Tue, 07 Feb 2017 13:01:49 +0000 In light of the statute of 1776 does anyone really buy into the notion that the founding generation, who fought and died for the principles of life, liberty, and property, would assent to a document designed to protect those God given rights if they had known that one person, with the stroke of a pen could abrogate those rights? Under martial law he can. Note the fringed flag in our court rooms. That’s prime-fascia evidence that you are in a court of Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction. A court with military jurisdiction under Article 1.

By: name Tue, 07 Feb 2017 08:08:46 +0000 wait a minute, what kind of standing minnesota has in washington state to begin with? then, what kind of standing state has demanding issuance of visas?

By: Greg C. Tue, 07 Feb 2017 04:53:46 +0000 Perhaps, but this whole thing will blow over within a couple of weeks, just as the Electoral College scare and the recount scare that had everyone nervous. If this is the best they can muster, than we should feel very confident. All they have is fear and intimidation, but no substance to fight him with. If it goes to the Supreme Court, I predict an 8-0 vote to throw out the restraining order, and some kind of judgment that will prevent any other court from doing it again.

By: arcadia11 Tue, 07 Feb 2017 01:47:11 +0000 how could it be otherwise?

By: Joy Tue, 07 Feb 2017 00:00:39 +0000 I have seen evidence over the years that points to a very good argument that our federal courts are actually under maritime law jurisdiction, and not regular federal jurisdiction. This is one of those slippery areas, where evidence “disappears” and anyone making the argument is considered a “conspiracy theorist.” But then, we know what this means. This is an area much in need of strong, reliable, credible investigation, because at all levels, judicial transparency and accountability is disappearing, if not gone entirely, with no one to hold their feet to the fire. And when judges begin to think and act that they are the supreme purveyors of the law of the land, then we are in extreme trouble! Perhaps it is good this has happened so quickly in Trump’s experience as President of the United States, for he is turning his white-hot attention and ire precisely in their direction!

By: johnbarleycorn12 Mon, 06 Feb 2017 21:43:07 +0000 Trump would be wise to purge the Obama appointed judges just like Clinton did when he came in.

By: Theodore Mon, 06 Feb 2017 20:45:52 +0000 Please define “Trump’s policies are fascist.”

My high-level take is that Hitler’s fascist Germany was the first major Technocracy.

My high-level take is that the Chinese Communist Party — at least since 1970 — was/is the 2nd major Technocracy.

My high-level take is that the European Union — at least since 1999 — is the 3nd major Technocracy.

The United State is a special nut, but a nascent Technocracy has existed in the US since at least 1973.

By: CPP Mon, 06 Feb 2017 20:34:44 +0000 For those of you who think this is Trump’s ban, or that it’s meant to protect the USA from terrorism:

Trump’s “Migrant Policy” Exposes Continuity of Agenda: (Tony Cartalucci)

Some excerpts:

“Bloomberg and other allegedly “liberal” media platforms have attempted to link President Trump’s policies to his own business interests, deflecting public attention away from the fact that the seven nations targeted by the new executive order are precisely the same nations targeted since the 1990’s by Wall Street and Washington special interests.”

“In reality, the nations spared from President Trump’s executive order are those nations the United States has partnered with for decades, including premier state-sponsors of terrorism.”

“It is no coincidence that so many years later, and transcending both President Obama and now President Trump’s administrations, the same seven nations are still being targeted, while the admitted global centers of terrorism – Riyadh and Doha – remain protected – even nurtured, heavily armed, and defended – by the United States and its European allies.”

“What is unfolding is decades-long continuity of agenda – simply dressed up in the latest and presumed-to-be most effective partisan narrative Wall Street and Washington can script – one in which President Trump is pursuing “racist” and “discriminatory” migrant policies while hypocritically defending his own personal business interests.”

“Hatred or support for President Trump and his crass rhetoric blinds both sides from the fact that all President Trump is doing, is precisely what President Obama, President Bush, President Clinton, and President Bush Sr. did before him – exactly what US corporate-financier special interests desire – nothing more and nothing less.”
